..going thru toughest time of my life..anyone..felt the same..

I've not been checking out this thread but I would like to say something...


Simple... if you want to kill yourself, by all means... why not? I can advice you against it but I cannot stop you. It is your own life after all...

Later, if you want to kill yourself slowly... sure, go ahead... drink until your drop, pop some pills, take some poison or worse, hurt yourself.

All the above boils down to one thing... you have already given up hope. Friends can cheer you up but deep down, you know it is only temporarily. Seeking help from outside is just 1/6 of the solution.

If I were you, I'll pack my stuff and leave the house. Rent some place outside town, get a job (just enough to cover the expenses), quit smoking / drinking, find new friends and start over a new leaf. Change your mobile number and don't give them unless absolutely necessary. Or better still, activate Private Number to prevent the new mobile number from appearing.

Lie dormant for a couple of months or years and when you finally found what you want to do with your life, return home.

Basically, your situation is very similar in the movie, Batman Begins... watch it and learn something.

Commiting suicide is a COWARDLY way of running away from your problems. Plus, it doesn't solve anything except adding a number into the country's stats.

Feel free to criticise but the above are just my 2 sens.
i like the pack stuff leave the house part :-) one could really learn alot that way, not that i'm experienced to speak of such things but i always had such thoughts, not running away or anything.

if you really do plan to do it, i mean, there's zth members all over malaysia, you never know if they might come in 'handy', at least it's one level better than asking help from total stranger right?
girlll...ur lucky cos there's ppls around.....
Imagine now if there's nobody around....... *sigh* even a single guy or even 2 guys would fall prey. Could've read it in the paper mostly everyday.
First I thought it's a snacth thief thingy.....there's some sort harder to avoid. But than ur story is like ur asking for it (sorry for being harsh).
Remember.....even if u want to be lonely, stay lonely in ur home or even in places full of ppl, cos I doubt that in ur sorrows u'll noticed the surrouding ppl around u.
But anyway, glad that nuthin really serious happened.
satria_95 said:
I think beer degrades the liver's functions.

Actually, anything with alcohol will kill your liver. The higher the percentage, the more damage you are doing to your liver. The main thing you have to worry about drinking too much beer is getting a beer belly.

Wine is said to be good for you just in the same way that people say one pint of Guiness per day is good for you. In the end, you're better off not having any. Nothing in moderation will kill you. It's when you have excessive amounts that you have to worry.
Theoritically alcohol helps your body. Helps blood flow and heart beat.
But too much of everything is going to spoil the goodness!
Vitamins helps, but try taking loads of vitamins and see the colors of your skin change!
yaya....use of moderation should be in moderation too....excessive moderation is bad also.
Dear jesz,

I really understand your feeling.. i just break off with my bf which i tot we're the perfect match. I did the same thing with you, give up my life once..cutting my hand.. drink alot beer without eating anything for the whole day and speed on road .. is really stupid..took alot panadol... but luckily i got save...

At this moment is really hard for me .. to let go , to forgive , to overcome... I think you should understand the feeling so well.

The scars on my hand reminding me, life still goes on no matter what happened ..

Let's work hard together and overcome it.. even i know is really hard .. really ..
One day later both of us will be fine , right ?

Take care jesz, really hope u will *hugs*
wow.....anuther lady joined in this thread.....
now wanna monitor this thread see how it goes......
wanna see all the wolfie talent.......kekekeke
mayb can learn a trick or 2..........
when you become too dependant on your other half, breaking up seems like the end of the world. i've always found that being in the company of friends help a lot. let's face it, gf's and bf's come and go. even in marriage, there is no certainty. friends on the other hand, are forever. the trap that many girls fall into is they distant themselves from their friends when they get in a relationship. they tend to start hanging out with their bf's and his friends and when a breakup occurs, they feel lonely because their friends are now more distant.
When break-up occurs; friends really do help alot. With all the sweet talks and also crap talks.....it smoothen alot of things.
But trust me, the first few months is the hardest to go through! Have thought of dying but never really get too emotional to overide my mental soberness.
But really spent alot on alcohol. Was a regular at Rum Jungle during that period, until the bouncer and waiter knows me. And would have seat for me whenever I'm there.
Haha of cos for the hospitality cos spent thousands of RM in just 2 months. Finnaly one day woke up..........life still have to go on. Can't go MC or EL or MIA at work that frequent. Still got to eat and live!
b00n said:
When break-up occurs; friends really do help alot. With all the sweet talks and also crap talks.....it smoothen alot of things.
But trust me, the first few months is the hardest to go through! Have thought of dying but never really get too emotional to overide my mental soberness.
But really spent alot on alcohol. Was a regular at Rum Jungle during that period, until the bouncer and waiter knows me. And would have seat for me whenever I'm there.
Haha of cos for the hospitality cos spent thousands of RM in just 2 months. Finnaly one day woke up..........life still have to go on. Can't go MC or EL or MIA at work that frequent. Still got to eat and live!

