i bang a mat rempit....

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Originally posted by boggysv@Jan 25 2005, 21:57
why u even bother to pay him 7 bucks?
c movie need money mah..hhahahaha....
i guess u guys dun mind paying a mere rm7 2 c mat rrmpits falling off from their bikes rite? :lol:
in this case the mat rempit bang u ...not you bang him..
Last saturday i also nearly kena bang by a gang of them at Maju Junction punya junction..
i bang b4 but my car damage kau kau ler.. n de police say im wrong.. wTF...
ok ok...i was bang by mat rempit :angry:

fuck mat rempits...go 2 hell...ma puki hai....
sound like your car really got lot's of accident ....

wow. cool down cool down, not saying that you are wrong, just to highlight to you maybe you can update the subject a bit ... :lol:
I honk them at the junction when they try to do those funny thing.
hahaha yong . Lucky in ur condition .i more suey la :( last 2003 july when i was fetching my frenz back to ampang a motor bang me from side n my co-driver bengkok a bit ,the fella fell on ground n roll n roll n roll,his motorbike flew away n creating "firework" bcoz his exhaust (i think so) scratch the road. i stop n check him out but he pass out,blood comin out from his ears some more :ph34r: i even found a few can of beers <_< knn.

Police ask me to admit its my fault n let him claim my insurance but my dad wont let me .Went to puspakom to check my car also.How does it happened .So he started sueing me..nex court case mention on Feb 18 :( Damm mat rempits..
i donno my...the moment i see this heading...i saw a funny side of it :lol: ....i am laughing with myself while clicking on this thread :lol: :lol: ...damn :huh: ...there must be something wrong with me.... :blink: :blink:
WAH! If no licience... means whut ever u say, how ever the story went... also will be 100% his fault... regardless or not it was YOU in the wrong... coz' they're considered dunno law and not eligible to ride bike properly.

If i were u...

dumbass: bapak saya polis tau
me: ya ke? bapak saya lawyer la... macam mana? So we should do the right thing... mari kita pergi report!

MUAHAHAHAHA... see he SCARED or not..
hua..the moment i saw ur topic's title i got all excited :D
i noe tat's not pretty good of me..
but wat the heck..

no license no helmet?..
bapak police lagi baik la cam tu.. ;)
get money from his dad too :lol:
Originally posted by alvin24@Jan 26 2005, 01:08
WAH! If no licience... means whut ever u say, how ever the story went... also will be 100% his fault... regardless or not it was YOU in the wrong... coz' they're considered dunno law and not eligible to ride bike properly.

If i were u...

dumbass: bapak saya polis tau
me: ya ke? bapak saya lawyer la... macam mana? So we should do the right thing... mari kita pergi report!

MUAHAHAHAHA... see he SCARED or not..
tats wat i did...i dare tat fello 2 follow me 2 make police report but he wouldn't

tats rite...no lisence means his fault....my fren was making a u turn(his own fault) when suddenly a bike bang his car n go flying wit his life....but yet..is still the biker's fault...
Did they fly past or they just knock into you and fell to the side?
No pictures? If they just knock and fell, then not that serious lah, they might not be speeding, if they superman pass your front, then sure they are speeding.
2 summore ah... good wooo... not often you could kick 2 rempits with 1 car... hahaha

So the score should be

Innocent people - 2 : 0 - Mat Rempit

Just wondering, with all these rampant snatch thieves going around, could they also be invovle in all this rempit rempit stuff? The police should monitor all those rempits right? Wouldn't know just one swoop of the net, can catch how many snatch thieves.
last weekend going back to hometown also kena bang by mat rempit KNNCCB :angry:

traffic jam and was looking at side mirror then suddenly, wrraannnggg... wrraaannngg... wah... so fast man... 2 lane somemore beside me is lorry, celaka hit my back bumper, then still want to slip between me and that big lorry! after that he loses control and himself bang onto the big lorry tyre and then rest on my passenger side mirror, i was... :blink: in my mind just now i was thinking that the mat rempit is going to rest below that lorry but he is lucky. <_<

anyway, i was wanted to screw him but thanks to the waja behind that lorry who helped me to screw him... that waja is an indian and he looks like wanted to stop and hit that mat rempit. after that, i was cooling down, traffic is very heavy at the moment. aii... what to do, must go on... then the mat rempit says sorry la.. aiya.. let him go la, what to do...

