Manchester united football club

Hohoho my fellow Mancs.

Another game, another 3 points in the bag. Bringing the gap from Chelsea to 9 points. Chelsea have 2 matches to play but then any gap is better than none.

Far from our best performance really and Rooney should have had a hattrick. Saha missed a sitter too. We really have to stop being so wasteful. Thank God for Ronnie's goal which really put it to bed. Well, at least we keep on marching even when it isn't our best day. Well done lads.
To Chelshit: Games in hand does not mean games won.
We know full well of that jus like last season when we experienced the same thing.
Well the best thing is we know that we still have the 3 points gap intact
But i have to say i almost pull off all my hair due t the performance that we produced after Saha went off...
we were back to the old 451 again...but sigh we got lucky there.

And btw...i am somewhat disturbed by the timing of Henry's 'rest'
though they beat us at our place without henry playing, i don't expect them to pull that off again given the fact that Toure is also unavailable and Gallas is very doubtful.
Unlikely for them to do us a favour.Nonetheles i will still watch it with a lot of interest.
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Tell me about it. I was exasperated by our sloppy play after Saha's substitution. It's almost like the second half against Chelsea where we gave away possession too easily. And somebody needs to tell the lads not to fuck around with the ball near the penalty area, especially when there are 4 or 5 opposition players around. Scholes nearly gave me a fucking heart attack when he lost the ball to Ireland for the shot on goal.
And Rooney and Saha both need more practice on how to put the ball in the back of the net. And stop trying to bust the ball.
Hey, all is not loss ~ hang on for a couple of weeks and let's see how things turn out in Jan, be it Larsson or any other wonder kid coming into the squad....
Is it just me, or do u guys also think that giggs' decision making and passing is getting worse ? Sometimes he just chose the wrong path, and ended up losing the possession of the ball.

The good thing is his crosses are still good.
Stormvolution 9 said:
ManUtd r in red hot form especially at hom game... No new injury reported except for Evra hving a small knock on Wed. nite!!! In fact Solksjear is back to de team now n both Smith n Park Ji Sung were playing on de reserve game yest.! So its a big boost for de team too... Man Shitty r hving lousy away form... Been losing many games... So on paper, its all ManUtd at Old Trafford tmr!!! :_:

But... Hahaha... In a derby game like this, normally de form book can b throwed out of de window... I think Man Shitty wil try to come to Old Toilet n play a defensive n rough game... Tackles wil b flying in everywhere from them... They wil hv to stop both Rooney n Ronnie running at their defence which i dun think they r capable... 4-5-1 seems very likely for their formation n there wil b lotsa blue shirts behind de ball...

Hopefully ManUtd can play their own attacking game n not b psycho by de Shitty players into making mistakes (especially their tackles)... MU players hv to control their emotion... Play de usual fast moving game n i think Man Shitty wil b out pace by us... So i hope it wil b a 3-0 hom win to ManUtd!!! V need an early goal to settle down... What u guyz think??? :_:

dunno why reading ur post reminds me of abit of commentry from ea sports fifa series & punditry from 'here we go' :shades_smile:

and about giggs, well maybe needs to see an optician like scholes :Not_Impressed:
thank you gooners
thank you flamini.
thank you for scoring a decent goal
thank you for the sightest of touch that diverted fat frank's attempt by an inch.
Though we lost 3 points to you at home, we gained two points here without doing anything.
And now, we have 5 points deposited safely into our account.
It's so nice looking down at chelshit with a 8 points gap.
It never felt so good before.
What a good week.
It's been quite some time...fantastic football,derby win,and leading the table...let's reminisce.
Hahaha... I suppose it was a very good wk last wk for all ManUtd fans all over de world!!! Not tht v r lansi... Jus tht v r too happy bcos all things goes our way currently... ManUtd won de derby game by 3-1, what a revenge!!! And Ass-sernal managed to gave Chelshit a scare at de stamford bridge n de result 1-1 draw gave ManUtd a 8 points lead!!! :_: Yeah, i totally agreed tht with games in hand doesnt means points in de bag!!! Hahaha... Mr. Big Mouth Mourihno u shld know tht better!!! :_: De nerves really play a part into ur Chelshit team... Lets see how ur team play against a 'slowly back to form' Newcastle this coming Wed!!! They wil b no push over!!! If u happen to rest ur key players... haha... Good luck to u!!!

