Why girls like Ah Beng


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Senior Member
May 26, 2005
Do u notice many pretty girls or any girls like Ah Beng type of guy(i mean fei chai)
What make them so special attract so many girls
When they talk 10 words,9 words is bad mouth all the "tiu" and "ma"
Dunno english,like to speak cantonese or hokkien
Don't like to have steady job.
Only have 1 pros from them free and easy(no need to work can go anywhere,anytime) have a mod car(modify their car and their sound system in the car).
Anyone here is Ah Beng don't get me wrong.I just wanna know what make u so attactive.
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fei chai? there is 2 ways of expression bro...fei chai - fat s*hai, fei chai - flying s*hai...which one u are referring to bro? :biggrin:
I am junior member,i dunno this tread come out before.I mean samseng type of guy.Gold hair and load of bad mouth
no offence, no need to apologise also.

Ar damn, just when I thought you meant fei chai as in fat fuck. Too bad, at least I can still dream about pretty girls falling over me.
ky69 said:
Do u notice many pretty girls or any girls like Ah Beng type of guy(i mean fei chai)
What make them so special attract so many girls
When they talk 10 words,9 words is bad mouth all the "tiu" and "ma"
Dunno english,like to speak cantonese or hokkien
Don't like to have steady job.
Only have 1 pros from them free and easy have a mod car.
Anyone here is Ah Beng don't get me wrong.I just wanna know what make u so attactive.

Erm sorry dude but i don't get it about them free and easy have a mod car??
U jealous about Ah Beng?Most of them are my good customer.they like to mod car and they pay me well:rock:
justin_vspec said:
Erm sorry dude but i don't get it about them free and easy have a mod car??
i mean they nothing to do everyday can go anywhere they like
have a mod car,have big exhaust and sound system
im a ahbeng.....fat a bit

i am ahbeng coz my face look like ahbeng oledi..... + wear a bit lousy i can become vvery ahbeng oledi
i guess gals find ah bengs more interesting mah... especially those gals that likes to have fun, go out drink, go movies, go disco, go pub, got ricer car with rm10k ICE to show off, got money to spend (well not all ah beng i've seen has all of them together lar.. if got they are damn rich ah bengs liau).

where got gals like to hang around with nerdy ppl (like me) who is not really interesting at all. unless you found one who like you very much and dun care you boring or anything lar....
first of all.. wad's ur definition of AHBENG?? having a modded car means ahbeng?? having f*cking loud exhaust means ahbeng? or the stupid sound system which can only come out bass??? so i think i'm abit ahbeng but i don hav any sound system lor.. my car exhaust so loud.. haha.. but no gals like me le~~~ how come le?? *btw gold hair means ahbeng too right???
ky69 said:
i mean they nothing to do everyday can go anywhere they like
have a mod car,have big exhaust and sound system

Haha wah like that i guess i'm an ah beng already lah..Cause almost everday i hang out at the mamak with my friends..I also have a modded car (I bet most of us here does right??) I also have a sound system..The only thing I don't have is a big exhaust..Hahaha :rock:
Firstly.... before anyone would actually answer or reply in here, let's first ask....

how does one define "ah beng"?
What are the pre-requisites in order for one to be classified as "ah beng"

After that, then only start to reply. hahahaha
:D "ah beng" too hard to be defined liau.. so subjective... some dun even have car also can be said as ah beng...

sometime ppl get mixed up and confused with ah beng car that more or less means ricer car, but sometime the driver not ah beng at all, maybe he just wan enter car show contest...

phua chu beng also "ah beng" :D

when see one ah beng you know at once he's an ah beng, but when ask to describe whats ah beng then most ppl might have problem already.. :D

now i dun dare define what "ah beng" really is liau..
ky69 said:
Do u notice many pretty girls or any girls like Ah Beng type of guy(i mean fei chai)
What make them so special attract so many girls
When they talk 10 words,9 words is bad mouth all the "tiu" and "ma"
Dunno english,like to speak cantonese or hokkien
Don't like to have steady job.
Only have 1 pros from them free and easy(no need to work can go anywhere,anytime) have a mod car(modify their car and their sound system in the car).
Anyone here is Ah Beng don't get me wrong.I just wanna know what make u so attactive.
tat not like ah beng la..more into lala zai...
ah beng is people who like to follow other people taste or have very bad taste..they just not mature in brain/thinking.
i m wondering izzit because ......they re ah beng lo!

u try to be ah beng...then....wait for pretty girls to come for u la!!

i wanna be that sort of beng too .......waiting pretty girls come to me!!

wat is tis topic is all abt?
insulting ah beng?ah lian?ehh..

wells,try to ask back urself..
hv u all been..throught ah beng pass period..when u was young that time..

i admit that..everyone hv the exp before..

if were so..u musnt say that..
wat is ur defination..??
because u envy or something on those ah beng type..u doesnt own have?
or maybe he having a pretty chick..u jelous abt him?
wells..me myself driving a wiralution..doesnt mean that i am Ahbeng??
and that person who drive luxury car..that he is not??
it is such an unlogical and ridiculous question..

sorry..not offend to anyone here..
i am just saying that wat i am thinking right now..

but in the end the conclusion is..Time and exp will change them..alas..
:rock: :rock: :rock:
kokanChai said:
wat is tis topic is all abt?
insulting ah beng?ah lian?ehh..

wells,try to ask back urself..
hv u all been..throught ah beng pass period..when u was young that time..

i admit that..everyone hv the exp before..

if were so..u musnt say that..
wat is ur defination..??
because u envy or something on those ah beng type..u doesnt own have?
or maybe he having a pretty chick..u jelous abt him?
wells..me myself driving a wiralution..doesnt mean that i am Ahbeng??
and that person who drive luxury car..that he is not??
it is such an unlogical and ridiculous question..

sorry..not offend to anyone here..
i am just saying that wat i am thinking right now..

but in the end the conclusion is..Time and exp will change them..alas..
:rock: :rock: :rock:

kokan chai i jz wanna know

do you dress like ah beng?or ur attitude like ah beng?
TypicalGuy said:
kokan chai i jz wanna know

do you dress like ah beng?or ur attitude like ah beng?

i m wonderin how come u have sooo much interest at AH Beng ler???

R u ah beng? What is Ah Beng? Driving wiralution is Ah Beng? or young guy driving luxury car is Ah Beng???

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