Slow when filling fuel into ECR33


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Oct 9, 2008
Firstly, Happy New Year to everyone !

When I pump fuel into my ECR33, I have to fill it in really slow otherwise the fuel will not be able to flow in properly and would splash out at me, if I pull the fuel filler trigger at 'full throttle' it will take just 2 to 3 seconds to spit out the fuel back at my pants, it seems the bottle neck is really narrow, I need to take around 15-20 minutes or more to fill-up a full tank, anyone experience the same in ECR33 or ER34 ? My mechanic says this is probably due to a twin tank design, is this true ?
i don think becoz of the tank...maybe something stuck ??
definately something wrong, nissan dont manufacture cars if it takes a person 15-20 minutes to fill up full tank :biggrin:
it doesnt like ron95 therefore spits it back at u

its prob the fuel tank valve thing. probably something stuck against it and only allowing small amount of petrol to go through slowly.
never had this issue with my ecr33, better chk if there is a blockage...
Thanks everyone for replying, just to compare, which year ECR33 you are referring ? Mine is year 1996, I doubt the fuel tank would be different but just in case.
All the ECR's share the same tank... mine was a S2 97. But even the S1 have the same tank, there is something wrong there... get it checked.
Problem fixed ! Got a short rubber hose stuck in there, wondering how did it go in there... :-|
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