Hoooray!!! Malaysia just won another 'The Most...'

bring only rm7, how dare u,.... if i am the polis, sure u die edy.... hehehe...

i'll said:...dik, tu wastegate ape bland??? samco lgi... ku angkat ni, kau bleh balik..."

I'm not suprised by this news - our cab drivers are getting worse.
u guyz think that is bad? i was once at Pudu a few years ago was kinda drizzling i wanted to go to Starhill for an event I jez came back from malacca so I had with me 3 bags...one on my back and 2 on each hands...these are like sports cum luggage bags...in short my hands were freaking full...

So i asked the taxi dude No.1...one agreed to send me there for RM10...I said ok...but before that I had asked another guy taxi dude No.2 he said RM20..then that taxi dude No.2 comes over to taxi dude No.1 and whispered some shit to him upon seeing me agreeing...THEN SUDDENLY TAXI DUDE NO.1 SAID CANNOT NOW VERY JAM NOT GOING THERE.....WTFFFFFF.....I said fuck this shit I'm not getting ripped off these pundeks can go to freaking hell I walked all the bloody way from there to bukit bintang under the rain and a sprained shoulder....yes i was late my boss had many questions for me...so bottom line is...._|_ those who wanna fleece u...
teruk because they are beruk who eats jeruk everyday. :biggrin:

Haha...so cute... Never experienced before bcoz seldom use any taxi @ cab. But heard a lot of -ve story about them...The price, and attitude as well...
I feel that pak lah should step down immediately. He's clearly and obviously not fit to run the country, or even a small company for that matter.
And I also think that our beloved country should win the top spot and award for having the most Useless Fucking Rubbish Babi Bikers (rempits) On Planet Earth.
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