Mark Webber introduces the Spa Francorchamps circuit on the Red Bull simulator


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Senior Member
Dec 12, 2007

Red Bull driver Mark Webber takes us on a virtual tour of the legendary Spa Francorchamps circuit that hosts the Belgian GP. Red Bull has been introducing the many circuits that Grands Prix visit and each video has its own unique feature. This time Mark introduces the circuit while driving it on the Red Bull simulator, something that makes it hard to concentrate on what Mark's saying because no matter how cool Spa may be to race on, the simulator is what we really want.

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Source: Red Bulletin


  • Mark Webber Simulator Lap.jpg
    Mark Webber Simulator Lap.jpg
    49 KB · Views: 117
The drivers just love the Spa circuit, especially the legendary turn 2 Eau Rouge where they are going uphill at 300 km/h and still accelerating through turn 3 and 4 blind corners at 4G colleteral.

This circuit is where power comes more into play rather than downforce, where Red Bull's Renault engine is a few horsepower lesser than McLaren and Ferrari. Not to forget, F-duct and blown diffuser will be a main factor too.

F1 now going into summer break holiday for 4 weeks.
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