Logged in & out problem...

i'm not disabled the cookies, just each time i'm closed the FF, it will deleted all the cookies...
sorry bro, i'm not sure...
private browsing will clean out cookies after all browser windows are close.. so technically if JINEIL2EN just switch off one tab/windows while the browser itself still on... the cookies still there

as for me... i never used private browsing (incognito mode in chrome) for zth... only for online banking and yet facing the same prblem as JINEIL2EN
try to clear the cookies manually la.see if it helps. maybe the built in session saver has something to do with this? the root cause is defintely from the cookies cos thats how the site recognises who u r...so check there first.

Jin...if u totally close FF now n re-open, u confirm need to re-login rite? ever happened that even after u close then re-open, no need to login?
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