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Dec 14, 2006
yesterday i park my car infront of my house...suddenly my son told me that my neighbour douhgters scratch my car...damn!!! i just get my myvi last week...the girl scratch my car from the front left lamp to the rear left lamp.deep scratch...then i talk to the girl and she told me that she hates my car..WhaT a shit she talk like that...!!!:angry_smile: :angry_smile: :angry_smile:

anyone wanna suggest which polish/wax can take off the scratch???
Why aren't you making her parents pay for the damage? This kind of insolence and arrogance should not go unpunished...teach the little biotch a lesson!
i heard meguiars is good for this kind of thing...but why DIY when you can send it for a respray and bill the parents?
lol..sorry to hear that..but it's make me laugh because of the last phrase..well should inform his parents as wat moonbiker say..and once her parents agree to pay,then just go any shops u like and repaint it..
yeah bro...u shud asked for compensation from her parents. if it's deep scratch, it's quite difficult to polish it away.

hmm, maybe u can go to any spray shop and check with them whether need to touch up or just polish will do. if need touch up, check with them the price that u can immediately nego with ur neighboor.

**if they refuse to pay, u can ask ur kids to scratch their car too...n give them the reason "i hate ur car too"... hehe j/k
how old is that uneducated fool....? well... sometime it's not easy to solve this kind of accident.... they're your neighbour and you'll most probably face them everyday.... or even for the rest of your life... just try not to park outside your house if possible.... maybe you can go wack her and tell her the same thing....
i already told her parents but they refuse to pay.they said kids always like that,scratching peoples i have to use my own money to repair it...i said to the little girl parents if your daugther scratch again my car i will report it to police station...deep scratch man!!!

shit man!!!!now i always park my car inside...

*my neighbour use mercedes CLK230 silver
sad case..
raddneo...u're funny guy wei...don use the words shit man!!!..i can imagine if u say tat wit your gonna make me laugh..hahah!
wow mean kinda rich?how come like tat they not responsible for it...omg~
god bless tat polish wil remove tat can save your money...
ask your son to scratch that so called CLK230 and tell your stupid neighbour exactly the same phrase "I don't like your car". This is not revenge, but compensation in another form
isn't this supposed to be in Car Care?? it's not really a big crime or some sort.. You're asking about the product to remove the scratch, soo.. you know what i mean.. correct me if im wrong..
just splash a bit of acid on their paint...see how they like it...blame it on acid rain...u know lah...industrialised nation etc.
i guess ask u kid to put a nice banana in CLK's ass and tell the meaningfool parents "a banana for a bitch" Sorry if i am too...
bushidofang said:
isn't this supposed to be in Car Care?? it's not really a big crime or some sort.. You're asking about the product to remove the scratch, soo.. you know what i mean.. correct me if im wrong..

Scratching a car is a crime and it's an even bigger crime if they refuse to pay.
Last time i remember there is a workshop that specialise in repairing scratch. Anyone knows where izit, because I have this bad scratch on my Right from the rear to the front. Now cover with long sticker from been seen. I saw in a magazine but cant remember which car mag n which month. I want to remove my sticker. Not planning to repaint the whole car loh. Want to safe money for someother things.
turtle wax the one with the lipstick wan can cover scratches....kedai abang or supermarkets still shelves it...ok for payback time part....saya bersetuju dengan tindakan asid tu=P go hardware shop few bucks oni...*cabutz*:angel_smile:
the turtle wax lipstick got red colour or not??if not i will sent my car to "CARS" and ask them to polishmy car till the scratch remove.....
sice the gerl parents refuse to compensate the damges, I think you better go molest the gerl, as to teach her a GOOD lesson.....

BTW, driving a Merc doesn't give anyone their right to do anything they want. Anyway, sometimes Merc drivers think they are the boss in the road....

**lari cepat-cepat like Gaban**
the turtle wax lipstick really can solve the deep scratches??? ya la most hate ppl scratch ppl car, wow if like tht they refuse to pay i break their glasses...
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slap her and if her parents ask why say you dont like her lor.
my neighbour always park their mercedes clk outside..planned to ontow the clk....hahaha.....
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