Wow... Looking back few wks back, I was so damn worried... V got to play against Blackburn away, Middleborough away, Everton hom, Benfica hom n Shitty hom in 3 wks times... It really looks tough tht time... But what a performance MU hv had for de past 3 wks... 12 points from 4 super tricky games n qualified for de last 16 of de CL... Finally... :_:

Tht tight schedule might b de main cause why ManUtd been nervous at times against Shitty... Few players really need rest/ a short break, as i said b4 - Ferdinand, Nerville, Giggsy, Rooney n Saha too... They played way too many games in this hectic period consecutively... Its a worry too... But thx God... After this Shitty game, SAF finally able to grant all players a 3 days off where they can really rest their tiring legs n stay fresh for de up coming away game against West Ham on 17th Dec Sunday... This break come jus at de superb timing!!! ManUtd really needs it!!!

Yeah, dunno whether u guyz notice it not... No matter how well Scholesy r playing at times, he tences to hv sloppy passes at de crucial moment at de wrong place... Haha... Tht's not de 1st time v saw him did tht where he lost possesion to Ireland... Really a heart attack moment for us all...

De games tht r coming up: West Ham away 17/12, Aston Villa away 23/12 n Wigan at hom 26/12... 3 more tricky games coming up... So hopefully after this 3 days off, all players can maintain their freshness n good form to over come all hurdles... De Aston Villa away game is de toughest from this 3 games... They hv onli been beaten once at hom this season - Tht's by our Man Shitty 3-1 recently...


Hehehe... Me jus luv to analyse ManUtd games n all thier players... Very happy tht ManUtd finally manage to stage a real challenge to Chelshit this season... Chelshit stil de team to beat... They got de $$$ to buy all tops players... Been very strong for de last 2 seasons... But our SAF finally manage to build a team tht r equally strong n exciting... Hv high hopes for MU this season!!! :_:
Oooopppsss.... Jus got de newz tht SAF is currently in Holland watching n scouting on de progress of Klaas-Jan Huntelaar from Ajax!!! :_: De 23 yr-old Striker is 1 fo de hottest properties in Holland... Not sure SAF wil wanna to sign him in Jan or next season... Myself hvnt got much chances to see him play b4... Not sure abt how he can further strengthen MU option up front...

By looking at de info, v can know tht SAF again wanna to build up a strong team for de next few yrs by keep bringing in promising young talents!!! I heard tht Huntelaar is able to play in few position up front including on de flanks... This wil help de team very much in term of flexibility such as what Larsson can bring to de team...
Stormvolution 9 said:
Hehehe... Me jus luv to analyse ManUtd games n all thier players... Very happy tht ManUtd finally manage to stage a real challenge to Chelshit this season... Chelshit stil de team to beat... They got de $$$ to buy all tops players... Been very strong for de last 2 seasons... But our SAF finally manage to build a team tht r equally strong n exciting... Hv high hopes for MU this season!!! :_:

money can't buy success and heritage.
i remember someone said about the wine business.
"its simple but the first 100 years is difficult" :_:
Yeah, agreed tht it takes time to build a strong/successful team... But with Mr. Abramovich $$$, it really fasten de process n making thing easier for de Chelshit team...

Now tht Loseverpool is on de verge of being bought over by de world 5th richest man, and again v r able to see them make a come back to challenge for tittles... Definately not this season n next season.... Mayb in 2008-09 season onwards... Would luv to see how ManUtd stand up to all tht!!!

Forget about the takeovers, it is inevitable. Let's just hope the quality of football is what hits the headlines more often.

Anyway, it is good to hear that SAF is out looking at the some of the world's promising talents. But I do hope he knows we need midfielders more than we need forwards. Huntelaar? Is he like a Ruud or is he more a Bergkamp?
but i still prefer torres to huntelaar
i watched him during the recent youth championship...

not as good as Torres...nevertheless still a good prospect
Someone like Darren Bent oso if u ask me...
And since both him and Torres are of the same i would prefer Torres
but of course Torres woud be the more expensive one...

Btw...i really feel for Alan Pardew...his team was doing so well last season.
And now he's sack...kesian the fella
I'd very much like Bent. He'll suit playing with Rooney to a tee. Not so sure about Torres. Bent can be a great target man with his athleticism and lead the line well as he does at Charlton. But he also has great pace and technical ability which means he can run at goal and go past defenders. Sounds a bit like our own Saha dunnit? :biggrin:
yah agree that bent is pretty much the same like saha.
but not so sure bout his finishing though...what's his strike rate like?
but nvm la...even if you put indra putra mahayuddin into mu oso he's capable of getting you goals la...any striker can score in Man U due to the supplies provided.

and torres is somewhat similar to the type like goal king cole...hehe
Of the times I've seen Bent, he shows quick feet, a good first touch and composure in front of goal. He sure appears to be a better finisher than Saha. But it remains to be seen if he has the sort of intelligence in running the channels like Saha does.

Torres like Cole? I'm not so sure about that.

Torres is a chip of the conti/spanish striker block. Highly technical and does well with ball to feet. See Raul, Tristan and Morientes.

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