jasma n drego imports turbo


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
hi, im currently planning to replace my old (n worn out) stock td05-16g (stock vr4/e3) which i have been using from day 1 i got d car :)..but rather then go for 2nd hand units (i x know wat 2 check for for a 2nd hand/half cut unit..but @ d same time since im going to change it better upgrade a step forward..like n 18g or even a 20g..

my question is (more like seeking advice from d experts)..i have come across..n read..about these 2 brands:
- jasma (which has lots of other parts under its belt)
- drego imports

their respective prices are within my reach BUT i need lotsa advice about these brand products..n i hope d experts n sifus can help me wiz dis "dilemma" hehehe...im a sceptic (like most ppl im sure) about brands dat r unheard of b4...new..or even "local" made..

so pls pls experts n sifus...HELP ME..ur kind explanations..recommendations n ADVICE r highly appreciated.

tq n rgds

hi, im currently planning to replace my old (n worn out) stock td05-16g (stock vr4/e3) which i have been using from day 1 i got d car :)..but rather then go for 2nd hand units (i x know wat 2 check for for a 2nd hand/half cut unit..but @ d same time since im going to change it better upgrade a step forward..like n 18g or even a 20g..

my question is (more like seeking advice from d experts)..i have come across..n read..about these 2 brands:
- jasma (which has lots of other parts under its belt)
- drego imports

their respective prices are within my reach BUT i need lotsa advice about these brand products..n i hope d experts n sifus can help me wiz dis "dilemma" hehehe...im a sceptic (like most ppl im sure) about brands dat r unheard of b4...new..or even "local" made..

so pls pls experts n sifus...HELP ME..ur kind explanations..recommendations n ADVICE r highly appreciated.

tq n rgds


bro from what ive read around this forum JASMA brand is not very reliable
just search around the forums and you will see what i mean
how much is your budget anyways??
i would suggest just refurbishing back your e3 big 16g turbo as it is very very reliable as u can tell since u have used yours for a long long time
instead of getting the jasma or drego turbos that will cost the same as servicing your existing turbo
or u can opt to upgrade ur td05 16g to td06 20g which is also a good choice
bottom line try to stick mitsubishi turbos or any other branded turbos such as garrett as they have been proven to be reliable :top:
yeap... get halfcut turbine and refurbish it... not all jasma products are not reliable... but as a consumer, we must know how to differentiate them...
bro from what ive read around this forum JASMA brand is not very reliable
just search around the forums and you will see what i mean
how much is your budget anyways??
i would suggest just refurbishing back your e3 big 16g turbo as it is very very reliable as u can tell since u have used yours for a long long time
instead of getting the jasma or drego turbos that will cost the same as servicing your existing turbo
or u can opt to upgrade ur td05 16g to td06 20g which is also a good choice
bottom line try to stick mitsubishi turbos or any other branded turbos such as garrett as they have been proven to be reliable :top:

Good point there...

But honestly speaking... TD05 18G already choking at high boost... What do u expect from a 20G..?

yeap... get halfcut turbine and refurbish it... not all jasma products are not reliable... but as a consumer, we must know how to differentiate them...

True... But just had an incident having a burst JASMA Aeromotive style FPR and got the engine burnt... I myself, I had a gear lever (Type 2, claimed to be smoother and better overall from the first one) installed at night and snapped at the sideway linkage the next afternoon. I thanked god i wasn't on highway taking steep corner.... I was at the restaurant behind my office.

But I've been using the JASMA silicon hose for some time... Quite reliable... No problem... No complain... Good item.

Sometimes, need to ask around...
Good point there...

But honestly speaking... TD05 18G already choking at high boost... What do u expect from a 20G..?

True... But just had an incident having a burst JASMA Aeromotive style FPR and got the engine burnt... I myself, I had a gear lever (Type 2, claimed to be smoother and better overall from the first one) installed at night and snapped at the sideway linkage the next afternoon. I thanked god i wasn't on highway taking steep corner.... I was at the restaurant behind my office.

But I've been using the JASMA silicon hose for some time... Quite reliable... No problem... No complain... Good item.

Sometimes, need to ask around...

how much is the JASMA silicone hose btw??
if it aint to cheap i would opt for SAMCO instead
I myself, I had a gear lever (Type 2, claimed to be smoother and better overall from the first one) installed at night and snapped at the sideway linkage the next afternoon. I thanked god i wasn't on highway taking steep corner.... I was at the restaurant behind my office.

Sometimes, need to ask around...[/QUOTE]

bro speed2horizon, need ur opinion..
1. jasma short shifter also not reliable ke? planning to install on my ride tomorow but if u said not good then i should cancel...

