Lampe Berger Issues, To help those who has been stranded..


500 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 5, 2006


If you know anyone or you yourself has been brought into Lampe Berger
and found yourself a NO WAY OUT..

Please consult this website/blog...

This website is being created to help those who has been stranded in the
case with Lampe Berger Multi Level Marketing Plan.

Which involves money $$$ and not a small amount of money.. but big amount
of money.. RM 2500 and above..

Blog about it, advertise it.. do anything about it to tell the world.

We want justice to be done...
Not someone who can take the $$$ and just leave.

Some of them are like that.. NOT ALL and it is the people NOT PRODUCT.
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Anti Lampe Berger....I hate the product donno wat it use for....
Sux but marketing still ok....only product ...zzzzzzzz
Great site. Very useful to challenge a couple of 'stupid' friends. I know one who did nStream... after 3 months, she gave up. Got conned by the upliner! What kind of MLM who sells VoIP without any kind of training.

During the meeting, they even brought one fella to speak... this young looking fella (who doesn't even speak proper English) claimed to be the youngest millionaire selling VoIP products... yeah, right... if pigs could fly.

When asked about the type of car he is driving... guess what? None... just an old Saga! WTF???? Millionaire n yet drives an old junker? Ok, maybe he's a little low profile. Asked about the advantages of VoIP over standard landlines... he couldn't answer! WTF????
Some only pretend rich....act they company can earn money.....
yeah great site!!anti lb here lol!!many liar and bullshitter there!!u know why simon yeam so rich is becoz he have those stupid downline work for him!!
i have a fren and his dad invested 30k but quit after 6 month!!at 1st he say can earn how much la this la that la!!wear those branded stuff la!!after 6 onth he look like a fuck up guy!!work few parttime job!!all i can say is there is no free lunch in this world!
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I think I have posted the same issues about LAMP BERGER middle of the last year.

I really surprised when one of my friend bring me in to this stupid thing and the fellow keep telling me that I can make RM60K in 6 months time. Wearing kot and claiming that he make rm80K per month (But still driving Kancil) and even buy the china made kot. I think some of us with salary RM3k per month also can effort G2000 kot lo. ha ha ha ha

What I feel bad about them is keep saying that we all are stupid. Work for our boss. Not like them............they claim that they work for them self. (Until now I not understand because their upline is the human ka?) If no upline, how he can become downline. ka ka ka

This is toward pyramid scheme. I even logged a police report and make a official complaint to Pusat Aduan at Jabatan Perdana Menteri. You all can see the attachment in this message. There ask me to log a case with Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Semasa.
Peoples nowadays never appreciate the value of honest hardwork by our parents, thats why they are blinded by their own greed,to be rich and fast,this kinda mindset and outlook of life will destroy yourself soonest than u ever imagine.:regular_smile:
i'm not saying it is wrong la.. but i jus know they very 'fan'.. kacau.. keep call asking ppl to join.. my sis kena tipu from fren.. he bring my sis go listen to de talk.. then keep ask my sis to join... Fuk...

My other fren go n listen also.. then u know wat de fuker member say???

LM fuker: Wat car u drive?
My fren: I drive proton waja only.
LM fuker: Proton waja.. u know proton waja is wat?? Proton waja is a useless steel car.

one of my fren joined,he drive altis.. de lm fuker say my fren drive altis also a lousy car..

the LM fuker say Car above 300k only is car... de lm fuker drive BMW 5series one...
Great to see Zero to Hundred is participating in the talk..

Good spread of news...

Am the author of Lampe Berger Help ...

