SIC Track Day

eh,dat 26th is considered OPEN ker?no's not lar..dun announce lar!hahahahhaah....i m goin woi!55 only,right?kekekekkekek
26th 9am-12pm is Open TD la considered.. Open to more than 55 cars. U registered aredi?
eh?open 2 MORE thn 55 cars?i tot as usual,cap to 55 cars ONLY,no?m gonna register la8 n make payment tmr....hehehehhe.....lone ranger lagi dis time....
sound quite a serious event. bart. not open track day beside single slot ?
Apart from this Sunday Open TD (24th Oct), the'll be single slots on 25, 26,27 and 28 October 2010. Click here for timing:

Tentatively, there'll be one last kopek for 2010 Open TD session in December. I'll post the date after SIC Track Operation has come out with the date.

Be safe this weekend.
Taiko, what is the most prefer tire to use in track days and weekdays ride? survey ....
Kumho KU-36?
Federal 595RSR?
Yokohama AD08?
TOYO R888, R1R?
Michelin PS3?
Other? what?
2 answer ur question,it'll b easier if u set a bugdet range.........if no holds barr....i'd choose Yokohama A050...they r semi slicks actually..will make d R888 look silly....retail >RM5XX per piece!
Noted, this is good time for track day what about for weekdays, i think this time not so no so good... right.
Hi bro,
i play with one of the red neo(Penang plate), follow behind him lap after lap, sometimes cucuk him kaw kaw :biggrin: but didn't try to overtake him la, just play play.
twice i cucuk him, and he pit in =P

the other red neo i know he first time masuk track, i didn't play with him cause dun want kacau him learning, i think one of my fren is teaching him drive in the track ;)

KEE aka Storm

going to 24th oct open track day??

this weekend

pardon me but i dun quite get wat ur trying 2 tell me.....
anyway,no moe track days 4 me...once i'm done w d TTA dis 31st Oct...m retiring for 2010...2011 only c how......economy SERIOUSLY no good ler!
pardon me but i dun quite get wat ur trying 2 tell me.....
anyway,no moe track days 4 me...once i'm done w d TTA dis 31st Oct...m retiring for 2010...2011 only c how......economy SERIOUSLY no good ler!

Alaaaa...why so soon bro? Must find sponsor for you heheheh
whoar..u so good ar?can find sponsor 4 me ar?good wor..thn i need anoda car 2 race oso...besides my pocket dat kenot tahan,d car oso kenot tahan.....been racing it close to 2 years...time 2 rebuild again....
Last time< I went on a week day, SIC mixed Macau racers with us. Kena Tapau maximum,ie there was a Ferrari 430, Galardo and at least 10 DC5. Also had a Fiat 500 Multijet, full race car.
So embrassing, as our Malaysian private cars paced lose out to this to a proper Works Team.
So this time on 25th< is it a really open track day or they open as a hope to gain more revenue but actually its meant for a practice session for MMS, AFOS or other serious events. Macau DC5 can do 2.22 in SIC.
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