luckily nothing major, just some scratches and dents only... :(
lucky it was one fella
that day early morning went to see my fren accident...about 20 mat rempit racing juz at the lake garden by my house...if one bang me...i'm dead...
samore i driving gf car...
Originally posted by ky_fei@Jan 26 2005, 00:50
hahaha yong . Lucky in ur condition .i more suey la :( last 2003 july when i was fetching my frenz back to ampang a motor bang me from side n my co-driver bengkok a bit ,the fella fell on ground n roll n roll n roll,his motorbike flew away n creating "firework" bcoz his exhaust (i think so) scratch the road. i stop n check him out but he pass out,blood comin out from his ears some more :ph34r: i even found a few can of beers <_< knn.

Police ask me to admit its my fault n let him claim my insurance but my dad wont let me .Went to puspakom to check my car also.How does it happened .So he started sueing me..nex court case mention on Feb 18 :( Damm mat rempits..
Dude, exactly what happened in your case? If you totally did not do anything wrong, fight it till the end in court. Also, why in the FUCK did the police ask you to admit wrong? Get his name and mention it to the judge that the police asked you to LIE when making a report. If all else fails, get help from MCA or something. If you DID NOT do anything wrong, I'd strongly suggest that you fight till the end. If you let one guilty bastard win, he will tell all his friends to do the same thing and in the end, we car drivers are fucked for good when a rempit hit us.

I've mentioned before to y'all, always bring a camera in the car. If digital is too expensive, bring those louya film cameras. Have it loaded and ready to use at all time. When an accident happens, get out of the car and take photos immediately, then only go and discuss with the fucker who hit you. Photos make solid evidence should anything goes wrong in the law. This is what the police told me last time. Saves a lot of trouble and time to explain this and that.
Also, try to carry along a small voice recorder when making police report or whatever. Voice recording can also make good evidence. It's also good to start the recording once the accident happened. If the fucker threaten you or anything and you have it all recorded in voice, you can make another police report against him for threat.

After writing all those stuff, I could still remember that malaysian citizens got no protection from the law. The law always favours the guilty. Fucked up Malaysian law.
hey satria_95 , i didnt took any picture due to that time,when the fella langgar me,i tot of runnin from the place .But ended up stop in front a bit and in 3 mins time also tak sampai the fella had been carried to hospital Kuala Lumpur by a white van. <_< happened way too fast for a newbie :( i was cruising nice nice n then shit happened.

My dad say we will not aku salah or wateva ! but i afraid the court case will makan money coz nid to hire lawyer i think..currently Kurnia Insurance appointed a lawyer to us ledi :(
if u not wrong mo tiu them
feb 18...high court?
mebbe i can go visit...need a day trip to the court anywayz...
i might as well visit someone i know..
If it's not your fault, don't admit it.
Fuck the Police and the Mat Rempit.
The police sometimes also don't use brain when dealing with this type of cases. Always think that if Car and Bike involve in accident, the guilty one is the car.

Snap a pic of that Mat Rempit, post it up, next time we see him on the road, we make sure he won't be able to get up and show off anymore. I think he ask the police, talk bullshit story and the police told him to sue. That's a usual case, especially when it comes to them helping out their own people.
i jsut kena few days back...was at the wangsa maju traffic light...
turnin into section 2..
got this 2 screwed up mat rempit comin.. hit my side mirror.. now crack addi.. whenever i drive the mirror bounce up and down.. damn keji..
knock addi act dunno.. i chase and shouted at them then they show me middle finger.. i damn wanna bang them down! 2 bad sis in car.. canot do shitz liek that
A few years back, me and a few friends were cruising around taman tun and seeing that the traffic light junction under the flyover towards one utama is green, she (the driver) decided to gun her bmw alpina until.. wat.. 110km/h? anyway, ngam ngam in the middle of the junction, 2 indons on kapchai suddenly keluar potong lampu merah, we speared them from the side full speed. the indons flew like bowling pins and landed with a thud on the road, while their bike skidded for about 50m towards OU. One of the indons were bleeding from the crotch, and the other has blood gushing from almost every hole of his head.

The car was a wreck, but miraclously the indons survived and didn't seem to want to press charges against our driver friend.. maybe illegals.. but meh.. who cares.
simon : nice to meet u :lol: visitin me ? dunno high court or wateva court la hahahahaha y u got business there ?
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