Too right mate. I had a bad breakup once and resorted to drinking. It's not that I didn't know it was bad to do so, but it sure made going to bed at night that much more easier. Eventually, the pain will pass and all will be peaches and cream again. Just get a buddy to pick you up if you intend to get drunk. No benefit will arise directly from getting pissed, but you will at least sleep soundly. Having said all that, alcohol affects people in different ways. For me, it makes me happy and forget about my worries. For some, it makes them turn into fountains. They somehow feel even worse then before and cry their eyes out. Some become invincible act all Superman like. Some become deaf and start to speak really loud. Some even think they're invisible and start doing stupid embarrasing things. Whichever category you belong too, you can rest assured that you will eventually pass out in the end:regular_smile:

There are generally 2 types of people lah. Some will tell you what you want to hear and others will tell you what you need to hear. Frankly, I prefer people who belong in the 2nd category. Most people however, especially women prefer people that belong in the 1st category. Why is this so? Unlike men who are looking for solutions, women just want someone who will listen to them, to emphatise with them. If a woman has problems and pours her heart out to you, just be a good listener. If you've noticed, women constantly state that they like men who are good listeners. Don't try to be Dr Fix It.
But I got some friends belonging to the 3rd category. They tell u things that ain't related to the topic. So in the end u still got to figure out ur self...
I consider myself lucky cos I still can control my emotions and mental states.
There's once during the "breakup meeting" that I almost tried banging the car into something and get over with mine and my ex life. Actually tried it but a sudden wake up call manage to pull my self back and steer the car back on course. Appologise somemoe to my ex for the fright as I dun want she to hate me for what I'm doing for the rest of my life, I also dun want to hate myself for the rest of my life if someone is dead!
So even break up can be in a good way. Me and my ex are still friends now. After 7 years, we're back to being just friend. U loose someone doesn't meant u have to loose a friendship.
It's like leaving a company for anuther job, U want to leave in a good way. Who knows u might be working with the same group of staffs in the future.
So who knows we might be together in the future. No one knows unless they live through it!
b00n said:
wow.....anuther lady joined in this thread.....
now wanna monitor this thread see how it goes......
wanna see all the wolfie talent.......kekekeke
mayb can learn a trick or 2..........

whoah got anugerah buaya/serigala or not? :_:

people just broke up oredi making plans to buaya her, so evil :angel_smile:

i what someone said about bf/gf come and go and friends are forever.
well not all friends are forever.
the only people you can always depend on are your parents.
brothers and sisters also okay to a certain extent.
but its best to keep a good rep with everyone you know so when you need help or anything you don't need to eat humble pie and people are more forth coming.
DukeRed said:
There are generally 2 types of people lah. Some will tell you what you want to hear and others will tell you what you need to hear. Frankly, I prefer people who belong in the 2nd category. Most people however, especially women prefer people that belong in the 1st category. Why is this so? Unlike men who are looking for solutions, women just want someone who will listen to them, to emphatise with them. If a woman has problems and pours her heart out to you, just be a good listener. If you've noticed, women constantly state that they like men who are good listeners. Don't try to be Dr Fix It.
Too right.

I am especially annoyed by people in category one. They bitch, they whine, they cry, they scream...when they should just shut the fuck up and listen to me. Sorry, I mean people who talk sense and tells it to you to your face as it is. Not cocktalk a bunch of happily ever after, flowery, cuddly nonsense.
Seraph said:
i what someone said about bf/gf come and go and friends are forever.
well not all friends are forever.
the only people you can always depend on are your parents.
brothers and sisters also okay to a certain extent.
but its best to keep a good rep with everyone you know so when you need help or anything you don't need to eat humble pie and people are more forth coming.

It was just an expression mate. Obviously not every friend you meet will be with you till the end. What it implies is that in life you will have a handful of good friends you can count on for anything.
well i don't wanna ruffle you up the wrong way but IMHO its better to try and live without such support but not completely ignoring it, hope you understand my words ;)
I just wanna learn!......practise back the old trade that I once possesed!.....kekekeke

and I didn't start buaya-ing or serigala-ing anyone......

at least I didn't post my contacts, ask for contacts or pm anybody for infor.....kekekeke (oooops, sorry for those who had the intention or had actually did that)

I sounded like an old guy who nags alot lar in this thread.......so sometimes got to brighten things up. Humour is good! Laugh and U'll feel happy. National Geographic even proved that smiles and laughter is contagious (forgot which issue....was years back).
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