Ghost in Brunei...hear the ghost voice...real ghost voice.. (translator need)


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Apr 22, 2004
Jgn dibuat !!! Yoooo,yaaaaaaa aaa auuu , lama tak jumpa korang dalam ruangan spykedai ni,kali ini uncle nak cerita satu kisah misteri yang sedang melanda negara jiran terdekat kita di malaysia timur iaitu Brunei,Uncle pun baru balik dari sana beberapa hari lepas dan sempat juga berjumpa dengan seorang kenalan di sana

Cerita ini pun di khabarkan oleh kenalan kepada uncle semasa kat Brunei,Al-Kisah bermula di sebuah sekolah bernama STPRI atau di kenali sebagai Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri,Sekolah ini menempatkan hanya pelajar-pelajar perempuan sahaja dan kira-kira dua bulan lepas terdapat segolongan pelajar-pelajar dari sekolah ini yang bermain 'spirit games' atau memanggil roh menggunakan duit syiling,uncle percaya ramai yang tahu mengenai games ini kan ?

'Games' ini menjadi sebagai satu trend di sekolah ini di mana di kebanyakan kelas ada membuat permainan ini sehinggalah ada satu kumpulan yang menggunakan darah kotor (darah haid) dalam permainan ini.Mengikut ceritanya diorang ini hendak bertanyakan 'spirit' tentang soalan exam form 3 dan ada yang menyatakan nak tanya pasal lelaki,ada dua versi kat sini tetapi apapun ketika games ini berjalan tetiba syiling yang di gunakan itu bergerak sendiri dan kemudian terdengar satu suara meminta darah,so apa lagi lalu di buang syiling tu dan semua berterabur lari ketakutan,maklumlah perempuan.

Bermula dari sinilah episod angker ini berlaku,'spirit' yang di panggil tadi khabarnya begitu marah kerana tidak di beri makan dan kemudian tidak di hantar balik kembali ke dunia dia lalu dari situ berlakulah peristiwa kerasukan pelajar-pelajar sekolah itu malahan guru-guru juga terlibat sehingga merebak ke sekolah-sekolah lain di seluruh brunei.Mengikut kenalan uncle yang juga seorang guru, sekolah tempat dia mengajar juga turut terlibat dan ada pelajar-pelajar yang kerasukan malah guru-guru sendiri pun takut hendak ke tandas walaupun hari siang.

Mengikut ceritanya lagi,bagi mereka yang ada 'sixth sense' mereka nampak satu kapal besar terapung di STPRI dan katanya jika permintaan 'spirit' ini tidak tertunai (nak darah) mereka akan menyerang dengan kekuatan bala tentera mereka seramai 28 000 pada 18th (tidak di nyatakan 18 bulan berapa samaada masihi atau hijrah),Dari peristiwa ini juga banyak SMS di hantar di kalangan warga brunei dengan pelbagai cerita dan pada 18 ogos lepas satu SMS berbunyi :

"<Forwarded from +6738xxxxxx> 4ward dis msg to everyone u noe k. Kami dpt informasi, krg jgn keluar umah lps pkl 12 tgh mlm coz guris d skulah men. STPRI kana buka." ,

Katanya mengikut kenalan uncle lagi pada 18 ogos lepas kebanyakan orang berkurung di dalam rumah kerana takut berlaku apa-apa musibah yang tidak di ingini dan tidak kurang ramai juga mereka-mereka yang pergi ke STPRI pada jam 12 malam untuk melihat sendiri apa yang bakal berlaku,pihak polis di kerahkan untuk berjaga-jaga pada malam tersebut tetapi tiada apa yang berlaku,mungkin hari ke 18 pada bulan lain yang di maksudkan.Terdapat pelbagai rumor lagi yang di sebarkan sehingga menimbulkan ketakutan di kalangan penduduk.Khabarnya juga 2 pelajar yang bertanggungjawab dengan 'games spirit' menggunakan darah itu telah di hantar ke oversea oleh keluarga masing-masing bagi mengelakkan kejadian tidak di ingini.

Mengikut cerita terbaru,pelajar-pelajar di STPRI sekarang yang berada di dalam form 3 dan 5 terpaksa di tangguhkan 'oral test' mereka sedangkan sekolah-sekolah lain sudah menjalankan test tersebut untuk pelajar masing-masing dan baru-baru ini sekolah ini memberi cuti mengejut kepada pelajar mereka akibat daripada peristiwa ini.Uncle juga sempat di tunjukkan satu rakaman video seorang pelajar yang kerasukan yang mana rakaman tersebut telah uncle serah kepada pihak TKO untuk di letakkan di portal ini,tidak salah uncle video itu korang boleh download di ruangan download.Baru-baru ini juga Sultan Brunei telah mengadakan lawatan mengejut di sekolah-sekolah terlibat yang mana kebetulan Baginda ada di satu sekolah tu tiba-tiba ada pelajar kerasukan dan khabarnya Baginda sendiri bercakap-cakap dengan pelajar yang di rasuk tadi dan permintaan yang sama masih lagi di nyatakan 'darah kamu'.Korang boleh tengok gambar kat bawah ni.

