Daddys club

Danz, my daughter been using Drypers and Mamypoko only and so far no problem just yesterday started....and she likes to go scratch her wife very frequent cut and file her nails but damn...they grow them fast and her nails very sharp as everytime I hug her she sure like to use her fingers to scratch my neck or pinch my neck area and often I told her to stop don't do that because it's painful and hurting....My daughter now pass 7 months already she now also learning to sit and can sit quite well...

try look for diaper rash lotion...
Danz : usually the foot, the joints, the body and back will have red spots or rashes. HFM can't be cured, only thing you can do is let the virus run its course and just give meds for the symptoms. My son also kena but from my daughter who got sick a lot from kindy. She never kena though, lucky her.

Btw, try the brand "Goon" for diapers. It's as good as Mamipoko and a bit cheaper.

Danz, how did you train your kids to sleep without diapers?
izso must wee wee right before going to bed. if u rajin wake up your kid in the middle of the night to wee wee.
place the potty in the room
izso must wee wee right before going to bed. if u rajin wake up your kid in the middle of the night to wee wee.
place the potty in the room

Last time my wife train my kids during the day first, means they still sleep with diapers but during the day no diapers. Train them wee wee during days, once used to it then night also as per bro. Danz mention....:driver:
my daughter can start to train ah?

Wait for her to be able to walk first laaaaaaaaa

Madman / Danz : Btw, HFMD is transferrable to adults. If anyone in your household is sick, feeling weak or even has the slightest flu, keep them away from the HFMD kid. My wife contracted HFMD from my son and her whole body was later covered with itchy spots. And after the virus passed all the spots started peeling so the hand looked very very scary. So much so that shops and people also looked very scared when dealing with her. They have to be isolated and quarantined cuz adults are highly contagious too.

As for potty training, will try that. Thanks Danz
yup...looks like I got the hfmd too...

ulcers in mouth..sores on hands n feet...awesome!

but not too bad sons hfmd was only noticeable if u look for the rashes....n hes improving now...same goes as mine oso...only if look for it...but mine just starting
nola...not too late...already known beforehand...

went to clinic today n doctor confirmed

can get nice long MC no need go to work hehehehehe
wait for your daughter to understand & can respond 1st, like izso stated wait for her to walk.
can start when she hits 2 yrs old, if younger the better.
Its been a while since I posted here.....paiseh very busy with work and CNY is close little girl will be turning 1 year old this coming April. Very excited and boy time really flies when have kid. My daughter now can walk on her walker and crawling still not that good. She already have 5 teeth 3 on the upper jaw + the 2 at the lower jaw which surface 2 months back. She's now starting to take on some solid baby food like mash pumpkin, mash potato, steam egg, tau fu fa and some small chunks of bread and boy she likes to bite now....she bitten my shoulder a few times last 2 weeks but now stop and sometimes will bite my arm. Which I told her NO because it's a bad habit as I don't want her to think that biting ppl is ok. she's now 8+ months old

But now I have a few headaches with her, she's very attached to me and everytime she saw me although she's playing happily she will turn a sour face and want me to hug her, if I pretend to ignore her she then scream and cry...what I do is I just tell her Daddy got work to do, just play 1st after Daddy join you but that didn't work....I try giving her other toys to play so can distract her but it didn't work.

Another thing is she likes to throw her toy on the floor several times when she play with or my wife would pick it up for her then she will play with it a while then throw on the floor. I just tell her with a serious tone to stop and tell her "No, don't do that" her reaction to me is just looking at me then smiling which I don't know whether she understand or not...

