is this a good idea?


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2005
well..i've browsed through the forum..and found quite a number of bashings concernin Brothers...well..the story is like this..i plan to get a new HU for my car...wut is everyone's comment on the HU sold at Brothers? i mean for Kenwood and so it a good buy? and hows the price..cheaper or more expensive? an the quality too..thanks in advance
Well, you have to survey few shops first, then compare the price. Brothers sometimes sell the HUs slightly cheaper than other shops, as they get the stock in bulk, but this is not everytime correct. Sometimes other shops sell cheaper than Brothers. Only Brothers the workmanship is very poor, but install a HU should be not much problem. Only you have to see when they are changing your HU.
Hi Kelvin,
Where's your location?
I look at Brothers one time for a Kenwood KDC-X7529. The price tag was RM898. Then, I went to Cost Plus and found out they were selling it at RM871. When I went to another acc shop, this shop offered me RM770. :_:
So, it is advisable to go and have a look around before you go and buy stuff there. You can also probably ask people in the forum for price of a certain HU.
the price can be negotiate mah, although i have no good impression on brother
in the 1st place, why bother checking brothers if they r well known for bad workmanship? many gave bad reviews, save the time, check out other stores if price is the concern
Well, so far I know they are fair on changing HU, others.... But sometimes the HU they are selling is cheap. Worth to buy at this time.
lol...i dun plan to ask them to install for me..i jst wan to buy the HU..was considerin the kenwood double din dvd player...forget the full code number...wut 7037 ....the price i quoted this noon is rm3900 ..was goin to kl for wan2 look for it lo..if cheaper..then i buy lo...
Good luck to you, I think Brothers or other bigger acc shops got sell the HU that you are looking for, still have to survey first.
if brothers hav it...can the products sold there b trusted? i mean is there any imitation stuffs or sth? tat's wut i reli mean when i post this thread...coz i heard got many imitation stuffs in wan2 ask bout it lo...
I don't think Brothers will sell imatation HUs like Kenwood. Well, the best is try to remember HU's spec that you going to buy. Then from the specs you will know is imatation or not...
ok..thanks dude...well..the specs..r easy to memorize often does a HU break down...coz no warranty one is 300...
i think in one year any HU wont break down unless there is something wrong with the installation or you everyday put your car under the blazing sun... if not then should be after the warranty perios tht the manufacture give you then it will start to breakdown...
This have to see your luck, some will be very lucky, never break down from day 1. Some after 1 week will break down also.. Nobody can tell you on this.
yea...kyheng..u r precisely right bout tat...two years back..i hav a kenwood necvox in-dash monitor...broke down after a week...then go to shop and change another unit...:( got a bit scared liao..
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