Ok lah, cukup setakat ini dulu uncle bebel dalam ruangan yang tak seberapa ini yang mana kali ini kita menyusuri dunia mistik,dunia makluk yang bukan sebangsa dengan kita,ada orang yang tidak percaya dengan hal-hal sedemikian dan ada yang percaya, malah di dalam rukun iman sendiri ada di sebut salah satu rukun ialah 'percaya kepada benda2 ghaib' , malaikat , jin , iblis , syurga ,neraka dan sebagainya itu termasud dalam kategori ini dan kewujudan jin serta iblis adalah utk menyesatkan anak adam, yang penting jangan percaya meraka ada kuasa untuk memusnahkan atau merosakkan kita,yang berkuasa hanya Allah dan mereka itu adalah sebagai alat propaganda bagi tuhan menguji keimanan kita masing-masing serta jangan main permainan yang boleh merosakkan akidah kita.
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Hi Dremel, can translate it to english.
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Don't Do It....Yoooo,yaaaaaaa aaa auuu , its been a long time since i last visit this spykedai i want to tell you a mystical story which had happened in our neighbour's soil...Brunei....i just got back from brunei a couple of days ago and managed to meet up with a couple of my friends there....

This story was spread around my colleagues when im in Brunei....story started from a school called STPRI or Sekolah TInggi Perempuan Raja Isteri....this is a girl school and for the past two months there's a group of students playing with 'Spirit Of The Coin'....and by using a coin and chanting certain mantra...they could summon a spirit out for some question and answer sessions.....i know u know about this spirit of the coin i rite?

This 'Games' had become a trend in the school and it had lately become worse when a group of student started using dirty blood (period girl's blood) for their 'session'...according to the story....they were just trying to get the spirit to tell them the quesion for the upcoming PMR questions...and some take the advantage to ask the spirit about their future husbands......when suddenly the coin started to move on it's own and they heard a voice asking for food (blood)...all hell broke lose and they all started to panic and threw the coin away running for their life...women

thats where this evil spirit starts to become from bad to worse....the spirit was so angry for not given the food it requested and for the failure of the players to send him back to the other realm.....this where it starts to get ugly....students were harrased...even teacher's too....and it starts to go around to the other schools in the district.....even my colleague who happen to be a teacher in one of the affected school told me that students and teachers got possesed by this spirit.....and most of them are even scared to go to the toilet on daytime

story also goes that some of them who had the capabilities to see things 'sixth sense'...they saw a large warship floating around their school and if the spirit's demand are not met....they will attack the school with an army of 28 000 spirits on the 18th (it was not stated 18th of which month though),and the people of brunei also received a weird sms saying "<Forwarded from +6738xxxxxx> 4ward dis msg to everyone u noe k. we got information...dun go out of your house after 12midnite cos ??? at STPRI has been opened....

according to my source....on the 18th almost all brunei ppl lock themselves inside their houses scared of any unwanted incident to happen to them.....but a few also went to the school to see if the SMS is true and something were about to happen at that school at the stroke of midnite by their own eyes...police were told to be on guard incase something did happen....but luckily nothing did....but they were uncertain on which 18th the sms had mentioned earlier....the rumours had spread panic among brunei' was also believe that the parents of the two student who started this shit had sent the culpirt out of the country to avoid any bad things to happen to them bitches.....

According to latest news...students of the STPRI school currently on form 3 and form 5 had to reschedule their 'oral test'...students from the non affected school had done theirs....the school also issued a suprise holiday for them due to the incident....i also was shown a video of the spirit's attack on one of the students...and ive send the video here...i think it can be downloaded at the download section...recently...the sultan of brunei had came down and visit the 'affected' school....and during his of the student was possesed by the spirit...the spirit itself talked to the sultan about it demand's on dirty blood....

ok...enuff for now....some ppl dun believe in wat im saying...and some do....this world is still a mystery to us long as u hold to your belief....god will always be with you....just becos we never see 'it' doesnt mean 'it' doesnt will always be here to deceive the weak minded....god is here to test on us His slaves....

wargh...damn tiring...kekekekekekekek...not as accurate though...cincai cincai....
a lot of my friends and cousins in brunei knew about this..the whole brunei was scared and the sultan order a 10 am curfew on the 18th of august...
Satanic better copyright it :lol:

BTW, the spirit SMS everyone eh? wow

wow respect Satanic for his patience and hardwork man!
*respect* *salute*

just copy and paste to a language translator and translate
jc@ said:
just copy and paste to a language translator and translate

got meh...i translate them myself wor....damn took me whole 10 mins...ekekekke...basket until now dun dare to watch them vids....scary woh
i dun dare to download the movie lar........
later cannot sleep
stevelovekitten said:
wah very good acting.... *sCaRy*

i dun think its acting dude....

satanic dun worry la....altough its scary its basicly an ustaz just hold up a girl which kena rasuk...the whole face including the body become pucat edi and the ustaz ask the spirit to leave the girls body...and the ghost reply a few answers with scary voices....
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watch it justnow.. ok la.. not scary 1.. but if u watch it inde middle of de night den mayb scary la kekeke
wah SataniC got somuch time arr... ahaha can translate also ! wakkaakak good job bro !

anyway, i'm downloading it now... and my room light is off... and the aircond is damn cold...
damn feel like wana pee pee... dono is it from the fear or just cold... :afraid::afraid:
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