how do u think about the thomas & uber cup ( national player )

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Known Member
Senior Member
Feb 2, 2010
Kuala Lumpur
hi friends,
anyone who like fancy for the Thomas cup and Uber cup .:hmmmm:

yesterday when i saw a live in TV which is Malaysia VS China , our first national player is Lee Cong wei loose to Lin Dan , then our double player also Loose to China Player and finally ,WOng Choon Han giving a fight better then both player and finally also loose to China player , what i want to said is i saw too many mistake been done in front of the net as well in term of their fizikal not yet fit n ready to face Great CHina Wall.:bawling:

2nite is a final which is China VS Indonesia , guess who will win ? china ? indonesia ? in world badminton currently China is control the Single as well Double player no matter for guys or gurls
but i believe one day they will fall as well, for malaysia , still far away Who will replace Lee Chong Wei as well other ?:burnout:
i know its not so easy but the fact is we need to accept that we need a strong player which can replace our national player as well player which can recap back our glory days .:adore:


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
our malaysian players have no dicipline & determination....
at the end...the results show....

anyways, our so called Lee Chong Wei became #1 in the world because Lin Dan was injured before.......but to me, Lin Dan #1, Taufiq Hidayat #2...


7,000 RPM
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Apr 19, 2004
Sahara Desert
what i think about our team? good, let me point out some :

1) the top ppl needs to change, management till the players. (from ministers till players need to change, rebuilt, refurbish, turnover and re-trained)

2) players has no fighting spirit, all gone down straight sets. :stupid:

3) leading by 6 to 10 points all will be like damn relax (LCLY), then your opponent will tie with you very fast. :stupid:, no consistency at all.

4) some singles dont even chase the ball, and never runs... he will act like that ball will come to him wherever he is :stupid:

5) the supporters cheer the players up, it will go up by 1 point, if there is no supporter i think 10 points also kenot reach :stupid:

6) all the players sitting on the bench (b4 they play) will be like very happy and chit chatting with other players, and making fun of each other (why dont you all just concentrate when its ur turn?) :hmmmm:

7) what else??

of course i support the malaysian team, but how long i have been supporting malaysia? And the blardy trend of the players are still the same, MINDSET never change and they are old.

the sports minister should go down the ground to get more grassroots players and horn their skills... who knows, there are many good players outside but the GOMEN dont recognise them :stupid:, so how the hell we are gonna find new players??

wanna join BAM? you must pay first :stupid:, i mean "other" methods of paying.

shoot me if i am wrong, bring this out to the media AND let them see!!!


Beyond 20,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2008
Great Wall of China have been standing still even though so many years sure strong ma hehe!

I do agree with Bro Danz. Lin Dan is the real World No. 1. Just because he was unfit that time and lost to Lee Chong Wei nia...

I have always been supporting Lin Dan. U may wanna say I don't love/support my own country but that's just the fact that Lin Dan is a real fantastic Player. Love watching the way he play. If only Malaysian players can be as committed and have strong determination to win like China Players.

I have once support Malaysia but like what fstrader said, what's the point of supporting them so long? Is just still the same...


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 2, 2009
all i can say is our national players are like noobs against china they r like children MCB! so easy giving up. the stupid SO CALL DATUK PUI LA wearing gold necklece + gold ring like a SHEMALE n run like GINAKIA losing 21-14, 21-7. OMG CAN U BELIEVE 7.i say comon la DATUK SHEMALE go sleep la pls dun malu malaysia.

i say change all OLD players + SUPER OLD COACH THEY R TOO OLD LIAO CB!!!
let those new players come up, let em' play ,let em' lose all they need is to gain their EXPERIENCE.
im sure for near future sure malaysia sure hv better players than china.


Junior Member
Senior Member
Sep 6, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
IMO,stop giving / pampering all our malaysian athletes ridiculous amounts of money when they win some event....

sheeshh....badmintton,soccer,hockey, by one falls down easily now....

Really miss the determination of Foo Kok Keong during '92.....salute him!:adore:


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2005
They are playing for moolah, not for Malaysia. $$$$$
can get Datukship, can get land, big allowance - thats the target.
Hey they lost, so the fans 'boooooo', so what ?, Najib & Rosmah back up them, they got sport car & lotsa RM.
Let say Najib promise them 1 million each if win, for sure they will play like no tomorrow hah hah:thefinger:


Beyond 20,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2008
IMO,stop giving / pampering all our malaysian athletes ridiculous amounts of money when they win some event....

sheeshh....badmintton,soccer,hockey, by one falls down easily now....

Really miss the determination of Foo Kok Keong during '92.....salute him!:adore:
Not Yang Yang meh? :rofl:

You may take soccer/football out of the list has never been up before so can't fall at all :rofl:

In a 1000years also Malaysia won't be able to get into World Cup la. Last time, if not wrong only qualifying round but still not good enough during Moktar Dahari time...still at least a better results than what we have now..


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
all i can say is our national players are like noobs against china they r like children MCB! so easy giving up. the stupid SO CALL DATUK PUI LA wearing gold necklece + gold ring like a SHEMALE n run like GINAKIA losing 21-14, 21-7. OMG CAN U BELIEVE 7.i say comon la DATUK SHEMALE go sleep la pls dun malu malaysia.

i say change all OLD players + SUPER OLD COACH THEY R TOO OLD LIAO CB!!!
let those new players come up, let em' play ,let em' lose all they need is to gain their EXPERIENCE.
im sure for near future sure malaysia sure hv better players than china.
ahahaha...good 1....the loser should remove his blardy gold chain & ring while playing....
the fella so skinny & cant run for shit.....u call the fella datuk? i call him loser..!!! i dont think he deserve the title datuk....unlike Nicole David, she really deserve bout Shahrukh Khan?
how come he got the title?


