foam wash by road side car wash in malaysia

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 2, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
A regular part of car maintenance is something as simple as a car wash. While you are driving around, take a look at how many people have extremely dirty cars. It is very surprising that many people do not keep up with this simple maintenance technique. A car is an investment for many people, and yet some people will not even get their car washed. A car wash can be done your self or train your helpers to do it. Having it done by someone else should not cost you more than a paint work ......

and it will definately cost more than a paint work when you send it to a road side car wash

a well detailed car .....

and our car paint suppose to last as long as your car lasting...

3 months later

how can it became worn out & damaged in just 90 days (once a week wash - while having breakfast on sat morning)

check out the whole story here & how i did my wash

Car detailer: Optimum no rinse wash to test by KC (wash 2 car & waxed 1 in 60 minutes challenge)

nice foam bubble aka SNOW WASH Boss

it must be winter - snow flakes

good - do you not know, how do they magically clean up yr white car so white...i happen to wait for fellow forumer & shock that they did it so openly

sabun fab - aka powder clothing detergent

nicely massage on to the paint - with a sponge that never wash or rinse (the fume when they clean the wheel - suffocates me while standing beside it taking pics)

the first 2 thing:-
driver still sitting in the car with running engine (under sunny day)
the hood is hot & the wheel is hotter & suddenly comes SNOW...danger to wearing out both car paint coat & wheels coat....brakes may get heat up to 200-300 degree Celsius
splashes of jet sprayed water & aggressive cleaner - help to shorten the life spent

more shocking - some medium & expensive car even lining up ...for a wash like these

Using Dish washing liquid like glo or cleanmaid is bad as because they dry out our car's paint. If you want to remove old wax you should use a regularly ....and it may cause damaged your clear coat

There 2 great danger -in using a wrong detergent for a car wash

a very good article - A deadly rinse: The dangers of hydrofluoric acid
Do its cleaning virtues outweigh its many risks?
The brittle, discoloured fingernails will give away any detailer who's been using an HF solution - without protective gloves - use in cleaning the car , engine or wheels. HF is not like other highly corrosive acids. Mix it with equal parts of water (as many overzealous operators ), spill a little on your unprotected hand and you won't even feel any pain as it begins to burn through your skin, searching for the calcium in your bones.

many of such chemical found in these snow wash foam, as widely premixes in a 30-40-gallon drum and run through a air pressure pump, as a pre-rinse. although it has the ability to remove loose traces of foam polish wax, shine glass and chrome, reduce streaking and neutralize the pH on vehicles that have just been through an alkaline pre-soak and washed with reclaim water.

imagine Without the agitation or friction of brushes, cloth or other type of physical contact, many touchless operators feel that the only way to loosen road film is to use a pre-soak that has been spiked with a healthy dose of hydrofluoric acid.

if used in Full-strength, it is used to etch glass. In a dilute solution, it removes acid rain spots from windshields and puts a showroom-like shine on glass.

HF burn covering less than 2 percent of your body can kill you. And you probably won't even know you're in danger until it's too late.

another chemical found in these detergent is SLS

So why is a dangerous chemical like sodium laureth sulfate used in our car shampoos?

The answer is simple - it is cheap. The sodium laureth sulfate found in most of our cleaners is exactly the same as you would find in a car wash or even a garage, where it is used to degrease car engines.

In the same way as it dissolves the grease on car engines, SLES also dissolves the oils on your skin, which can cause a drying effect. It is also well documented that it denatures skin proteins, which causes not only irritation, but also allows environmental contaminants easier access to the lower, sensitive layers of the skin.

In the end it can cause more damage than what you were trying to clean in the first place. This means no laundry detergent for bubble bath.

I always shock to see the owners let the workers to wash their car while the disc brake still hot with non stop running engine.

the danger & warning - recommended by all car care company - never wash yr car under the sun & hot (as the soap dries up before you can have enough time to rinse off & if it is done under the sun that cause water marks too) water marks usually can only be corrected by polishing off or compounding

when we drive out our vehicle for a wash , we always wanted it to be as quickly as possible- hardly we have time to wait to cool down our ride - both body paint & wheels is hot - & imagine the splashes of cold water - with power pressure jet spray on yr engine hood & wheels - is the both extreme .... why risking our ride to this harsh environment & is not good long term

back at home - we take leisure to do it, to me this is therapeutic, i love to splash water - just an example - back at home we are very careful in washing our dishes - using la AMway, COsway or Myway dish liquid detergent -

if we patronised any road side stall - chances are they wouldn't be using this, as it is not cost effective, i have seen many scrubbing with green cloth(scotchbrites) with cap HARIMAU powder la, take a look at some of this acrylic utensils - worn off & chips, wear down - the issue of ownership

our paint is just 2 mil of an micron thick (as thick as a cigarette wrapper) this clear coat is very thin & must handle with care - esp bimmers...cos when this fail our paint will be damaged...

here is some of the common clear coat failure - mostly to do with road side car wash

world map

closer pic

my friend send his car regularly

prevention is always better than cure


5,000 RPM
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Jul 15, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
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KC...that's a good info. and i agree..ONR is so easy to use! i washed my truck in 35min and my GTi in 25min! LOL
so clean n easy to use...n the can i live without them now! so easy yet effective. u guys have to try it coz its unbelievable.

