plz help me to build up my toyota soarer...

hmmm.. nice car to drift.. no need to worry.. ppl here would be glad to help u drifting.. just join in the TT sessions or events such as OTS.. u'll get to know the drifters and ask them to help u ... ok.. see ya..
thanks man... would be glad to meet u guys when i get back here... hope i can bring my car along to meet u guys when i back to kl after 3 weeks...
here r some pictures which i take in my hometown... will be bringing this soarer to kl soon... enjoy the pictures and guys... do give me some suggestions... thanks
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caught these pictures in a hurry actually... and i'm going to change the rear light into new face lift model... i recon it's nicer... what do u guys think? the white soarer below is using new face lift back light... and i found 2 pairs... should i change it?
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e39a said:

hope to see ur car here soon!

thanks man... i hope to deliver my car there as soon as possible too... but i am not sure whether i should rent a container or just on ship... price is like RM1000 different but renting a container is much more safety...

long time didn't receive any replies from topui and eddy... wondering where they r... =P
i'm herelaa.. wut up bro.. nice car u got there.. nice set of rims oso.. bring it down to kl we go yamcha or impromptu... muehehehehe...

ship it RORO... insured it la. anyway, take off any meters u have before u ship it. also, it'll be good if u can put regular rims on it and ship the rims separately. ;)

RORO should coz u no more than rm1400. :D
RORO stands for what ah? lol... ya man i'm going to take off everything in the car... i've got another set of spare rims actually... and if i really have to ship them seperately... i might have to ship another sets of rims... hopefully can sell it off in kl... same 8" front 17" and 9" rear 17"... and for my original rims... it's 14"... will it be good to drift? lol...
nottyeddy said:
original 14" aaa..?? hopefully u don't spin out all the time... i think better get 15" or 16"...

icic... ;) i think it's better for me to find the spare rims in kl... or i have to ship so many things... T_T hei... anyone can get to the black soarer guy? i have a set of rear light... might suit him... this is the guy which i mentioned...
one of them banting fella... damn nice car... :D just bring the item over and show to him. ;)
We have one drifter using the same soarer as yours..and he is a very good drifter....if you have a chance to drop by the next OTS...I am gladly to introduce him to you...or Ivan KE70 from Banting could help to introduce also right???.......I am sure he is happy to help you out with setup....:)
topui11 said:
one of them banting fella... damn nice car... :D just bring the item over and show to him. ;)

thanks alot man... that's what i thought as well... just ship everything and show to him... hei topui... where do u usually hang out? sunway? or?
cheaka said:
We have one drifter using the same soarer as yours..and he is a very good drifter....if you have a chance to drop by the next OTS...I am gladly to introduce him to you...or Ivan KE70 from Banting could help to introduce also right???.......I am sure he is happy to help you out with setup....:)

i am glad to drop by... so many questions i want to ask him... but when is the next OTS? well... still a long way for me to go actually... =P oh hei cheaka... would u mind helping me to ask him about the rear light? i can show him the pic... well anyhow i am bringing it over... just that... if he doesn't want... no point for me to ship it over as soarers' parts r rare items... hard to find either buyer or seller...
Wow bro u nice lahh
me from sdk,,, i want buy a old skool celica use my own money
give my dad diu,, he say i buy the car he burn it,, WTH man,,,
soon if no car at kl,, i think i buy the car secretly and ship to kl
then i drive with u all guy man,,,,,
still angry with all those happening
nice car u have lah so good
need opinion guys... feel like getting a nissan drift car... how much do u guys think my car can sell? the above mentioned toyota soarer... saw one in motortrader... selling at RM17,500... so what about mine? anyone interested? pm me... thanks!
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