Evo 7/8 Maintenance


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2003
Dear guys (especially E7 owners),

Can tell me a bit about this car normal maintenance (assuming all standard, except for engine parts), i.e. normal service, spare parts availability, full tank how much $$ can go how many kms, others wear & tear items such brake pads (how much), cluth etc.

Is it considered a high maintenance car?. Compared to to other turbo's car like STI etc, which one is more economical to maintain?.

I drive a similar car. Full tank RM55 and last about 290km in city driving. Tried nearly 410km at highway cruising no more than 110km/h :P
how come you all get so much milage? i get like 250 + max ! normal driving , and my fuel tank indicator fluctuates alot

Full tank can last only 260 kms?. Hmmm!. What about other wear & tear items such as Brembo brake pads etc?. I heard thet it's quite expensive, something like $1K++. Any substitute of this brembo pads & estimated how much $$?.

Sorry for too many Qs. The main reason is because i'm in the process of buying an new/recond CBU car for myself. Initially i didn't intend to put turbo cars into my list, but it seems that it's too hard to find a good/ average CBU NA cars [refers to my previous posting on this matter] (at least better than my current Lancer 2nd Mivec MR), so i've to. Actually last few weeks & months, i been jalan2 around KL (Jln Ampang, Jln Y.Kwan Seng, Kg. Pandan), looked for E7. Most of them comes with a bad front disk brake conditions, which the disk need to be instantly skimmed & the pads to be changed. Price i assume ok, still within my bracket.

I've been to Subaru MI before. As a medium budget & 'lazy user' like me, they strongly recommended the WRX version. Actually i hope that i could fine a car with a medium price maintenance.

Now i've to think hard, which one to go.
Brake pads , i changed to project U , so its about 800 + for front n back , brembos cost a bomb think about 1.5 k , there are other options as well that may be cheaper. Good luck with your search . I think the subaru is abit on the high side , but its new though , but dont expect much power from it unless you are getting an STI.
fuel consumption really depends on how heavy your right foot is and the traffic..... whatever it is, this is a guzzle i would say... fuel tank is smaller than the viii, 48litres compared to 55litres (not to mention, smaller than a wira/wiralution/evolution i-iii at 50litres).

RM800 ++ for Project U front & back set. Not so expensive actually. If front only will cost how much?. Normally how long this pad will last (in kms). One morething, what about standard cluth pressure plate & timing belt. It's easy to get & expensive?. It's can be obtained at normal spare-parts shop (besides at Sunway)

Few dealers offers me HP interest of 2.9-3.1% pa, optioned of 5-7 years, but if >7 years, the HP rate will be a bit higher. Actually, I found it quite reasonable nowadays(since i intend to make loan around 70k). What about you guys?.
Originally posted by aja@Oct 11 2004, 20:35

RM800 ++ for Project U front & back set. Not so expensive actually. If front only will cost how much?. Normally how long this pad will last (in kms). One morething, what about standard cluth pressure plate & timing belt. It's easy to get & expensive?. It's can be obtained at normal spare-parts shop (besides at Sunway)

Few dealers offers me HP interest of 2.9-3.1% pa, optioned of 5-7 years, but if >7 years, the HP rate will be a bit higher. Actually, I found it quite reasonable nowadays(since i intend to make loan around 70k). What about you guys?.
I'm using EBC stuffs, RM1k+.
Not so high maintain lar.

Power belt is RM500+. Can last around 60000 km.

If no midification sure last u long. :D
I'm using this Evo7 also.. RM55 also wanna spill out already... can clock me best 250km. Average 230km lar. But if crusing in Highway not exceed 140km/h Below 3k RPM can make till 280km.

The brake pad depend which model n wat temp u wanna go. I'm using Endless 800 for the front cost me ishsihsish 800++. But till today almost clock 20k km.. still got alot like 70% The stock one ishishsih lousy. My Rear using Project U 450 cost me abt 400+ but i dun really happy wit it cuz too much carbon. KILL my bloddy white rims. Potong stim siah....
oops.. bro Julian no offend ya.. i juz realize... u using Project U. But this is my oppinion lar.. hehehe sorry bro.. Heng Heng Ki... :D

Bro Desd.. i really like ur Smoke Front Lamp lar... ishishsih when got time do for me also lar.. n also dun forget my rear light. I wonder how ur car look in-real with front back smoking.. muahahha sure can tapau all those evo in Png.

Eh.. when u meet the Gialla Tailo.. kasi hantam one pix n put here lar. hehehe
faxs making fun of me la !

Parts can be obtained everywhere ler , so no worries , even the lower arm bush and all that crap also i can find. As for the brake pads i think front about 400+ or something like that.

Any of u guys chanegd you brake pads and get the squeeking sound ???

hahaha.... thanks... i swap ur lights with you, leng mou? hehehe.... will do the rear lights after my kl trip. gialla tailo? please ler.... he no time for small fry like me ler........ sigh....... M5 wor now.... hahaha...
Sorry my mistake, I've check my service history book.

My brake pads are

EBC Red at front RM605
EBC Gree at rear RM250
The price you have to pay for high performance brake pads........$$$$ and squeeking sound. Name me a high temp rated, high performance pads that doesn't make noise, I'll give a try someday.

Cheers B)

Thanks for all replies.

BTW, how much $$$ did the standard clutch pressure plate cost?. Say everything in stock condition, normally how many kms it can last?.

Million thanks.

Niama how dare u call urself small FRIES? ishishish u my big bro man. ishishish... wtf that fellow now eyeing on M5? Got shadow or not? nia beh... from nugget talk to a piece of chicken. :lol: AIya wat to do....
Just to share also ah,
mine is a fully convert E6 (from 4WD lancer). At stock (last time lar) with..the average fuel consumption is about 220-240km full tank for city driving. For highway (cruise..dun tekan too much), can reach 280km-300km (very lucky lar) max.

For normal 4-5K service maintenance, depends on what oil u used lar, I use Trust F4 or HKS ..plus filter (usualy SARD) should be ard RM3xx+ lar. Gear oil & AYC at 15K a bit expensive lar..use trust + cusco also. Ard 2++ per litre I think (can't remember). Need around 4 litre (can't really remember oso). Less than 1K lar.

Now is a bit gila already..coz after starting to mod here and there, consumption go all the way up. Now at city driving, is ard 180km full tank max. Since ur tread is about stock, i won't go much onto modded stuff.

p/s: I've also tried to use Project U, Titan Kai, Endless, delphi...all oso damn bloddy noisy (especialy Project U)..screeching all the way. Except for the stock pad, all oso bloody noisy. Very embarassing lar sometime. Anyone have any idea if the Brembo rotor + these pads is causing this ? Maybe we got to change rotors meant for the pad..ie, project U for project u ?

In my opinion, not necessarily using the same brand of rotor and caliper will eliminate the noise. Basically high temp high performance pads are in general very noisy, but braking is improved. High temp rated pads normally require warming up, meaning when they are cold, they are noisy. As the pads and rotor warmed up a bit, noisy is reduced.

Wonder whether AP setups are noisy as well. :rolleyes:

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