What will happen to 'modders' if the petrol increase to RM3 / litre?


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Sep 23, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
Hi! there... To all the modders outside there, this thread are not create to make a rumours that our petrol price hike again but to share an opinion about our 'future' in motorsport and modding job of our car.. For me at this moment I have to postpone my project to do the upgrading because Im afaraid I will out of budget for next year if the price of petrol hike again. And I also heard about the non profit association call PROTES. Any info about this group to share? Write down your opinion here. For me RM1.92 is already headache for a people who have a desease 'heavy right foot symptom'...
soon, most car will have 13" rim instead of 17" and above and there will be more kancil, kelisa on the road...:)
I've been driving my wife's kancil for the past couple of weeks adi.

My Wira's been ildling in the driveway collecting dust.

The petrol at RM1.92 is already burning a hole in my pocket. :(

Imagine Wira half tank is 20 litres. (full tank is about 40~42 litres)

And 20 litres now cost RM38.40 (i get about 150++km per 20 litre)

Therefore, have decided to sell off my Wira very soon. Can't stand the fuel prices.

I guess if price do go up to RM3.00/L, will see much less hi-performance engine modded cars on the road.

i dont know. here we are complaining about petrol prices & here today I saw a businessman (whose office very near mine) shuttle out from the car park in his new yellow lamborghini gallardo.

and to think of it his one of his "company" was under receivership a while back.

sigh. a pedal down in gallardo will probably burn RM10 petrol in an instance.
petrol reach RM3 also got lots of beemers , modder cars out there....have u all heard that the rich will always be richer and the poor will be poorer...

RM3 to them is nothing...
RM3 to erm is 3 cents. & i'm serious.

need to work ass off it seems. but most likely we will see lots of serious social problems as the poor cannot live with these inflations nor middle incomed earners will now reach poverty.

I will most likely drive in eco level speed. (under 60kmh ~ if level persist to RM3 per litre).

mods?? will be museum pieces lo.
invest on another second hand kancil for daily use.
weekend have some boost with the monster?
modders will complaint,resort to conning people,stealing etc2...and then vote paklah again....same shit.
if the petrol increase to RM3 / litre...
- move yr office in yr house or find new job near by.
- ask yr boss increase salary.
- go find extra income at night,..."jual pisang goreng" etc.
- no more TT
- holiday or sunday stay at home, no more cuti-cuti malaysia"
- 17" tayar change back to 13" or 14"
- and...hmmmm

RM1.62-->RM1.92--->RM?? (another 6 months we will know!!)
rm 1.92 hyper headache.....full tank on my waja sometimes can cost rm100!!!!! thts like driving a bmw or volvo 2years back....damn

for modders..i guess.....all will mod their car more fuel efficient..the most efficient wins!!!ahah.....

government said they will slowly take the subsidy away and use those subsidy money for good use...as they said..they will upgrade public transportation.....well..i doesnt c any different yet.....and i c kl busses very unefficient.....is dusty..dirty...crowdy and not punchual..thts y no1 take public transport in m'sia..hope they do upgrade...like our neighbour singapore...their public transport is so efficient...and taxi oso...good..doesnt overcharge ppl....well malaysia is just opposite.....

"mereka" cakap this year wont raise fuel prices any more.....i guess thts Bullsh!t...they find some reason and raise it up....
Well, IMO... nothing will change. People will still mod and continue to buy big CC cars.

Same goes to ciggie, price increase but number of smokers also increase! See? No diff! Unless of course, they increase to RM 50 per pack.
eujin said:
rm 1.92 hyper headache.....full tank on my waja sometimes can cost rm100!!!!! thts like driving a bmw or volvo 2years back....damn

for modders..i guess.....all will mod their car more fuel efficient..the most efficient wins!!!ahah.....

government said they will slowly take the subsidy away and use those subsidy money for good use...as they said..they will upgrade public transportation.....well..i doesnt c any different yet.....and i c kl busses very unefficient.....is dusty..dirty...crowdy and not punchual..thts y no1 take public transport in m'sia..hope they do upgrade...like our neighbour singapore...their public transport is so efficient...and taxi oso...good..doesnt overcharge ppl....well malaysia is just opposite.....

"mereka" cakap this year wont raise fuel prices any more.....i guess thts Bullsh!t...they find some reason and raise it up....

hey...they did something with that money la...they improve public transport by giving the contract of refurbishing all busses bodies to a company called scomi..led by kamaluddin abdullah...pak lah's son...heheheheh...do some research...

it's just like taking money from the public,and giving it to his son...so much for the clean pm..:baring_teeth:
like our neighbour singapore...their public transport is so efficient...and taxi oso...good..doesnt overcharge ppl....well malaysia is just opposite.....

maybe you just lucky never meet any jackass taxi driver, happen to my grandpa years ago, and happen to my mom few weeks ago in singapore.

as for the fuel price, get a work in a company that pay your petrol bill, or just cycle to work. i rather cycle than car pool, cuz car pool you'll be restricted alot of stuff, unless you and your co-worker live next door or something, and is in the same project group which you'd spend most time together anyway.

as for car moding? i think it will never end, even if petroleum ran out people will think of other things to modify their car. 13" wheel might be abit too small lar, some can't even fit if you got big brakes. just prey they make F1 brakes as affordable as our normal brakes and can be used on daily driving.
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