Beyond 20,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2008
ahahaha...good 1....the loser should remove his blardy gold chain & ring while playing....
the fella so skinny & cant run for shit.....u call the fella datuk? i call him loser..!!! i dont think he deserve the title datuk....unlike Nicole David, she really deserve bout Shahrukh Khan?
how come he got the title?
The reason why he get datuk is cuz he can't run fast and is skinny too...:rofl:

Shahrukh Khan deserves it cuz he is popular? And I must say he is a good actor...lots of fans too...


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
Datuk shahrukh khan got the title cos he shot his movie in melaka they ma give him datuk so he come back n shoot more movies there wat. meaningless datuk. malu when think the datuk title = knighthood(sir) title in UK. like that i oso wanna shoot a movie there n get datukship. can?

i watch the match between Chong Wei and the danish guy during lunch in a coffee shop owned by a China guy...ended up we were talking about the match loh n possible outcome...the serving girl was an at the table we had a china guy...and indon chick and me...a malaysian. the china guy and the indon chick was arguing who was going to win..both oso saying their players better...i keep quiet oni dun dare masuk campur cos i dun dare tin kosong bising that malaysia power hahahha. ended up i say...haiya...just wait n see la. then i asked them both...think malaysia can win not? they both smiled oni hahahahah:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 2, 2009
at 1st i oso think malaysia can win coz DATUK AQUA never lose before in his home ground. the asian handicap given to him was +14.5 by Lin Dan.but in the end DATUK AQUA give up so easily oni can see his BLING' BLING' gold necklace n rings he not show even 50% of his skill Lin DAN is too good for him? even DATUK AQUA scare eye to eye wit Lin Dan.
if ppl wacth the game u know wut i mean.wasting my money buying ticket+ bring my family to go support Malaysia team in Bkt Jalil all the way from Perak MCB!
any1 remember past olympics? same thing happen there he play like a noob against Lin Dan so badly loses.

ask the DATUK AQUA go do fashion show la wearing BLING' BLING' do cat walk he can la,CHASE BALL he kenot la.
i hope i will never see his face again in coming tournament + those old old players in Malaysia team + the coaches they r really too old. + SIDEK is oredi show his full power after so many fuckin' years yet still he kenot change the fact we cant beat CHINA.
bring in new coach from korean , even china, japan or ndonesia.
bring in those young payers lose nvm after few years they sure can fucking beat LAN C LIN DAN or CB CHINA.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
if not mistaken, there is a indon coach for BAM team...
but the indon said he wanna resign, cos he lazy to teach msian team due
to lazyness & no determination.......& for that i totally agree wid him.....

just tarik back the datukship & R35......make him use proton wira enuf....
he does not deserve it too arrogant..........u got see Datuk nicole david buy fancy car? as i know the last time she was using kelisa only......


Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Dec 21, 2005
guys,it's good to be a patriotic malaysian but is it necessary we shoot our points with all the dirty words/offensive statements?

we lose in thomas cup is bad enough,don't make it worse by making such statement.lets discuss in a gentlemen way ok?


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
Datuk shahrukh khan got the title cos he shot his movie in melaka they ma give him datuk so he come back n shoot more movies there wat. meaningless datuk. malu when think the datuk title = knighthood(sir) title in UK. like that i oso wanna shoot a movie there n get datukship. can?

i watch the match between Chong Wei and the danish guy during lunch in a coffee shop owned by a China guy...ended up we were talking about the match loh n possible outcome...the serving girl was an at the table we had a china guy...and indon chick and me...a malaysian. the china guy and the indon chick was arguing who was going to win..both oso saying their players better...i keep quiet oni dun dare masuk campur cos i dun dare tin kosong bising that malaysia power hahahha. ended up i say...haiya...just wait n see la. then i asked them both...think malaysia can win not? they both smiled oni hahahahah:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
wah....if international actor/actress shoot their movie in msia, can get datukship ka? wtf ....our datukship so cheap wan ah?


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
hehehe all linked mah.

Danz...our datukship not cheap...very very the mahal. if u have lots lots of $$$ sure can buy. but not the correct way mah. datukship supposed to give out when the person contributes to the the country wat. like for Datuk Nicole, very very ngam she get...nobody in the world can beat her in squash leh. all oso mati katak when fight with her hahaha.

back to badminton...i didnt notice our #1 ranked badminton player wearing gold chain...serious ar? i tot normally during sports will normally take off all bling bling mah. no discipline? dun really follow badminton nowadays. not as exciting as last time when FKK n sidek bros playing. that time chikek...they player like no tomorrow. now leh... no comment.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
last time they were selling datukship in pdn mewah ampang, just behind my mom in law hse...came out in newspaper before....the shop closed already....but not sure how much its costs le....

back to BAM, im sure our players could play at their best, just that they need hard determination, concentration be able to beat China team.....
for now the only way Msia to win the thomas & uber cup next time is hoping for Lin Dan & taufiq Hidayat to get injured haha...

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