PenAnG Gals TT

slk850 said:
Penang are nice with beach around....even it was damn hot.....but i love beach.



where is this place?
little_monster said:
muahahaha...i just came back from penang yesterday nite.... good place to hang out ... and i guess i already put on 10 kilo during my penang trip ....ahhahaa

but its well worth it rite? :D

damn miss pg food so much...
heheheheh zth buaya showing their fangs here... gulps... anyway dont understand y must have seperate TT for guys and girls?? i didnt know that penang also practicing the kelantan law hehehhe
eater_eg6 said:
if im in penang..sure i will join... although i m not gal... :) hehehe..can or not dior ? ?:)

hahahaha...Syogun, how come u wiill find me here one??

u r so clever ne....can find my forum... :p

T__T (touching... :s)

sure u r welcome to join~!!

just drop me a mail anytime...

NOSkill said:
Because they're "Penang" gals. :D

fellow... what a good answer u had~!!

ya..we r penang gal, thats y we invite u to come over here to TT


goneraz2 said:
heheheheh zth buaya showing their fangs here... gulps... anyway dont understand y must have seperate TT for guys and girls?? i didnt know that penang also practicing the kelantan law hehehhe


hahaha u wrong edy...

who said we divided into guy/gal tt??

this is to let gals know tat still have GALS join TT.... so that they can post n share their info with us...

cos the pre-TT all guys mah...

little_monster said:
muahahaha...i just came back from penang yesterday nite.... good place to hang out ... and i guess i already put on 10 kilo during my penang trip ....ahhahaa

hahaha...penang food is nice u mah eat till non-stop lor..

char koay teow 10 plates ah>>

next time scare put on weight mah order..

"char koay teow without koay teow...lor"

narx said:
where is this place?

this is a new building which located right beside TESCO in penang.

when u come over penang fr the PP bridge u will pass by la....


acbc said:
Dior = gal?


wat happen to my name??

dior sure is gal laa..... ah boh what??

where got laki call DIOR??


ur name also ma... acbc...y not abcd??

good offer..but y not u come pg...then,we treat u...hahaha.....TT + roti canai some more er....hehe..wan or not?? :p
G-4 said:
why not penang gals come down to kl....i can treat u tt.......
my dear dior..
seems like u n me,the only two gals around for TT in Penang...but,anyway, welcome all guys...
in case u guys wanna wear mini skirts (like dior) then,u may join her la...
eater_eg6 said:
if im in penang..sure i will join... although i m not gal... :) hehehe..can or not dior ? ?:)
if u join us more,u'll put on more weigh with dior's
ask the other guys...they knw best...always ask dior to bake cake for them...'uh seh nia'... :p
little_monster said:
muahahaha...i just came back from penang yesterday nite.... good place to hang out ... and i guess i already put on 10 kilo during my penang trip ....ahhahaa
ha la...acbc...dunno stand for wat le...
'ah chak..booo chak!'=acbc..
y not ocbc....=orang cina bukan cina...
Dior said:

wat happen to my name??

dior sure is gal laa..... ah boh what??

where got laki call DIOR??


ur name also ma... acbc...y not abcd??

bikinigal said:
my dear dior..
seems like u n me,the only two gals around for TT in Penang...but,anyway, welcome all guys...
in case u guys wanna wear mini skirts (like dior) then,u may join her la...

kekeke bikinigal .... i know we r the only 2 gals in TT mah haf to work hard to tarik more gals come lor.... hahaha

wat wat wat...i mana just wear mini skirt??haha i wear mini pants also~~ :p

actually, EATER_EG6 is my fren leh.... haha dun call him wear skirt la... hahahahha

Syogun-san, gomen nasai... my fren duno u r my fren... ;)
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slk850 said:
Penang's Tesco. :D

fellow....the pic building mana is TESCO...

Is beside TESCO laaa......

e-gate mana have leg will jalan ke tepi one???


hehe...make it a new trend ma...
and since if u EATER-EG6 wear skirt...da guys got another new pic to post in here...hahaha...
Dior said:
kekeke bikinigal .... i know we r the only 2 gals in TT mah haf to work hard to tarik more gals come lor.... hahaha

wat wat wat...i mana just wear mini skirt??haha i wear mini pants also~~ :p

actually, EATER_EG6 is my fren leh.... haha dun call him wear skirt la... hahahahha

Syogun-san, gomen nasai... my fren duno u r my fren... ;)
Dior said:
fellow....the pic building mana is TESCO...

Is beside TESCO laaa......

e-gate mana have leg will jalan ke tepi one???


dior chan , daijyobu desu... :) wow...if i wear mini skirt...i scared many ppl will come n minta aku nyer sign lar... hahaha... :) just kidding.... :P
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