Manchester united football club

I've been through this countless times. Track back on this thread and you'll probably find plenty of posts (mine included) on this very subject. Which is why I refrained to elaborate any further on this and let it die off. Seems it doesn't...oh well.

The thing is, you don't have to look further than last season. Just look at the teamplay when Ruud was starting and compare that to when Saha was starting.

It was quite obvious to me, even then, that Saha offered something Ruud, for all his Godlike scoring ability, never did.

Saha gave our attack another dimension. His athleticism allows him to hold the ball as well as Ruud, but he can also turn on his defender and run at goal. He also runs the channels between defenders and goes deep to retrieve the ball. These are all things that contribute to our other attackers being more effective.

Ruud was a goal glutton. Basically, his teammates work to supply him with scoring opportunities, most of the time. Saha on the other hand liberates his teammates from this shackle.

We have not had such mobility in our frontline, as we have now in Saha-Rooney, since Yorke - Cole. Yorke and Cole worked so well specifically because they work in tandem and they work for the team. Their dynamic link up play and clever running, opens space for other to exploit. Ruud isn't going to give you that. Somebody else had to do it. Not the end of the world, yes, but you lose that extra man which could run and probe and stretch defenders. Not a problem we have with Saha.

All that said. I would have loved for Ruud to hang around. Because we could use with his supreme finishing sometimes. But this meant he wasn't a sure starter and he didn't like that. I'm sure Fergie would have wanted it as I do. Unfortunately, Ruud didn't.
His goal scoring instinct is no doubt world class. Surely, he's one of a kind striker who can score from almost everywhere. However, his pace has let him down and with Saha back into his scoring ways didn't help either.

Like silverfish mentioned, fergie would've wanted to keep him, but limited appearance is not what the Dutchman wanted
we've got a great record when vs villa... hope we can get d 3 points to boost d player's confindent back!
world class volley from Scholes......
C'R score double in the game.....

keep going evilssssssssssssss
wigan played superbly when they were 0-2 down! they keep attacking till robben scored a late late winner again,shit... lady of luck always on they side! btw,salute to d wigan team especially emile heskey...
chelshit defence is not good at all .look at their past few games conceed many goal
Yeah, the presence of Terry means so much to their team. And since he's been out for 2 games, they have conceded 4 goals in both games. That's a weakness where everybody should tackle when they face Chelsea.
chelsea centreback can'ty really deal with high ball... if they face those big n strong strikers such heskey,bent or harewood,they r in trouble... but their midfield quality and kill anyone,too! that's d best of chelsea! hope we can sign 1 strike force n midfield to strenghten our own squad...
What a goal from Scholesy...what a goal. I cannot begin to describe the difficulty and level to technical ability in that volley. It's no wonder Martin Tyler said it topped the lot of wonder goals of late.

Anyway, a great 2nd half response from the lads. Was nice to see them up a gear and take it home. A lot of credit goes to Ronnie who was our best player. Created a lot of problems fro Villa and scored the 1st goal to relief the pressure. Good show and 2 good goals.
may i know how to preview da MU goals online?
unlucky lol coz dat day hav to overtime!!!
damn . ..
keong_GSR said:
scholes's goal like joe cole scored againts sweden in world cup!
I would prefer to say; Scholes' goal like Scholes' goal against Barnsley(? Bradford) or Rooney against Newcastle. Cole's doesn't compare :p

Edit: Like this one; ; a perfectly executed volley indeed.

Or this; ; thunderbolt from Rooney.

And this is the one on Saturday against poor Villa;
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the goal against Villa was great
but not his best.
I rate the one againt Barnsley higher..simply because it was direct from Becks' corner.
The speed of the ball was much higher and the angle of it was so difficult.
The one against Villa...the ball was very was looping towards him...

If any of u recall...when Man u visited us here few years back...
Scholesy was practising this kinda shot when he was warming up...

And on the Villa game...i am getting a bit worried...bcos our style of play is getting predictable.
It seems that Ronaldo is our only available attacking channel.
Park had a good game but he needs to be more confident and start taking shots by himself.
Saha,Giggs and especially Rooney needs to contribute more to our attacking play.
We can't keep relying on Ronaldo to produce his moments of magic.
We were lucky that the first goal came, or else we could end up on another frustrating day jus like the game against the hammers.(Though i could smell that the goal was coming at that time.And i was relieved that it came)

In other words, we need another person who is comfortable running with the ball.
Rooney used to be one, but lately he seemed to shun the responsibility.
Wonder whether the metatarsal injury has a psychological effect on him.

