HPC = Fun For All at the Tracks!! Post Pics of Events!!

i wanna ask
can two drivers share a car?
me and my bro in law wanna come,but we only have one car...
slow lousy car..can ma?
i wanna ask
can two drivers share a car?
me and my bro in law wanna come,but we only have one car...
slow lousy car..can ma?

2 drivers share a car... hmmm... Can mah, 1 drive in the morning session, the other in the afternoon.... Why not?
or if both drivers in different goups can use the same session. I did that with my sister. She drive in Group One , I drive in Group 3.

Slow car fast car as long as safe and functioning can still take to track
Yes, if in different groups then can do in same session. However, I was assuming that both drivers are newbies and would be registered in Group 1 where there would be instructor to guide you on the track. If both of u are registered in Group in the same session, then car sharing would not be conducive for both of you to learn..
hmm...i've been to track once[in a different car than this one]...my bro in law never...can consider "i've driven on track" so i can enter group 2?
btw...i realised fr the HPC website...its half track only ya?from which turn? 7 8 onwards??
and sorry for the confusion,i meant 2 person in ONE session, SAME groupo driving the SAME car
It's a 456 GTA.......A = automatic. Alexklg, didn't you manage to peep inside to see the auto stick?

BTW, Alexklg, are you the same Alex I met at the track parked next to the TXX 777X Satria Neo? I was Ammar's instructor.

Wei Li rite? It's me, Ammar :shades_smile: How is it? I'm going for next HPC. Actually my no. is TXX X777.
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