wat u think - buy a stock EJ then convert, or buy modded EJ/EK + B16A (M) siap2 trus

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Senior Member
Apr 6, 2005
just to ask u guys
a B16A (M) EK JDM halfcut..how much wud it cost eh
im considerin either one of these options:

1) buy a standard ej7 or ej8 ngn non vtec enjin, at lil bit less than 40k, n then go find a b16a m ek hafcut skali ngn gearbox, p pasang at kedai; or

2) buy a standard ej7 or ej8 ngn B16A (A), then go find conversion A - M kit, pasang; or

3) buy an oredi siap modded EJ wit a B16A (M) oredi plonked inside

wich wud b better eh?
tapi if i go for option 3..itd cost ~55k kan..so skang i ave to wait another 8 months to kumpul the downpaymen huwa~
tq 4 ur guidances :)

- J f D -

500 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 10, 2004
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I would go for option 3. Provided the car is in good condition la. Then i would just improve on the car which has been already modded.

Its up to u though, do u want to go step by step? learn along the way. It takes time and money to convert and all. The satisfaction is guranteed also.


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Apr 28, 2005
option 1
get to know ur car behaviour step by step..


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May 11, 2005
bdr baru sentul
ohhh.... not the 2nd option la bro... i'm stuck wit my oto tranny now
2 much commitments la 2 convert... money's 1 thing, & 2 get the
stuff needed 4 the oto- manual conversion leceh la.... 2 get it done
properly oso 1 thing... & considering ppl like me with that 'i wanna
know/get involve with everything' attitude doesnt help either...
unless if u got the car at ridiculously cheap price then maybe
worth the effort... mcm aku la, beli keta murah time nak convert giabok je


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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2005
Petaling Jaya
Option 1 - Build your own machine from the scratch, run up and down look here and there and mod the car of course i takes time but u build it, you will know what you have in it, like me bought a EK3, 1 year ago only did bodypart conversion. Engine part havent yet. Its up to you end of the day whether u are willing to spen the time or not!! as simple as that, You build your machine u will appreciate it, you wont know how others had treated their car unless it your friend or something.

Some of my thoughts, cheer man

- J f D -

500 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 10, 2004
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Yeah as bro rapinsoul said, satisfaction wise... option1 will give u the most. All your hardwork and money. Labour of love la.


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 18, 2006
I'm not suggesting you to go with option one, as it's going to be the most expensive route of all...

I know because I went that route.

It only makes sense if you're already owning the parts, and just want a random chassis to bolt them on to.

The only thing retained in my car is the bodyshell (and it's related parts like the bumper, etc), 'certain' interior parts and the rear seats.. the rest are all replaced. The mounts for the D series are not reused, the steering rack was not reused, basically everything.

Past the 15K mark already, but still the car looks stock. But you do learn a lot of things and for me, it was money well spent, but for you that's looking for a B16A ride to drive around stock.. option 3 is probably the best for you.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 15, 2006
Option 1 is a journey worth taking only if you have the time to kill or enough money to burn (read my blog if you wanna know more).....Option 3 will only get you a can of worms unless u know the owner of the car or the workshop that maintains the car. I opted for Option 1 many moons ago....many Vtecs wiser and many Ringgits poorer.
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3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
Atlanta, GA
There is no absolute answer for your options and there are pro and con behind it.

Option 1
This is fun part coz you build your car starting from nothing and you gain the knowledge and fun for the efforts and times spent to look for those parts. Hunting a part down is part of the fun by doing the conversion and the urge to get what you need is best part of it. The pro was that it takes times and effort and needless to say lots of money gonna be invested considering that EK4 or EK9 parts are highly sought after, but after all you gain the knowledge and fun to mod the car.

Option 2:
Kinda intermediate but unless you get a healthy and known source whom you know the previous owner.

Option 3:
You will get tired of the car very soon and probably just sell it off after 1 or 2 years. No commitment or fun were injected coz you got yourself a ready product and lots of hidden flaws to be recovered. The only good part of it is that it saves you lots of hassels to hunt down all the stuff you need, cheaper option as well if you hunt them down one by one.


Known Member
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2006
I will o for option no 3. headace to get EK part nowdaysbecause Too much $$$ need to get the part. Not including your petrol and time wasting sourcing the part...


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 18, 2006
haha true true.. unless you are like me who collects complete EK9 conversion parts.

Except that cup holder thing.. I'm still looking for that one to complete a set. I have the plastic piece, but not the cup holder.

I'm an EG owner.. anyone interested in CTR parts as a package? hehehe :P

Got some hard to find items as well, like CTR short shift linkage, etc. etc. basically enough items to build up a EK hatch into a CTR lookalike, sans halfcut...

Opps.. I just remembered that the EK9 meter was sold off (sorry mie!) .. so minus one part more.. meter and cup holder.

Just letting you know in case you have money to burn and wanting to go with option one.. haha :P

Buying second hand cars is about searching for a good deal.. just remember to set aside (at the very least) about 2-3K for minor parts servicing after you buy the car. If you have more, can replace some of the internals as well..
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500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 22, 2005
i will go for option 1... more satisfaction... sumore u know what u doing...
if u need any parts, just contact me... hehe


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Senior Member
Mar 19, 2006
Hey Shiro..PM me the price for CTR carpet and floor mats.

Yup.. shiro..the biggest problem is time wasting. guy like me who work for 6.5 days a week will getting the problem to jalan2 at kedai potong heeee...(thanx for internet now :D)

Secondhand part for EK now become more expensive and hard to get...ask around how much for rear windscreen with wiper..hehehh then we will know :P


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 18, 2006
A realy helpfull site!!!
Got it from google, as i have searched for some info regarding....e-gold.

Wow! It must be a gold mine, but why oh why are you resorting to using the net to promote it? If it was really good, I'd be hearing it from my grandmother! :P


Known Member
Senior Member
Jun 28, 2006
PM me if you want to buy 2 door Ek (Ek3) Fully loaded.


Known Member
Senior Member
Oct 15, 2006
bro e-gold is like paypal, moneybookers
not really a product :)
but yea..out of topic :P


Known Member
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Thread starter
Apr 6, 2005
so now ive put down some monay to book an EJ6, superb cond siot. brought my mechanic fren to check n testdrive d kar b4 he help me decide. also at another frens' kar shop
all stock siot, cept for some bodykits [yeay hehe] n autocruise function [stock don ave tis kan?]
sohc vtec on a local EJ6..spposedly tis is a D16 engine kan
now waitin loan to lulus, n ill b off to tinker da toy..eh..kar.yeay ;p
tq fo ya all's guidance..precate em :)


Known Member
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2006
okay..bro..start to keep and manage your money now if you're interested to mode your exterior and interior. Ask around for 99 spec body part around and you'll know the price.

Good to hear you're joining hondarian here. More freinds :P

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