Daylight Wangan Racer.. flash or on light ?


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003
Daylight Wangan Racer

when you all wangan at daylight..
you all use flash or on the light all the time ?
Wangan racer need to flash light and put double signal light for a while,then when the opponent also used its double signal light then the race is on :vroam:
I don't usually 'Wangan' during the day but if I were to do so, then my lights would be on.

Usually drive hard on highway going to JB or balik Perlis at night/early hours in which case I would have the high beams on the whole way since there are hardly any cars around. With the high beam on, other road users tend to realize you are coming up behind them really fast which is what you want when you've past the 300km/h barrier.
Daylight Wangan Racer

when you all wangan at daylight..
you all use flash or on the light all the time ?

cmng:daylight also wanna wangan ar??:rofl::rofl:for me if drive fast at daylight i will on the headlamp and right hand side signal lamp too.
i mostly wangan at daytime due to my eyesight

i think next time i wangan i just on the light at high beam

i saw a M3 this afternoon when i coming back from JB with company car
high Beam with HID
far far away can see and in a blink of few second it reach behind me...
You were traveling back from JB today too? I didn't encounter a M3 but was cucuked by a 335i with a 630i following close behind.
i not sure it is M3 or 335
but it is 3 door and new version BMW
blue colour
dont think got 630i follow it

i move from Nusajaya site around 230pm
reach KL 6pm

Saw a European Spec Civic Type R driven by lady as well.. slow driver
even my junk can overtake them

Many people mention SG driver come to malaysia speed like no business
i realise after so many time drive to JB and back to KL at low speed,
most of the speeder is KL and JB plate and most of the zig zag type car is JB no plate !!
cmng:daylight also wanna wangan ar??:rofl::rofl:for me if drive fast at daylight i will on the headlamp and right hand side signal lamp too.

wah Ah Ken... same pattern as me lor .. i do the same. I despise doing the high beam thing (the flicker flicker thing) onto others ... likewise if others high beam me ...
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cmng, I departed JB later thus we must have saw different cars. Mine was a white E92.
last Friday on my way back from PG around 2100HRS, somewhere near Tapah..a car came from the back so fast, so furious as its like stingray sticking to the sea bed...high beam me...and i acted blur..overtook me and i saw the distinctive LP rear lights..
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