1 bucket of 6 liter water + 3 caps of ONR +2 MF clothes = 1 clean ride...:biggrin:


1,000 RPM
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Dec 2, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
KC...that's a good info. and i agree..ONR is so easy to use! i washed my truck in 35min and my GTi in 25min! LOL
so clean n easy to use...n the can i live without them now! so easy yet effective. u guys have to try it coz its unbelievable.

1 bucket of 6 liter water + 3 caps of ONR +2 MF clothes = 1 clean ride...:biggrin:

2 bucket - one for ONR & another for beers

If you were taught rinseless washing first you'd be asking questions like: why are you wasting so much water, and how do you get around the whole car quickly without waterspots.

p/s bro 8 litres better (2 gallon)


1,000 RPM
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Dec 2, 2009
Kuala Lumpur


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Road side car wash always an encouragement for Autospa to open 1 and another 1... because without them, no need polish + wax already.

hahaha.. create more trouble and give business to paint shop + autospa..

nice... I Like. But.... If you do prefer the price, there always some promotion going on at certain Autospa. Look around...

Raymond Raydiance.


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
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Dec 2, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
Hi guys it will be great to know how international detailing sites says about this

No worries ,,,,good to hear your view -

wow ..that is taking too much of risk

yupp....thanks to all yr comment, appreciate
Yeah when I use to go to school, I would always pass by this car washing place. And I would sometimes see very nice cars there. I don't get why so many people pay 30 dollar for a bad wash.

These pics should def make people more aware of how much damage can be done in matter of months. Thanks for sharing!
Good read.

Our old business owner insisted on using an aluminium brightener containing 1% HF & ~10% sulfuric acid for wheels, bullbars, sidesteps, aluminium trays etc...used it from an air gun so it was all atomised & carried everywhere with the wind. The couple of days I was there before we took over I was nearly choking on the fumes & coughing at night. I used it for a couple of days with just a pressure pack & the fumes were much better but the stuff is just plain nasty. I gave up using it based on just that...didn't really even think of reading up on it so I'm relieved to know I made the right choice!

What scares me is he used it daily for close to 4 years with no breathing protection or gloves.
Good read

with all due respect, I have to disagree with the statements on Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Sodium Laureth Sulfate (or sodium lauryl ether sulfate) is used in households all over the world. SLS is a common ingredient in everyday products such as, but not limited to; toothpaste, body/hand soap, hair shampoo, laundry detergent, dish soap, and even car wash soap/shampoo. SLS is present in some of Meguiars car soaps/shampoo's, I just looked at some of the MSDS'.

I don't believe for a minute, that the SLS that is present in modern car soaps will come even remotely close to harming modern clear coat paints. SLS is the main ingredient in dish soap, which I use everyday, my hands are fine

SLS is the very first ingredient (next to water) in bubble bath.
Funniest thread of the month k.c. I almost fell out of my chair
That was Great.
Maybe a wash like that would work great on Fred Flinstone's car but on cc and paint? Come on people, have a little bit of common sense....after all, in most cases a car is the worst investment you will ever make. You every day driver that most people drive depreciates as soon as you drive off of the lot. Undiluted laundry powder soap on paint-hink about how things work and take care of your "investment" so it will last. Good grief!

Great post by the way, always love to read what you have to say. Love the show n shines as well. You actually sold me on Powerclean and ONR by the way. Ordered and now waiting. Thanks buddy.

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

most of all from one of the greatest detailer & trainer in us says:-

Mike Philip
Former Meguiar's Tech Training Specialist
Autogeek Director of technical training

here is some of the common clear coat failure - mostly to do with road side car wash

world map
That's funny...

to read more these about being a diy professional detailer here

foam wash by road side car wash in malaysia - Auto Geek Online Auto Detailing Forum
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Known Member
Senior Member
Mar 1, 2010
Kuala Lumpur
Point to ponder: Is it sometimes better to leave your car unwashed instead of sending it for car wash, snow wash, whatever wash once a week?

I'm asking because I'm driving my dad's 1985 Toyota Corona, resprayed in 2000 or 2004/05 (I'm not sure). The paint is still in good condition, prolly 8/10, less than 1% rust, and any imperfections are mostly due to abuse (driver, workshop, etc).

Here comes the surprise: my dad hardly washes his car. Not even once a month. I don't even think it's once a year.. Of course, the car has not been subjected to weather abuse as it has pretty much been parked in the shaded porch, and any bird droppings are always removed immediately using cloth and water. My dad claims that he read somewhere, various car washing agents/detergents will corrode/eat into paint and ultimately cause rust to form prematurely. To him, a layer of dust on the car body and windows is much less harmful than paint-eating cleaning agents. His reasons are backed by me comparing my ride with several other 1985 Corona's, most having frequent and regular car washes, and my car has noticeably less rust compared to others.

