Private Message: go back to china!!

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It's everywhere in different forums ... And I bet some forum ain't gonna be as nice as the people Zth ...

Anyone got a direct link to some of these forums? :hmmmm:
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if only satria_95 is here.....

anyway, smallvtecma; you have driftkingII here which is the same race as you commenting on your PM. So pls think about it.

Racism only comes when one take it personally. So in order to change the perception, one must change and not condoning it by using the same method.

In the terminology of Proton coming out with Islamic car, what does that imply? Does that not sound religion threatening or cultural shock?!...I've basically no comment on that as I felt that it's stupid marketing strategy. But others which are more vocal would have counter that type of plan.

Think for once who actually started that, and look into the source why or how the flaming started. Look deep instead of going through the surface.
Eyong : No need waste time discussing wit tis ppl la.Easily offended ppl hard to share ideas & never accept wat other ppl said is very hard to communicate.Never learn to gif & take.If everyone think like him,nobody will choose Sejarah Islam compared to Geography as a subject in Form6.
"Different people have different opinions" that I believe ... and I have my opinion and it's open to be discussed ... If anyone thinks that I have made a statement and it's truly offensive, I am glad to edit my post ...

Grow up and learn how to handle yourself in a multi-racial, multi-level discussion ...

What's really sad is to bring up black incidents and hope it to happen again? Are you thirsty for blood or something?

You don't think if you could handle your emotion and the people here, yes, I suggest maybe you can find your own topic or post your own thread instead ... Let see how many would reply ...

ya agreed with you! before we start to criticize n condemn 1st i think we need to ask ourself whats our contribution to our country from day 1 when we are born beside paying all the unneccessary tax :thefinger:. This is not about which race is more superior, this is about which sumbag screw up the country, in fact all races have a few leaders that is consider shit to some like Pak La SIL KJ to malay, MCA useless leaders to chinese community as well as the SEMI Fucking Value to the Indian community. What is their contribution beside filling up their own empty pocket, what did they do,beside giving empty promises...... :thefinger:
Civic-R: Correct .... I rest my case ...

Tohsan: Politics is a complex business ... Everyone has a boss above him/herself ... and eventually it all converge to the top guy of the dominant party. You can barely do anything righteous without offending someone or some other race which they fly under one motto "Semangat BN". So if you hope any of your politician do something out of the ordinary, ask again. Would they put themselves in a position where their seat and mangkuk nasi may be compromised? Enough said for today .... huuuuh ...
Tom...pls close this thread...I dont want it ruin everything...
Remember bro, we all need each other. This country is built and become such as wonderful harmony and peacefully, were because of us, not you, not me not him...US...or KITA...Pls, do not ruin this country peaceful, you dont know how prev ppl worked for this peace, how many years they fight for this peace...Just,.....cut it off...

(yes, sometimes politic make us sick)
But friend, be considerate...peace...:biggrin:
Just dont want all this racial stuffs become worst...
hey....we're internationally criticised...well done Proton! :thefinger:
wonder what would be Jeremy Clarkson's review if he got this piece of news? Maybe he would invite some Malaysian or Proton fascist to bombard him and others alike.
Hell.....we're going international!!....:adore:
And all this while I thought we only debated it here locally. :hmmmm:

For once, can't we be recognise for not the wrong reason?!
Remember YAB Najib said (not mean that I like him but i found what he said is true)
"Peace, it can be broken easily, and once it broken, it is sooooo hard to bring it back" us keep it together...
Disclaimer: When I use the word malays, it means those bad ones and not ALL malays.

Your small vtec is as small as an ant's toe but yet, it's still bigger than your brains. Even when I say "... your brains", I'm just giving you that puny little ego to let you feel like you have a brain. You and your typical malay style reply and reaction really shames your own kind.

Oh, and just so you don't feel all that 'cornered', I'll share some non malay stuff with you. Enjoy it while you can. I do know a number of chinese who are fucktards too. Wanna see them? Go to ss2 Wong Kok Char Chan Teng and see those bloody chibai chinese waiter and waitresses. One of the shit things they do is move chairs around so roughly that the noise that comes from pushing the chair aroudn would irritate like someone shouting into your ear. Yeah, again, they are CHINESE if you please. (NOTE: This ain't a racist remark but just as a statement of comparison.) The difference is between you and those chinese waiter/waitresses is.... NOTHING. Both you and those chinese cows (those waiter/waitresses) are the same shit, brainless, inconsiderate and self conceited.

