Lampe Berger Issues, To help those who has been stranded..

Tohsan said:
the only things that is useful i found about direct sales like cosway is the "cecair pencuci":regular_smile:

ya i agree with that too!!my mom use to buy those cecair pencuci!!nice fragrant and very good!!ehehe
yalar all those fucker damn kau fan.........
owaz call n call n call.......
then they ask u how many salary can u earn wif ur now job then wad u drive when u will drive bmw or sport car......then wan u 2 join n will get how many $ per month....

i think go 2 buka a stall n sell "lamb burger" lagi bagus la......
n ithink after 10years can buy evo
acbc said:
IMO, every business u do or company u work for is MLM... why?

1. Your boss is at the top of the pyramid. If something happens to him, company dies. This is traditional pyramid scheme.

2. Your boss is at the top of the pyramid. If something happens to him, company won't die. A replacement will take over. This is the modern pyramid scheme. If upliner quits, downliners can automatically takeover as upliners.

The above example is for employment (working for people).

1. You are the boss. U also have employees. Now, as the boss, u r considered an upliner (since sitting at the top of the pyramid). Anything happens to u, the business stops.

2. However, if u hv a partnership business, the partner can resume the operation n become the next upliner.

hey , i think u missed the main feature of the MLM , selling " networks / buisness plan / schemes " , whatever way they refer to it . IMO that is what makes the MLM compared to normal trade/service ..
u see guys... if they wan get member to join so they should talk in goot way.. not to kutuk ppl... actually thier income is from the new person who joined in... if not how they got thier pay.... summore i heard many ppl not been paid.. even my fren...

Tis is a bullshit stuff.. do u all think there is fast money without working or scarifice energy... Do u think they goyang kaki then can live till de rest of the life... If any LM call me.. i fuk kau them kau kau... Damn disturbing.. they dun understand simple word that i told them 'i'm not interested'... the reason i told them alway is.. 'i not in need of money'.. 'i love the way i live now'..

Have u anyone who smell de shit perfume of de lamp??? It suck. made me headache.. I went for De LM talk b4.. n i saw all de LM member lik kena jambi.. All lik clappig wit code or sing thier song.. They think they very proud of it..
I almost fight with the speakers for bullshitting and keep saying I'm stupid for working as the IT analyst because I'm working for my BOSS.

I feel angry with my buddy as he bluff to me to join the talk when I'm back to KL in early July 2005. He call me up for a drink then suddently he ask to meet him at Komplek Antarabangsa and bring me in to the talk. I'm rejected him and want to leave. But he insist want me to listen before I can go.

I agreed and stayed for a while. But I really can't belieave with it. Majority of them are university students. Study so high, but still not using the brain. They all are really brainless. Can you imagine by speding RM2345 and getting 5 person to pay rm2345. then you need to make sure the other 5 persons can get another 5 persons. This mean already get RM2345 X 25 + RM2345 X 5 + RM2345 = RM59625 + 12725 + 2345 = Rm74695

Wah! you though so easy to get this amount on 3 months ka.....if i can get this amount, why not I become salesman in my company or sell my own thing.

The worse is some of the students using their own study loan to join this stupid lamp berger.

I still remember my buddy told me that he going to drive the BMW in 6 months time. Now almost 1 year.. but he still with his WIRA which not even finish pay the car loan. I tiu chau with him since the thing happened
wow1!! all havine such thing hppen.. yes.. it is true.. tis cause me lost trustness to my fren.. i felt to bad.. but one of my fren he joined.. but he din cheat or lie.. he jus ask if wanna go listen.. he din force or keep aski also...

i saw most of it also teenage aged from 18-21 alot.. they jus din think how do de company came wit all de money... i'm not stupid.. cos u see if u wan get rich it is not easy unless u won lottery which has very evry very low percentage of kena lottery..

u ask those who became boss.. lik shop owner or big company.. they work hard last time till they bcame boss..
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Sumthing i wanna share wit u all...

Anyone when for de big talk on LM in federal hotel?? De talker is Duke Yap.. i listen to his idiot story so funnny.. He said last time he is the manager of insurance.. after de big drop in stock market in malaysia history.. he resigned... he took all his hard money RM300k invest to a forest for doin Sawmill factory (Timber Factory Making wood).. He lost all his RM300k in jus 3 month he said... I was thinking there.. of course stupid idiot.. he has no experience on tat role or business sure PK(pok kai).... Now he gain back money from doin LM.. ask wat he said in LM big talk tat day...
OooOoo i think the best way lampe berger....change 2 lampe burger....
Sell burger like Mcdonald can earn cheat no lie...
Everyday got regular customer....hahahahahah
i kena kidnap bfore by my own cousin...
thinkin he bring me go c good stuff then sudd, just struck my mind n i said:
CHIBAI dun tell me u bring my go to the LB shit...
then he said eh how u know?
fuck... hahah damn kao farnee...
anyways the prob is when the person started explainin to me how much i would earn bla bla bla... n asked if i would like to earn thins amount...
then i just look blur n said i duno wat to do wif so much money...
i very happy now wif wat i earnin..
then he TOO LAN!!
imagine tat... no fuckin professionalism...
mahai he too lan throw his pen down n lean back n said then i think you dun haf much ambitions...
then i said oi im oni 21 i dun need so much money...
n then u all sell until like this i sell eggs with the same strategy aso i can b millionaire lar...
then i left wihout any proper byebye...
then my cousin called his other upline n scolded him:
wat kind of person u ask to speak to us?!
damn sorhai...
Hey guys,

So many people saying it is a scam. But why ar ? So many people of them drving cars like 350z impuls, m3, this n that.

