GSR short ratio gearbox for sale..CHEAP!!

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Engine and Performance

GSR short ratio gearbox for sale..CHEAP!!

thanx hard feelings aite..
we fren fren in here aite..
if want to feel the gear box no need to bring ride.. just come with a standard car and then can take a ride lar.. hehehehe
err dude...what i meant...a ride in hes car, not bring my 'ride' per se...

salah faham nih.
alah jual kt aku jela..bleh buat gear box spare..hahahhaa..tak pun suh mirul pkai kompem kete dia kuat..
Keta aku.. tak sekuat kau kot bang.. hahaha.. guna pun takde beza...perabih petrol aku jer
cannabis: ko serious ke nih..?? if so u make me an offer la..fren fren can nego la..tak berkira ponn..
How many kms on the g/b?

Do you know roughly How much it costs to swap my auto to ur g/b?....

hmmm... from some feedback i need to change the manual pedal and clutch right?

sigh..... damn a lot to convert.
sub_zil..better cahnge the gearbox.senang skit..i mean why wanna convert the gearbox..convert ur engine and plug my gearbox in..then can go and cari pasal with people..drag sure u win wan..
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