If you have friends or anyone you know have problems getting re-fund,
please e-mail me at [email protected]

Would be glad to help as much as can...
yyap2 said:
i'm not saying it is wrong la.. but i jus know they very 'fan'.. kacau.. keep call asking ppl to join.. my sis kena tipu from fren.. he bring my sis go listen to de talk.. then keep ask my sis to join... Fuk...

not only 'fan', damd annoying,arrogant,fuck up, muka tembok and liar!!all u can see in their eyes is a dollar sign and in their forhead u can see "greed". what they talk is totally bull shit!!say what car la this la. everybody also can drive bmw la!!u get loan u put downpayment and drive for a month plus cant afford then bank tarik balik la!!all i can say is money cant buy everything! and money roots to all evil!!
pls checkout the luxury car market... i heard many ppl drive 3 series bmw, 350z, skylines and so on. Some of them hv push their car to second hand car dealer after few months... some are my friends and also LambBurger members
I oni notice 1 similarity for all Lampe Berger members.

Tok very kau big n the figure they earn mus be at least 5 digit 1. Then sure very lansi n say ppl's job no good. N like to challenge ppl bout the cars they're goin to buy/ driving.
that is why they feed on the greed of younger generations.......mis-leading the naive highschool graduates that leads them to nowhere .

they will talk and show expensive stuff to create a false illusion to the naive people how good they are and then when after they pay already upline happier loh
lampe berger's dogs

dog: I bought an accord for my mother le, but u yourself? No car? No house? No nothing....

this is one of my friend, but somehow....stop lying to others and ask us to join this stupid scam. If I'm not mistaken lampe berger is illegal rite?
Another idiot... joined another MLM called OmegaTrend. His older bro also joined him. 3 months later, his older bro's GF also came aboard.

Abt a year later, the bro's business collapsed... his GF left him (suffered same prob) n lost a lot of money (I heard around 100k of life savings + borrowings from parents).

Friends distanced from them. In reality, they too got conned by the sweet talk n business.

However, abt a couple of months ago, this idiot called me... asking advice to buy a car. So, I asked him which car he plans to buy. Guess what? A Satria SE! WTF????

First of all, he claimed to make lots of money (earning abt 15k per month distributing some health products) n now looking for a car (never owned a car b4). I told him to get a Volvo S40 for a start (even gave him the sales manager's business card). Then he blew the whistle... saying and I quote, "S40 too expensive la!". WTF???? U make RM 15k per month n yet complained that the car was too expensive?

I guess... after years of conning / scamming people... he also no face to admit it... MLM business is not a passport to quick wealth. U have to struggle n work hard for it.

I too kept my distance from him... deleted every traces of communication from my PC, laptop, PDA n handphone.

IMO, every business u do or company u work for is MLM... why?

1. Your boss is at the top of the pyramid. If something happens to him, company dies. This is traditional pyramid scheme.

2. Your boss is at the top of the pyramid. If something happens to him, company won't die. A replacement will take over. This is the modern pyramid scheme. If upliner quits, downliners can automatically takeover as upliners.

The above example is for employment (working for people).

1. You are the boss. U also have employees. Now, as the boss, u r considered an upliner (since sitting at the top of the pyramid). Anything happens to u, the business stops.

2. However, if u hv a partnership business, the partner can resume the operation n become the next upliner.

Working for people ain't bad... as a matter of fact, it helps u to train yourself b4 venturing to self-employment.

I worked in the IT industry for 5 years b4 venturing to renovation business. For 5 years, I suffered great mental stress n high blood pressure (because need to work wee hours in the morning n late). On top of that, my ex-bosses were very stingy! Can't even get OT or claims for travelling. Not a single day, I thought of quiting. But, in the end, I stayed on to put up a fight.

Now, with my own business... I'm doing ok. I have lots of free time. Time which I spend planning other new businesses or hv discussion with old friends in the IT industry.

Like the old saying, "If you put your mind into something, you can accomplished anything".
amazing how good is the website is and how useless some of the replies are....... :D
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tkkhoo said:
im lost, this is about anti lamp berger or anti MLM?

haha talk bout mlm ppl's 1st impression is lb,dchl or syn jor!!they are those mlmer who used to talk damd big and talk bad bout ppls business and so on!!other mlm still ok compare to lb
the only things that is useful i found about direct sales like cosway is the "cecair pencuci":regular_smile:

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