i HATE June~


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 24, 2003
ermm...in the month of June, some of us maybe starting our new Semester, blockbuster films on screens......and sum of our friends in OZ studying mebbe having their exam...

i just wonder why..people get so stressed up for study one..
as if when i talk to them....they'll scold me bac...

i tot we need to enjoy when we're studying?
all aimining for 1st class honours ar?

June will be a bz schedule for me too... will at sabah for half a month....
hey crash... sometimes, depend on your plan.. u could make money out of it leh. My friend even had enuf to do an engine conversion. hahahaha.
alantan : obvious answer , they take their studies seriously .

crash : congrats on getting married
When I was in Oz, I had the time of my life. I did everything I wanted to and satisfied all my curiosity. As the saying goes though, when it's time to play, play but when it's time to work, work. I never neglected my studies. Have always prepared for exams as I know it costs a bomb for my parents to send me over. When exams are over however, I partied and boozed 4-5 days in a week.

So there's my advice mate. Party as hard as you want, but you have to be serious when it comes to your studies. One day you'll have a kid. Ask yourself how you would feel should he waste all your hard earned money.
crash..not to say wedding dinner

my grandpa dinner few tables in a room of a restaurant..invite 40-50 guest....instead of rugi..make money out of it too...enuff to ermm...few k extra la...
hmm... seems this is a sad thread. forumers here all down mood...:emoticon_U:
this june gonna be fun. Coz got world cup hahaha. At least i know what to do at late night
not reli de....
sumtimes u will enjoy when u r studyin..
but sumtimes not...
so evrytin is different..
but evrythin is depends on u tat how u think on it...
how can you all hate the month where you spend RM20 and have a great day with all the chun cars and chicks?
june is summer time for me after one semester of gruelling lectures, exams,projects,classes.. time to enjoy to the fullest.... ;) ;)
how to make big bucks when organising wedding dinner?? markup the min angpow value??

walau..i love june....my own bd,my gf bd...so we can celebrate it together...somemore this june got biggest event...world cup,japan gt....ngam ngam jatuh on my birthday..24june :regular_smile: this year might open house...celebrate our pak toh time 2nd year ulangtahun...sob sob...Pakai $$$ lagi!:Not_Impressed: maybe can cover back from party ang pau..hehehe..:_:
my personal opinion la.. when ure in college.. u will think dat highschool days r de best... n when ure workin edi.. u will think college n highschool life is de best.. so better enjoy while u can... if not.. ones u work.....aihh like dat lo..
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