Super Travelling Machine


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 11, 2006
Dun knoe that this been posted or not.. but very good man..
Dun knoe how it cost but superb....
Who dream to have 1???:smokin:

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29

Shot at 2007-07-29
This coach is superb.
I like the point that the coach can ferry a SLK beneath it.
Interested to know how they make it work.
very impressive... this thing going to cost a bomb..
wow...wonder issit practical to have 1 in m'sia.
mag,how much tis giant cost?mind to share?
But sadly kenot drive in buleh-land here....all those potholes n bumps n unneven road here will make u think twice b4 u buy...heheh....
buy it as your luxury fully furnish house lor...hahahaha somemore can shift anytime u want oh...
for a moment, i thought this was a thread bout a time travelling machine.. :p

If got I also want it... sell house, sell wife, sell son, even sell butt also want to buy it....hahahahahaha...once got it.. will be crazy rich already...hahahahaha:hmmmm:
I think it has hydraulic suspension... try compare these 2 pics...


Ya hor.. didnt realise it also...
look like got special absorber at the side of the tyre...
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