Let's face the facts. People comment/criticize/etc. something or someone or some group (usually) because of certain reasons, maybe also because of what they see versus what they feel, or because of something similar that has happened too many times. When people make not-so-favourable comments about malays or relates to malays, the thing that comes to your mind is to fight back with extra aggression and then coming out with statements like "balik china, kalau tak suka malaysia". In general, people usually say what they see. If a particular car is red in color, people (with normal working brains) will say that the car is red. If a girl has big breasts (let's say she's wearing tight shirt without bra), people who see her will say "she's got big breasts" because she's (in a way) showing her big breasts. And now, people have seen what you have said. Hence, you cannot blame the people for calling you a racist because of your remark "balik china". In the very first place, you showed yourself to be a racists. So, people see you as a racist and hence, they call you a racist.

So what kind of a crap are you trying to say here about racists and stuff? All I see here are members who are just voicing out their thoughts, opinions, dissatisfaction, etc. in their own free ways. Yes, maybe to some, their methods may not be all that "correct" as some people here have mentioned, "even if it's free speech, speak freely but also with responsibly". By speaking freely but responsibly, does that mean we have to watch what we say? If so, why then call it free speech in the first place. Free speech means we speak free. If something we say is wrong, then show us where we went wrong, justify it nicely and give a clearer picture for us to understand what we may have missed out. From there, we'll then learn. So, I don't entirely see such a strict need to 'post responsibly' where free speech is concerned.

If you don't want people to talk bad about malays and how malays rule the country, then may I suggest you go and tell your malay buddies to NOT be so racially inclined in their mentality, unless you think that improving yourself based on criticism is a big NO-NO. Mind you, I am including the govt as your malay buddies because the current govt seems to have the same racially inclined thinking as you.
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i didnt find anything that these people post offended to a muslim and malay.......and if they said something bad....usually i will debate properly and with common sense......not by saying "pergi balik china" or whatsoever...if u check from wikipedia.....and i quote:


The Malay people are believed to have originated in Borneo and then expanded outwards into Sumatra and later into the Malay Peninsula. These people were descendants of Austronesian-speakers who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan. The main foundation of this school of thought lies in the fact that the oldest Malay settlements have been discovered in Sumatra and not in the Malay Peninsula. This suggests an upward - south to north - migratory route. Malay culture reached its golden age during Srivijayan times. Malays praticed Buddhism, Hinduism, and their native Animism before converting to Islam in the 15th century.

now...should we all malay go back to Taiwan?...i dont think so mate.....and the other races have spill blood and died for this country also...not just us....if u check thereceivers for our country highest awards in this case the medal "Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa" which awarded to people with extreme bravery and gallantry and there is 5 medals awarded to the chinese compared to 2 to seems they are more willing to sell their lives for this country then called master of the land.....and how could we say to them "pergi balik china".....its such an insult.....i got comrades in my regiment who is chinese who i willing to take a bullet for....because i know they will do the same thing.....please.....i beg you....look beyond your skin color and see everyone of us as Malaysian.......if u think they offended the religion or race particularly.....ask them properly.....what is their reason saying that?....if u think they are wrong say your point properly......if they are right then be a gentlemen and agree with it.....if u proved many time that u are rite and they still dont want to listen then no point u continue the debate...and no point talking to that person anyway.....but i believe most of ZTH forumer are open minded and willing to listen and contribute properly...except S95.....the only thing he can contribute properly is in makan section :vroam:.....cabut!!!!!!1
oh my god!!....oh my and your freaking farking god!!....eyong, satria 95, yu really believe the crap that coming out of your fowl mouth?? goodness...." menegak kan benang yg basah" we all 'bad' malay are saying.....malas la nak a dog chasing its tail round and round......nvr end.....

anyway satria 95....i didnt read ur reply much crap...i stop at the 2nd or 3rd line....x bad dogg...kau bawak satria je ke?...low ya nye..slalu cina pakai satria ni callman n jual extacy/vcd je...menyusah kan rakyat je...u are some character too ya..samseng sini oso got samseng wor....let me finish with eyong n cybernation ya.....

let me clear some things.....since many of u give me comments and have perception bout me like this and that la.....

some of u ask me blood thirsty ka?......and y bring back black memories?....yes maybe i am....if its necessary....coz some of u needs some shaking up to reality....and realize where u stand......some of u kepala batu!!...nose so high sampai jadi so hai.....

