The proper way to put the pedal near to the metal :)


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Mar 23, 2009
Hello Experts, :wavey:

I have a novice question. Hope you can give me some advice.

I have a vios 06, auto.
I not sure will the style of pressing the gas pedal cause problems to the car if
my style is as follows:

1. moving off, i press the pedal with my foot, gradually but fairly quickly accelerating to about 2k rpm.

2. based on the sound of the engine, after it revved to a certain high point, i anticipate the auto gear to up 1 gear to 2nd. Immediately at this point , i quickly ease on the pedal until almost totally let go. Immediately at this point, i press the pedal gradually but rather quickly to accelerate again until about when i sense the gear is gonna shift up again.

3. I keep repeating with this style.

4. Sometimes, if i miss the timing, when i press the pedal, there seems to be no power or weaker than normal.

I am not sure would this style of pressing the accelerator screw up the gear box or electronics or is it considered a proper-enough way? I suspect by easing/releasing the pedal when i sense the gear will upshift, i am reducing power? :confused:

I hope my description is able to provide you a picture of how i use the pedal and you can give me some advice to clarify my doubts.

Happy Holidays to Everyone in 0to100!
Richard :driver:
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Sorry correct me if I m wrong...:wink:
To what I know if the lever at D for auto cars..moving of the gear would already be at 2nd..
Gradually it would go to 3rd..

If you move the lever to either S or stationary the gear will show you 2nd gear..this is to lock the gear or manually shift.. for going up or down a steep slop..

...downshift or upshift of transmission as the words means..
accelerator pedal control by transmission take care gear shifting..

Just sharing correct me please if wrong..
From what I experienced, it starts with 1st gear. Maybe different car different system.
Just notice the RPM or the rev sound to know when your car shifted gear...
From your words, i can say that you are trying to over ride the auto gearbox ECU by anticipating its next gear change. Which is a Big no no! An auto car engine needs time to spin the torque converter in the gearbox. If you anticipate the next gear change and throttle off, you are actually slowing down the engine spinning rate. So when the gear is changed based on speed, you get power loss. And you throttle more and the cycle repeats itself. Sorry its the wrong way to drive an auto car.

You need to apply constant throttle pressure until you reach a speed that you want, there on you ease of a little to keep the speed. Which also explains why a lot of auto boxed cars drive me up the wall. They loose speed so quickly and gain speed so quickly, that its horrific and tiring to follow them all the time in my manual gearbox.

Unless you want to waste the gearbox ECU, damage the torque converter or plainly waste fuel, don't drive like you drive ever again. Keep a constant pressure and wait for the box to do its job. If you want to anticipate when a gear changes, drive a manual car.
Hello Bugis and Anthenna,:wavey:

I must admit, i have totally no clue what gear is the car on moving-off. Thanks for highlighting this.

Netmatrix :wavey: seems to have read my mind completely! Kudos to Sifu. :adore:
I really appreciate your kind advice. I will change my driving style instantly to save my gear box from further damage.

I must admit, when i just started driving 3 years ago, my car mileage was good as is known for vvti/toyota. Last 1.5 yrs or so, i started experimenting with different styles of pressing the pedal .
True enough, i only managed to clock around 350 km per 42 litres for mix of highway and city roads. what a shame. :redface:

An uncle told me my style of pressing could damage the gear box. But he stopped short of explaining why. Thanks for your excellent explanation.

Is it possible to find out how much damage has been done to the gear box? Or is it that if its not broken, it isn't? hee hee.

Richard Tan :driver:
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fuel consumption 350km per 42 liter is pretty bad for vios....
i can get 350km per 39/40 liter on my 2liter leh...
i think from now, u better drive normal (without rev rev to anticipate the auto-gear-changing.. let's hope the ECU and gearbox-ECU slowly regain back some sense.
Vios gearbox won't break so easily... but maybe u need to chg the ATF and also ATF filter (if it has one)
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