And Chelsea is getting lucky lately.
Their individual performance is dragging them out of the snake holes.
And it is not a good sign that they can grind out result from game that they shouldn't have won.
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Gti; it is just that they are off form. Ronnie is the only one consistently performing. Startling when you consider the type of player he is.

Rooney has been lacklustre of late. But then he has been blowing hot and cold this season. I wouldn't think he has any problems with his injury. A couple of games back when he was performing, he didn't have any such problems and given what we know about Rooney, he's not that kind of lad either. He's as tough as they come.

Giggsy always has bursts of good form followed by mediocrity. All throughout his entire career. But we just stick with him for his moments of brilliance. Same with Scholesy. Lucky that his form maintained.

Park just came back from injury. We can't be expecting too much.

Saha did a lot of good work. But he can't do everything by himself.

By the looks of it, it isn't too bad. We've only got 2 attackers who are on song. Once another one gets back into the rhythm, then we'll get back to our attacking ways. That said, it does show that we need able backup, for those times when our big guns are misfiring.

BTW, I have been very disappointed with Rooney this season. For someone who has been entrusted to spearhead our team, his performances have been mediocre overall. A few flashes of brilliance are not enough. I know he tries hard and give 100% everytime, even when he isn't playing good, but that isn't what we need of him. That's what we expect of guys like Fletcher and O'Shea. Not one of the most talented players in the squad. We need him to influence games.

With regards to Chelsea; yeah they are escaping from a lot of tight situations. Some say they are lucky. I say they made their own luck. We know Chelsea are resilient, Fergie said as much. And that said, we aren't doing too bad ourselves, cos' we've been getting results when we haven't delivered as well. The loss against the Hammers was a wake up call. We need to take our chances.

On the whole, I think we've been rather lucky. Long may it continue.
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bah... luckily manu din play like i how i played em on FIFA... lol... stucked to 1-1 draw with almost 18 shots on target, of the 20++ attempted shots. Striking the woodwork 4 times.. .argh! i was like having heartattack play it... brad friedel was like a superman... :P

luckily itz just a game.. if real life.. .i think everyone's gonna get 2nd heartattack after the westham game. hahaha.

oh yea.. i was playing the EPL ... against Rovers.
Mmm... It was a good game n good result against Villa for me... Its de way de team reacted after SAF has changed de tactic slightly in order to accomodate de players available to him tht day... 4-5-1 away with Saha up front supporting by Giggsy... By playing Flecthcher n Park Ji Sung in de team together in an away game, its always a gamble (since both of them hvnt play much lately n play together, especially Park jus came back from injury)... So by winning it 3-0 is a very encouraging result!!!

Clearly Park need more games to bring out de best of him... Fletcher played an average game... Without Rooney n Carrick, de 1st half seems a bit shaky... Luckily Ronnie turned it up for ManUtd In de 2nd half.... Good to see SAF rotating his squad, but all players must play to their best when choosen to play in order to keep up de team spirit...

As for tonite game against Wigan at hom, expecting Rooney to b back... Flecther to keep his place with Scholesy in de middle... And i think SAF might give Giggsy a rest n play Park again... Mmm... There might b a change in de back 4 too during this pack period... Jus to give either Ferdinand r Neville a rest... Silvestre n Brown r waiting to b choosen... :_: ManUtd shld hv no pro for de 3 points tonite!!!

Haha... As for Chelshit i think something not so good wil b happening to them... I jus got a feeling tht they might drop points in this period... U can see tht they were nervous in de last 2 games where they conceeded 2 goals n needed 2 late goals to secure 3 points... Strange feeling for them as they always claimed they r de best... Few players been order to play in different position too... LoLzzzzzzzzzz... Somore their bozz Mr. Abramovich said they got to cut de spending publicly... LoLzzzzzzzzz... Not more silly spending on players... haha... :_: This might oso affect de team spirit by going public... Jus imagine 1 day Mr. Abramovich say bye bye to Chelshit... Haha... sure they wil go bankcupt!!!
Chelski are missing their captain Terry. He's their backbone at the back. Without him they have been terribly shaky.
well... chelsea's doing well coz they are scoring goals.... it would be disasterous if they're not coz they're leaking goals at the back...

and for petesake.. some one stop them fr trying long range shots ok!

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