I've been keeping up the "tradition" by only washing the car once in a blue moon, using only cloth and water. Only washed the car using dish washing liquid once before a mega TT, and my paranoid head was imagining all the things the dish washing liquid was doing to my paint as I cleaned the car. It's an old car anyway, and I'm satisfied with the results of simply cleaning the car with water and cloth. More energy needed to remove stubborn stains sometimes, but it gives me a peace of mind.

What are the car detailing sifus' opinion on this?


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
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Dec 2, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
Point to ponder: Is it sometimes better to leave your car unwashed instead of sending it for car wash, snow wash, whatever wash once a week?

I'm asking because I'm driving my dad's 1985 Toyota Corona, resprayed in 2000 or 2004/05 (I'm not sure). The paint is still in good condition, prolly 8/10, less than 1% rust, and any imperfections are mostly due to abuse (driver, workshop, etc).

Here comes the surprise: my dad hardly washes his car. Not even once a month. I don't even think it's once a year.. Of course, the car has not been subjected to weather abuse as it has pretty much been parked in the shaded porch, and any bird droppings are always removed immediately using cloth and water. My dad claims that he read somewhere, various car washing agents/detergents will corrode/eat into paint and ultimately cause rust to form prematurely. To him, a layer of dust on the car body and windows is much less harmful than paint-eating cleaning agents. His reasons are backed by me comparing my ride with several other 1985 Corona's, most having frequent and regular car washes, and my car has noticeably less rust compared to others.

I've been keeping up the "tradition" by only washing the car once in a blue moon, using only cloth and water. Only washed the car using dish washing liquid once before a mega TT, and my paranoid head was imagining all the things the dish washing liquid was doing to my paint as I cleaned the car. It's an old car anyway, and I'm satisfied with the results of simply cleaning the car with water and cloth. More energy needed to remove stubborn stains sometimes, but it gives me a peace of mind.

What are the car detailing sifus' opinion on this?

Thank Rage for taking so much of your time & elaborate post has indeed enlighten us.

Yes i do agree the car is lesser wash outside by the road side - seems to have more durability & lesser defects or oxidations - as more chemical & solvents in their...commercial wash

Just imagine the thickness of your clear coat is just as thick as a cigarette box wrapper....2 mil of an micron

so can u imagine prolong thrashed with these harsh cleaner & rough sponges + dirts & particle not rinse off properly & most of all your engine is hot ...even some is running

try dropping a fewsdrop of water on a hot wok...kaboom..phisssssss

the very reason car shampoo is design - it is to lubricate your sponges or cloth - minimized the friction but sad to say many of these - contains very harsh chemical like sls - & not PH balance

However - clear water & cloth seems to be very neutral...but is can still create it is lack of lubrication

now try this if u happend to have a black paint - try wipe across of the dirt & wash away u will see marring

cars -like toyota, honda, bimmer are the worst - even wipping with a worn out micro fibers - give u marring

I am only good at spending a few hours to turn a round a car & 20 minutes every week to maintain it

I dont believe that caring for your car requires hours each time or every week


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 19, 2010
Besides what KC2 mentions, I've also see those roadside car washers play with customer's car. There's a place called damai here. I once passed by that place about 2 years ago. Was walking on the sidewalk... Those are shoplot roads... Suddenly there was a loud rev noise. I was thinking who the bugger is racing on these roads. So dangerous... I turn my head and saw this Skyline GT 350 arriving at the car wash. When the guy (fan cong) got down, he hi-5 with other car washers there and it was their turn to test drive the customers car. Me and my friends was like WTF?!?! A stupid person like that abusing customers car. We will never send our car to this particular car wash man... And I don't know who is the owner of that car who can feel peace in leaving is car there and go yam cha somewhere else.

P.S. - Fan cong is what chinese ppl here refer to those illegal/"legalised" immigrants in sabah. There are a lot here. They can be identified mainly by black/dark shirts/, checkered jacket, carrot jeans, fake converse, some got long hair, dark skin, look ugly and committing various crimes. Small businesses love them because they are a source of cheap labour.


((( God Level 30,000 RPM )))
Helmet Clan
May 11, 2010
Petaling Jaya
If I am the owner, I would not leave the car there.....
Even at my mechanic, my turbo is only driven by him and his chief mechanic.
The others are not allow to test the car......:biggrin:

Bro. kc,
When reading your post I thought they will use kerosene as done by some others, but did not know soap powder was used.
If dried, the paint immediately gone.....
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Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
Agree,learn the correct method of detailing from those expert "Sifu".:top


6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Oct 8, 2010
Kuala Lumpur
Car wash in Malaysia is the worst! It's not cheap but then not done properly too, and no one uses car lifts! In Jakarta at least ALL car wash have lifts to clean up the under body and the price all inclusive at only around IDR20-25K (around Rm8-9 only)! So disappointing lah, got many nicer cars here but not a single proper car wash available! Cannot imagine how filthy the under body will be after so may years...


Active Member
Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
Hey bro... do u have any solution to remove windscreen and windows watermarks? Thanks :)


1,000 RPM
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Dec 2, 2009
Kuala Lumpur

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