Entice people to turn in old cars with cash vouchers

Dun think this will works..! Coz the 5 k voucher is only for local new car le.... if i scrap my car and i dun wish to get a local car then how? wasted the voucher??
hell no.

my old man's megavalve 1.5 is already considered among the most valuable properties of my family.

why? because, that car - that sedan mitsu engined - was and still the most trustable and has soooo many sentimental values.

that ride was once used to pick me up at schools and ferried us almost to the whole malaysia. infact, all the grounds were covered. except for sabah and sarawak. of course if we have something to do there and we can turn it into somekind of boat or ferry, of course we will take it there.

my dad still maintain its condition to almost tip top. 100%.

and for some blokes whos life is ruined by bad ass politics and of course they are trying to ruin ours, suggesting people trading the most valuable thing of the family with some piece of RMs. it is unthinkable.

the point is, u figure out another scheme or whatever u want because this will not work. since u are appointed by somebody to be responsible to these kind of things, then u should use more of ur brain, rather than wasting taxpayers money sitting in comfy chairs and brainy looks.

i can tell you what to do, but then I have to kill you.

hell no.
i wouldnt turn my 86 mazda for a local car...sucks badly...hey...its only 5k...i dun need that 5k in exchange for my super fighter mazda...lolz...
thank you but no thank you...
wah.. 1stly petrol voucher, then free 3 months installments, later discounts on insurance n roadtax, now want our old car n giv 5k voucher eh???

come one guyz support them, hahaha... put la voucher even 15k, but if no quality, who want it, old car are better..
15k also dun want..mine is ori wira a/b with 4g93 inside somemore leather seats...
Siow bo...scrap by my own also more than the 15k liao lo..:marchmellow:
apply the rule to 3 cities only la (KL, JB, PNG). not a bad idea at all.

those who cant afford a new car or a car less than 10 years old....use public transport la.

or a bike.
Read carefully, the joker wants the government to subsidise this plan ie. tax money. Yours and mine, used to pay from some local made rust bucket.
where do u get the source from?

Dont waste time, it wont works!
Who will suffer in the end? Take a guess
Read carefully, the joker wants the government to subsidise this plan ie. tax money. Yours and mine, used to pay from some local made rust bucket.

nothing new. it the same old lame excuse to succeed. "rakyat" always comes second.

cars prices are WAY beyond current means for many people. This preceived "glut" or slowdown in sales are the result of long overdue saturation of car vehicle sales in malaysia.

how many more years are to be squeeze from loan payments?? 5year-7years-9 years--->15years???

who do they think we are? cash cows?? sayang la, a large number of malaysians household income is only RM2000-RM2800, dont suck their livehoods away.

Soon we will all to be bled to bone by these parasites.
where do u get the source from?

Dont waste time, it wont works!
Who will suffer in the end? Take a guess

Read carefully it is from yesterday The Star Newspaper la...
I also hope it will not work...later we will be the onli 1 whom is suffer...
have they ever heard a system in the holy land of Clarkson's UK? where they have this kind of MOT passes awarded to roadworthy cars and vehicles?

and since you, dogs are barking at wrong trees everytime you wanted to open ur mouth for whatever political milage or s.o.b's ass you want to lick, then let me tell you something.

vehicle roadworthy is just a very small aspect of the whole picture. the thing is, human do mistakes. you tell me, except for the vauxhall vectra where the understeer is a pistol waiting to shoot you whenever you gone into corners, any cars represent danger in roads?

why dont you do this MOT system? where every 2/3 years you encourage people to have their vehicles checked. how u want to encourage them, its not my problem. its the MOT system i wanted to talk about. give passes to vehicles that are roadworthy. and in this checkups, you detect any metal rigidness or durability and everything.

see? you gone to UK and probably bring gay-rism to malaysia and try to be the government. that is wrong. we dont need man love man thing here. we need more of this transparent and good systems there.

like i said earlier - if i tell u, then i have to kill you. asta la vista dogs.

bamp!! bamp!! bamp!!

ops.. the dogs run away very quickly. let them run lah. perhaps, next time, i'll use snipers and machine-guns.
this thing really2 tick me off...such nonsense..if our automotive industry is as advanced as Japan's or US', then probably this wud be the solution..again they are doing it to us public...b4 this they monopolized the market with local cars and made foreign makers prices' sky high then now they tell us to give away our cars to buy new ones..just bcoz my salary is small doesnt mean i cant use a car n have to use the public transport which everybody knows how bad the quality is..
ae86 sell to gov for rm5k? i will buy from the owner rm6k
All of you seem to have missed out the word voluntary early in the article...
I, for one, didn't miss the word voluntary.

My beef with this stupid proposal is that it suggests that the government should use the Rakyat's money to fund such a thing.
Ah. Sorry. I tend to leniently use that term.
Some of you guys. :biggrin:

I normally wouldnt bother trying to debate about these, but here's a point:
Old cars are generally structurally weaker, and too many of them can become an eyesore, MOT or not... Im all for the voluntary scrapping business as long as it is self sustainable as the government first proposed.

Anyway. All weak voices, deaf ears. Why bother dicussing. :biggrin:
I don't know about you guys but certainly i see this as a move in the right decision. That Mr Khoo in the article pointed out that NAP is flawed in the sense that it affects second hand dealers more than anyone else. I can see his point there.

I'd agree with the cash voucher for trade in of cars above 15 years as long as the voucher is not used for anything other than to trade in a car. I mean just look at some of the cars on our road and i'm sure you'd roll your eyes looking at the unfit condition of those cars. With this voucher, some people may trade in their super fucked up cars for brand news ones. At times when i look at the accident rate during festive season balik kampung rush, i wonder if these accidents are preventable had those cars be in tip top condition. I do have colleagues and some friends who're...lets just say not exactly the richer ones. They do have cars that're above 10 years and i'm surprise when they tell me their absorbers is still the original factory fitted. Some even use like a 5 year old brake pads and i'm not surprise as their pay cheque plus family commitments probably does not allow them to spend on maintaining their cars. One part leads to another part failure and they end up driving cars that are simply not fit to be on the road.

With the 5K voucher, they maybe tempted to trade in their cars for new ones and just like Singapore, you end up having a city full of new cars. It isn't too bad a suggestion, really.
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