Gen2 projector head lamp

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Aug 24, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
hye all...

i baru pasang projector head lamp to my persona... mmg cun n cantik.. tp bile drive malam i found that cahaya lampu projector tu mcm senget ke kiri.... i compare ngan my friend waja cps then tgk dia pnye lampu projector mmg center n balance cahaya dia... so knapa ek lampu projector utk gen2/persona jadi senget ke kiri.... dan i tgk kat dalam projector tu nmpak ada sekeping besi melintang pun senget juga.. ada cara utk solve problem nie???? anyone

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what I practice last time was: park infront of a wall, try to adjust the 'gear' behind the projector using a philips screwdriver clockwise and anti clockwise until I am satisfied.
yeehau: thx... but mmm i already do that... it just can adjust the heights only but still the lights is not in linear proportion what i means is... the light is not balance between left and right.. both of the projector shoot more light to left area than right area... i rase kne adjust that besi sekeping dalam tu projector la kasi rata... how to do it aaa???
you beli projector tu dari mana?lau ya punya atau mahal punya?walaupun lampu tapi ada gred juga tau,kalau lau ya punya memang itu lampu tidak boleh diselamatkan sebab masalah quality,kenapa tak cuba pergi balik ke tempat u beli dan tiau sama dia orang?
projectors normally will have 3 adjustment screws/nuts. normally 2 on top...1 at bottom. u want to adjust left rite...need adjust the top 2.up down, adjust the bottom 1. but since is triangle style adjustment, any adjustment to any 3 points will affect the up/down/left/rite. just try to look for the 3 screws n try out on the road at old depo projectors took me 1 whole week to adjust cos the nuts very hard to reach.

P/S: if u oso buy depo brand...careful dun turn too much on any 3 screws/nuts...they use ball joint to connect the adjustment nut/screw to the projector...if u turn too far...the ball joint will come out n u will have major headache trying to fit it back(1 reason y it took me 1 whole week to adjust)

another thing...if brand depo or any other cheap projector u adjust oso the light output wont be as great as oem projectors. this the reason y my projectors now sitting in my room collecting dust. :stupid:
arturo: thx.. ooo i pnya pn dari depo oso.. so meaning mmg susah nk adjust la nie...if anta kedai they know how to adjust???? mcm rugi shj beli projector headlamp...
memang rugi...ori headlamp more light. i oso kena b4 this. looks not all that important when u cant see the road in front heheheh

send back to seller n ask them adjust la...if ball joint cabut...not yr problem. seriously dont let the ball joint come out. really sakit kepala one.
that metal is shield glare, if u look inside waja projector also got this (what i can say..all projector type got this metal inside) .

the proper setting for projector beam should like this \____\____

glare shield (side view)

front view

what arturo said is true..ball joint maybe dah u adjust camne pun..nothing happen. Also (can happen) the thread for adjustment screw already loose (refer 1st pic, the white plastic).. r the projectors? if u really want nice projectors, try contacting satugaprojectors. search in google should bring u to their blog. good workmanship but pretty steep prices. the projectors they use produce good light output without the glare.
arturo.. sory2 late reply.. kinda bz lately ehhehe mmm.. i'm try to adjust it but can't find the 3rd skrw u said at the bttom... so what i do is... just set it to lowest adjustment.. even tho the light still not balance between righ n left.... but atleast the projector glare not too high so not sakit kan mata other driver ehhehe.. plus i pkai HID plak.. mmg silau for other driver..... anyway thx too u bro and also to idnawse for all the info.... i think if later i'm getting bored with the projector.. then change it back to oem lor ehhehehhe
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