Mitsubishi 4G93 GDI Turbo at 210hp?

Hmm.. yeah for sure is for BETTER fuel consumption.. my blardy CamPro is doing 380km on 100% highway drive maintaining at 110kmh.. blardy high fuel consumption.. city drive with full tank of RM65 Ron95 only manage around 290-300km...

waaaaaaa..very kuat meh?

my 4g18 100% hway rm30 can go roughly around 280-300km.. city driving = 230+ - km ron95 petronas
How do you plan to get more power with better FC? Logic meh?

Hmm.. yeah for sure is for BETTER fuel consumption.. my blardy CamPro is doing 380km on 100% highway drive maintaining at 110kmh.. blardy high fuel consumption.. city drive with full tank of RM65 Ron95 only manage around 290-300km...
Meter is showing 11L/100km.. GSR, with proper tuning there might be a slight chance of getting more power with better FC.. As of now, Im not planning to do so as I really lost hope in CamPro engine.. It will be a nightmare for me to drive the car up Genting hill.. cause slightly 10% climb uphill u can feel the lost of torque already.. lol..
more power with better fc surely 4g93T GDI only able to give such result....

but don't expect easy power upgrade like the usual 4g93T GSR
err...what abt Campro modification sir???maybe that can help u abit in FC part and also getting a bit more power from the little Campro...
coz IMO,rigt modifications plus light footed as well can give better FC...:)
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