Some of u said i need to check myself b4 talking bout brain small la...not mature ...wat la...ok ok....i agree.....emm i did check ...and i realize wat i did for the country as well....which is much better than some of u guys..sucking2 without giving anything....i least 1 of wat if i am all that...?...u all been all that all this time...y cant i? fair la....u guys fight for fairness kan...

some ask i blabber bout racist but y myself a racist? unly racist to racist people....u all not malu ke with peolple like dritking and saga(not sure wat r u)...u keep saying all this farking staff....and they r your car enthusiast mate as well which u talk cars respect ka?? this not a car enthusiast forums?? this not??....i knw its general talk....but do u have to go untill that limit?.....!!......sumbody pls please answer me??

y i choose eyong?....coz i knw he is gullable enuff to take my trap and post my PM ....coz he feels sooooooo goooooodddd when his people gang up on other i rite eyong?....tsk tsk tsk....this itself show my point bout all of this....tsk tsk tsk...eyong eyong...wat la u....thats y i said u just hide behind ur laptop/pc screen...... sini lu brani i wont start a thread...y should i?....when i can evoke ppl like eyong...more engaging this way am i rite:love:

u guys saying any forum same...all of this kind of topic is there too...good...good...write more like that everywhere....push ur day...will bite u back big that time baru la nak insaf n mntak tolong....blood that runs on the street not getting it back dude...hehehe....i ask u u realy want 13 may again? u rreally want?...think?...waht will happen? economy...THINK...pls THINK....if not now..u want ur childrens and grandchildren to suffer?....push that luck...push it!!.....

u guys been living sooo comfortably untill u feel can run over people and others rights....please ...take a step back and have different perspective and start to appreciate la woi.....respect la other sensoring for internet doesnt mean u can put all stuff wihtout consideration la talk la wat is open...but have sum control in life...without control u r the same with animals....

and why u all so hung up with waht i said....i tot everybody can say wat they want space kan....watsup with the gang up on me?...why?...hhehehe:burnout:

im glad i stir up sumthing here....sum of u reply very wisely and respectfully..this is malaysian to need to go back china..this is ur land too..some reply very selfishly...keras kapla...and bangang ly...u knw wat type u r....everyone can read me i still believe this ppl need to go back to CHINA....anyway y am i not yet barred by the ppl who runs this site?!!....wat r they?...white?black?melayu?indian?malaysian?dan lain lain?...or chinese?...if chinese patut la allowed all the racist threads.......

anybody want to rply this...plese make a smart argument ..pls....

Cheers everybody and ni hou....:proud:
what to do. I'm a food person ma. hahaha and I'm still looking for good sup kambing that's near to me. hehehe

whoa. may 13. I think y'all better start shivering and pissing in your pants. Else, someone's gonna cause may 13 again. wow... so scary. Are y'all scared? Y'all better be, man. Else, if may 13 comes again, y'all cannot go and eat mcdonalds, burgerking and kfc. All will close shop for good. Oh well, on with life....


hey, you drive an eyong turbo ar? hehehehe seems like nicknames will tell what car you drive. Come, let's guess what other members are driving. I think cybernation drives a cybernatoid supercharger. And sakuraguy drivers a sakura nasilemak twin turbo? And so I guess lennon drives a lennon-piano-turbo, blasting John Lennon's songs all the way? hehehe
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Just a friendly advise to all bumiputeras here... if you wanna know what the International community thinks of you guys, I would strongly advise you to watch this video:

At The Crossroads - Malaysia:

YouTube - At the Crossroads - Malaysia

I'm glad the international media often comes to expose the truths to the world.
smallvtecma , by any chance you related to either noh omar (who has a criminal brother) or that dude badruddin shit head? Just wanted to express my :thefinger: before this gets deleted.

May 13?:hello: you and what :ridinghorse: ? Bring it on........ :stupid:

The world is labeling muslims terrorist and here you are reinforcing that label :bootyshake:

Jangan buat malu agama bangsa dan negara weeii.......:sheep:
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smallvtecma , by any chance you related to either noh omar (who has a criminal brother) or that dude badruddin shit head? Just wanted to express my :thefinger: before this gets deleted.

May 13?:hello: you and what :ridinghorse: ? Bring it on........ :stupid:

The world is labeling muslims terrorist and here you are reinforcing that label :bootyshake:

Jangan buat malu agama bangsa dan negara weeii.......:sheep:

devious... Noh Omar is a bad politician seriously...

in news he wants school to handle bullies... sadly if the school was like my school cover up the bully cases n help the wrong ones ?? how ??

agreed with u on facts
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