Meet-Up: July 2007 ~HCC 1st Anniversary~

I just contacted Min.. He can't join coz he has to balik kampung.. He is relatively new to HCC, just like me.. A happy news for him is, his wife gave labour on 4th July.. He is a daddy now.. Let's congratulate him at 012-6825317!
I just contacted Min.. He can't join coz he has to balik kampung.. He is relatively new to HCC, just like me.. A happy news for him is, his wife gave labour on 4th July.. He is a daddy now.. Let's congratulate him at 012-6825317!
Meen is a father now! Hurray Hurray!
Steady.. the list getting longer

you want to sms everyone in your phone book? Some of our members don't have internet access or they don't check forum very often.. So it's better for us to book their time slot early.. Can help doing the job?
Daniel/ Sim,

give me a sms when the date/time/meet up point/schedule is confirmed.
I hardly have excess to here now a day, reading all posts and reply while I'm having my nasi lemak+(Milo+Nescafe+coffee) as breakfast (And I'm suppose to reply customer email...)
it sound gay to me, dude. :laugh:

Wei.. I ask Eric to overnite in car with his girlgirl la.. I never want to overnite Eric in his car..

BS, my birthday coming up.. What present u wan to give me?? hahaha...
well...if time is 0800-0930,den i have 2 set up from johor 0500... =__="

anyway, i tend 2 overnite at genting since i bring my girlgirl go~woohoo~any1 can help me book a room? lol..

Just book online using the URL BS gave with credit card.
It's fast and easy.:regular_smile:
Daniel/ Sim,

give me a sms when the date/time/meet up point/schedule is confirmed.
I hardly have excess to here now a day, reading all posts and reply while I'm having my nasi lemak+(Milo+Nescafe+coffee) as breakfast (And I'm suppose to reply customer email...)

No problem!
Will make sure you get all the important details so that you'll won't miss out the convoy. :shades_smile:
P/S: What is the name of your drinks? :biggrin:
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28 july is a good day but i hv to take leave cos i have to work half day ler. but will it be better if we have our small little flag on our cars to celebrate merdeka as well? spirit of malaysia boleh.!!! hehehe...i hv to go off early dat day cos i hv to accompany my mum at the hospital. btw, i drove once up to the genting hill, Auto car sum more. shld be no problem driving up the hill. but no racing yea. cos im not good in cornering. hehe
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Wish your mum in good health always.. No worry.. No racing la.. It's not fun when you bang your friend's car, right? So strictly no racing..
About the merdeka flag? Serious ar?? I never thought of being so patriotic before.. But I don't mind doing it if everyone is planning to do so

Overnite in car is not about saving the money la.. It's the fun eric will have with his girlgirl.. lu tak faham kah?

So when's our pre-Genting TT? This Sunday nite? Ask the new guy along and psycho him to go Genting with us?

HCC can't do without you.. Of course we will keep you informed!

Which part of Malaysia do you cover? I also salesman.. we can meet up somewhere
Thanks ericmivec and TCSIM, my mum will be okay.thanks for the support.:) i am not sure about the little flag juz my suggestion...Will see what Roy (BS) would say..
Why don't we start another poll beside the TT date? Wahahaha..
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