I still dun get it. Ahahah. I myself went to their office and a business preview. Yeah, branded stuffs are all around. And also not forgetting those pretty chicks.

Many people saying it is not REAL. But can somebody tell me why there are still people who manage to buy super expensive cars like those i listed ???
nah....some got other company....and some is company car...but they say is they buy from LB
Well, think so.

I have some frens doing it already. I'll see how much they will earn in the FUTURE. Hahahah.

And if they do get luxury cars or sports cars. I can snap contribute in Random Cars Pics. Hahaha.
For me LB is a f*ck-up scam!!!

Ppl r bluffing themselve into believing what they saw is real... Concentrating onli on those branded stuffs n nice cars tht ppl r using n driving... If so chat good, y not ask them go listing la... Ask our Pak La to do their opening ceremony lo... LoLz...

Am very piss-off whenever ppl mentioned abt de LB thingy... hahaha... Frankly speaking, myself dunno much abt de products(dun wanna to go into tht)... But all i heard is what u guys here experienced oso... They keep condemming ppl life r lousy la... std of living r low la... cars r sucks la... GNNLBCCB... If so chat good, go buy Ferrari, Lambo, Bently or even Zonda la... What de hell u stay with Merc, BMW or Z33... Those r 'normal cars' tht v can see on de road everyday what...

If u kinda ask them what de proper biz plan of their products... Strategies n future of de company n etc... They dunno how to answer... Cos they know sucks... Onli know how to ask u to join... If u say u dun wanna join hor, its as if u r hopeless... U r no help... U r a loser... If like tht, everyone go join 'Gangster' lagi baik la... Its de same old system le... De Gangster taiko oso drive nice cars mah....

Besides, their phone calls oso damn chat iritating... Macam dia papa kerja dalam Maxis or Digi... Like no need to pay phone fees... Every wk they call u... Everyday they call u... every 2 hrs they call u... Walan eh... Pe tahan le...

Yo PPL... wake up la... Dun 'dream' liao... U r being used by other ppl... Try look into this thing clearly... How many of them can really stay long n well off le??? I think u guys know de best... Wake up la frens...

Sorry... My 'England' no good... Jus wanna to vent my anger here a bit abt this topic... Pai seh Pai seh!!!
hmm.. ok.. lets make it simple.

lets give LB some benefit of doubt... the principle is easy, and could generate income, but... with a condition.. the bigger the capital, the bigger the profit, and the smallest amount of time. Is that simple.

itz pure mathematical solution... RM2k... to give u 1 million a year? That means how many ppl are u gonna bring in to contribute to RM2k per enrolement? Gosh.. alot... ages.. by then, u probably lost track... or not even reach there at all.

U go ask those LB members... how many of them actually did earn big bucks.. we're talking bout hundreds of thousands and millions.. not the few hundred bucks wan... none.. the answer is almost NIL.

If u notice, the background of each member (the so called successful ones.. the senior)... they are either fr rich background or high cooperate officers, which earns easily 5k to 10k per month or even more.... so itz money multiply money. Most of them invested RM10k over to a few hundreds of K... that is why their return is more, at the shortest amount of time... itz fool proof. Even doing businesses is like that.

My friend whom is at LB rite now.... day in day out wanna psycho me.... he started off at RM2k... and guess what? he fork in another 10k just to self promote himself... see... before u earn money, u already pumping money in... even wit the so "claimed" profit coming in.. u're just covering your investment... u still gotta wait for the net profit.

itz all mathematical.. those guys are really good in convincing... those ppl whom are light hearted definitely fall for it.

so, like some of the ppl that replied in the attached blog.... he is right.. its all about cheating one another....

but dude.. i dont want to loose my friends and family... and live my life with such guilt. There are many ways to earn money... rite from robbing... to earning bucks with your sweat.. etc... just dont go cheating and stealing.. I can't bare living with such guilt.

They can say i'm not strong or belongs to the hopeless group of the society... hey... i did no harm.. i still earn $$... enuf for me, my gf and my family... how hopeless could i be? I think i'm very hopeful here. Those ppl should take a good look at themselves in the mirror.
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vladimir said:
Some of them are like that.. NOT ALL and it is the people NOT PRODUCT.
This is rather obvious, isn't it? Which narrow minded idiot thought it was for everybody anyway?
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