2. jasma 4g18 camshaft 272degree. very cheap rm500++ it is advisable bro?
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thnx all 4 ur advice n feedback...guess jasma is out of d question especially if it involves directly wiz d engine..wldn want my engine 2 blow up in a middle of a "lepas geram" session hehehe...however how bout drego import turbos?
my friend has been using the jasma t04e turbo on 4g93t for almost six months already and it hasn't made any problems thus far...
but only boosting at 0.7bar...since his car not tuned yet....'lepas geram' sessions almost every friday's and saturday's..
is quite powerful compared to his 20g that went 'kaput' on him...
he also bought for his friend who's using rb25 engine also not giving any problems thus far....

don't know how long it's gonna last though...maybe any other users can give abit of a feedback..?
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how much is the JASMA silicone hose btw??
if it aint to cheap i would opt for SAMCO instead

It's not expensive. Around RM100-RM115...

bro speed2horizon, need ur opinion..
1. jasma short shifter also not reliable ke? planning to install on my ride tomorow but if u said not good then i should cancel...

The old one is more better.... But not smooth... At least it won't fail... But meanwhile, I'm modifying another stock Evo's lever into a short shifter... I think it'll work much better compare to those... Kekeke....

2. jasma 4g18 camshaft 272degree. very cheap rm500++ it is advisable bro?

Is it the same one for 4G15..?? It's a proven cam... I think they copy Piper's. But If 4G15 is the one u are saying.. Then I think it requires some machining at the distributor part.

thnx all 4 ur advice n feedback...guess jasma is out of d question especially if it involves directly wiz d engine..wldn want my engine 2 blow up in a middle of a "lepas geram" session hehehe...however how bout drego import turbos?

Actually a friend was using TD05 20G china... Worked well but lasted 1 year.. Then "kong kah liao"...

my friend has been using the jasma t04e turbo on 4g93t for almost six months already and it hasn't made any problems thus far...
but only boosting at 0.7bar...since his car not tuned yet....'lepas geram' sessions almost every friday's and saturday's..
is quite powerful compared to his 20g that went 'kaput' on him...
he also bought for his friend who's using rb25 engine also not giving any problems thus far....

don't know how long it's gonna last though...maybe any other users can give abit of a feedback..?

Yes... This kind of review is useful... I think use memang can use... In fact the OCT, EK rear lower arm all quite nice.

Cam pulleys for campro marking lari 90º. If bukak head, hailat.....
For GSR also, some got lari. Have to take note.

Fuel rail bushing.

Sometimes have to jaga jaga...
thnx bro very2 useful info there...then im more then sure x going for jasma brand...x point having to b using d item below its capacity n yet have 2 be extra2 careful somemore...

but im stil waiting for feedback/comments/advice on drego import ones...anyone??

thnx again bro's..keep em all d useful info/advice/comments coming..


It's not expensive. Around RM100-RM115...

The old one is more better.... But not smooth... At least it won't fail... But meanwhile, I'm modifying another stock Evo's lever into a short shifter... I think it'll work much better compare to those... Kekeke....
having 2 b

Is it the same one for 4G15..?? It's a proven cam... I think they copy Piper's. But If 4G15 is the one u are saying.. Then I think it requires some machining at the distributor part.

Actually a friend was using TD05 20G china... Worked well but lasted 1 year.. Then "kong kah liao"...

Yes... This kind of review is useful... I think use memang can use... In fact the OCT, EK rear lower arm all quite nice.

Cam pulleys for campro marking lari 90º. If bukak head, hailat.....
For GSR also, some got lari. Have to take note.

Fuel rail bushing.

Sometimes have to jaga jaga...
yup...had poblems wit thier short shifter..lucky did nt mss gear..the batang came out skru loose by it self..damn..have to bring spannar..hahah..then modify it..nw so far ok la..
turbo's are meant to last for years n years on a car
bt if u r looking for a quick cheap upgrade bt of cos nt tht lasting, no prob opting for these
u might find it abit of trouble when it comes to repairing it later hehehe
seen one opened up infront of me for repair, its quite funny how china match makes some funny spec bush n bearings into it.
turbo's are meant to last for years n years on a car
bt if u r looking for a quick cheap upgrade bt of cos nt tht lasting, no prob opting for these
u might find it abit of trouble when it comes to repairing it later hehehe
seen one opened up infront of me for repair, its quite funny how china match makes some funny spec bush n bearings into it.

the sifu has spoken :adore: :adore: :adore:
must follow already :biggrin:
HOHO d sifu has finally spoken..thnx bro 4 dat explanation..u c im just thinking bout these 2 brands n its worth d discussion x u think...worse comes to worse i just upgrade my current turbo...

garret is another option but dat wil require me 2 re-do my piping (rite??) s its currently for td05..if dat is d case then dat wld just have hold....

aiyaaa decision decision..hehehe...anymore feedback??

thnx so so much

rgds n God bless

turbo's are meant to last for years n years on a car
bt if u r looking for a quick cheap upgrade bt of cos nt tht lasting, no prob opting for these
u might find it abit of trouble when it comes to repairing it later hehehe
seen one opened up infront of me for repair, its quite funny how china match makes some funny spec bush n bearings into it.
agree with jin, besides if normal driving shouldnt be any problem, but if your a heavy footer and kaki rembat plz opt for originals or aftermarket replacement like FP series or CBRD BBK turbos

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