New Malaysian Search Engine Launched!

Jul 27, 2006
10 LG Chocolates and 600 Movie Tickets to be Given Away!

Have you guys heard that there's a new Malaysian developed search engine around the block? It's called Cara.

It's kinda funny cos the only search engine Malaysia has ever had is called Cari, and the new comer is Cara.

Well my personal opinion is that it's more of a real search engine in comparison with

Why do I say that?

Firstly I say that because Cari was never a search engine in the first place. It's what most would call a Web Directory. Here are some snippets from Wikipedia to help us understand what a search engine is, and what a web directory is:

A search engine or search service is a program designed to help find information stored on a computer system such as the World Wide Web, inside a corporate or proprietary network or a personal computer. The search engine allows one to ask for content meeting specific criteria (typically those containing a given word or phrase) and retrieves a list of references that match those criteria. Search engines use regularly updated indexes to operate quickly and efficiently. Without further qualification, search engine usually refers to a Web search engine, which searches for information on the public Web. - (

A web directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Web directories often allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion, and have human editors review submissions for fitness.

A web directory is not a search engine, and does not display web pages based on keywords, instead listing web pages in convenient categories and subcategories. The categorization is usually based on the whole website, not one page or a set of keywords, and there is often a limit of one or two categories for site inclusion. - (

Ohh.. and I forgot to tell you that Cara have a prize giveaway happening to anyone who uses the search engine. They'll be giving away 10 LG Chocolates and 600 movie tickets. Be sure to check them out.
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the cara logo looks like lava, or cava.....the ppl should make the logo more legible....
yea should let me design for you :_:
but proton and cyberworld is diff thing... where can mix it? wait until proton really improve d 2020 o maybe dun have the day? atleast we can have something we owned it...
Rilek ah...the spiders need time to do their work. And in this case they work like Malaysian public servant's pace.
well once we upgrade the Cara search engine, many of the naysayers will be put to silence... and then there will be peace.
caracom, will your server filter all "sensitive" information?

I think I need to pin-point few things
1. My screen capture obviously show that there is a bug that you need to fix (BUG Fixing and UPGRADE is 2 different thing in IT, don't get mix up)

2. and looks like you are not very keen ppl helping you to improve the engine to make it a better one, even Microsoft have a bug report center to receive bug reporting, no computer system in the world is flawless. Blame your QA and Development team for that bug, but the client who discover the bugs.

3. If your engine is not yet ready, then don't launch it. Of course you may have some sponsor you need to answer to, but you don't make that the excuse.

I'm waiting your search engine to impress and keep my mouth shut, please.
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caracom said:
well once we upgrade the Cara search engine, many of the naysayers will be put to silence... and then there will be peace.
We'll be waiting then...

If the upgrades are coming soon, and if it's going to be such an improvement as you are saying, wouldn't it make sense to tell us then?

Anyway, still looks like a Google wannabe. Might want to change the outlook a bit to something more original. Just a thought.
caracom said:
well once we upgrade the Cara search engine, many of the naysayers will be put to silence... and then there will be peace.

thats a rather bold statement. upgrade...where do i read this often? oh wait!
TMNET: "our system is down for upgrades to serve you better." but it never gets better, it only goes down or gets congested.

there's and you come up with, thats rather original. trying to bank in on people typo-ing cari to cara? and besides, your personal opinion ain't that personal, its more of a statement made for the benefit of the business, in this case, your

come on, searching for zerotohundred is plain difficult, try this:
Unfortunately we couldn't find any pages containing the term "cars"

what a joke, don't mempersia-suikan malaysia la. malaysia search engine? gee.
i would really ask you to think about your assumption on the similarity between Cara and Cari. We didnt in the nearest dream wish to be associated with Cari, not that Cari does not have my respect, but we're totally different and both firms have different dreams and missions.

the reason as to why you weren't able to search on the term "Cars" was due to our search engine's schedueled maintanence. but it's all up to you.
the only reason why i even bother using this search engine is because of the proposed gifts. I gotta say, nice gimmick.
and its filled with advertisment...

so how is your search engine better then others out there?
I'm in no authority to judge and I will not in this case. However, do take this reply of mine to you as a friendly comment, from my own pesonal point of view.

I think your way of replying to some of the members here are uncalled for. Also, I feel that although some of the members post feels "rough" but it wasn't all that rough in the beginning. If you'd humble yourself and reply in a more friendly and comment/opinion accomodating manner, I'm sure the all of the members would be willing to give comments, suggestions, etc. in a friendly way. Then, we'll all be at peace and can even make more friends. You won't know, you may just meet someone who's good in experience and knowledge about building search engines.

Some of their post do hold some truth. For example, I think it's rather regular for techies to test a website thoroughly before putting it out to public. Or if there is a need to put it out to public, state that it is under beta testing or something.

Just a thought.
Thanks satria_95 for your great advice! I will keep you guys posted! I would also like to apologise to anyone I might have offended. I understand that Cara cant please everyone!
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One can only try to please as much as they can, but not everybody. It would take a total miracle to please EVERYBODY. What you could do is cater to suggestions and opinions and comments, until you reach your systems' limitation. Then end of story liao. Time to upgrade your system. hahaha
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