How ah guys? can help a bit here?
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Its been a while since I posted here.....paiseh very busy with work and CNY is close little girl will be turning 1 year old this coming April. Very excited and boy time really flies when have kid. My daughter now can walk on her walker and crawling still not that good. She already have 5 teeth 3 on the upper jaw + the 2 at the lower jaw which surface 2 months back. She's now starting to take on some solid baby food like mash pumpkin, mash potato, steam egg, tau fu fa and some small chunks of bread and boy she likes to bite now....she bitten my shoulder a few times last 2 weeks but now stop and sometimes will bite my arm. Which I told her NO because it's a bad habit as I don't want her to think that biting ppl is ok. she's now 8+ months old

But now I have a few headaches with her, she's very attached to me and everytime she saw me although she's playing happily she will turn a sour face and want me to hug her, if I pretend to ignore her she then scream and cry...what I do is I just tell her Daddy got work to do, just play 1st after Daddy join you but that didn't work....I try giving her other toys to play so can distract her but it didn't work.

Another thing is she likes to throw her toy on the floor several times when she play with or my wife would pick it up for her then she will play with it a while then throw on the floor. I just tell her with a serious tone to stop and tell her "No, don't do that" her reaction to me is just looking at me then smiling which I don't know whether she understand or not...

How ah guys? can help a bit here?

All kids will experience various degrees of separation anxiety and will throw things down just for the heck of it. It is normal.

On the issue of separation anxiety: you just have to let her be. Explain you have to go, then just go. Cry and scream she will do, but let her be. It can be difficult for us parents because it can feel like we are "damaging" our kids. But kids are tougher than we think. She needs to learn that your absence doesn't mean abandonment. When you return, you can hug and play with your child, even giving her an occasional (not always) treat or present. All kids will overcome their anxiety ... eventually.

On the issue of her throwing things down: she is learning about hand coordination and about her strength. She is also learning about how objects respond when thrown. She might appear to be irritating you on purpose, but she is too young to be like that. She is actually learning about objects and her own mobility.

If it is not convenient at a time, don't let her hold things. But what to do? Try your best to teach her when she can throw and when she can. But be prepared that there will be times she won't listen.

The good news is it will get better. Hang in there.
Agreed with cbsteh regarding the separation anxiety & mechanical skills...from my humble experience, whenever she do or did offend you or disturb her parents, never scold or scream at her just distract her with something else or talk softly coz they will never understand if they did anything wrong at this age & they never meant to offend us....she's on the learning stage so whatever you do to her, she'll pick up & memorize it slowly so patient should be our best friend at this moment...

On biting issues, she might having a toothache due to teeth coming out thats why she likes to bite to soothe out her gum....give her something to bite (teether for eg.) with so she wont bite ur hand lah heheheh
Agreed with cbsteh regarding the separation anxiety & mechanical skills...from my humble experience, whenever she do or did offend you or disturb her parents, never scold or scream at her just distract her with something else or talk softly coz they will never understand if they did anything wrong at this age & they never meant to offend us....she's on the learning stage so whatever you do to her, she'll pick up & memorize it slowly so patient should be our best friend at this moment...

On biting issues, she might having a toothache due to teeth coming out thats why she likes to bite to soothe out her gum....give her something to bite (teether for eg.) with so she wont bite ur hand lah heheheh

She's has 3 teether actually but sometimes she bites me when I carry her and probably because don't have teether.

About her throwing stuff, I'm not offended by her but I scare she pick up this throwing habit so I thought of trying to teach her not to do it.
She's has 3 teether actually but sometimes she bites me when I carry her and probably because don't have teether.

About her throwing stuff, I'm not offended by her but I scare she pick up this throwing habit so I thought of trying to teach her not to do it.

I do have a few teethers for my kids last time but they don't like the teether...their most favorite thing to bite is my finger :biggrin: i like to give them small pieces of ice for them to bite if i found them biting without any reason :)

they're too small to understand what we trying to say to them & honestly I do offended by my kids when they start throwing stuffs but then if I give them a threat, they'll stop immediately (like hitting rotan on the doors just to scare them lol)...i believe to act is better than to talk with them at this young age coz they hardly understand what we're trying to say to them....just act only lah dont hit them with rotan pulak heheheh :biggrin:
confirm! racing is in her blood :biggrin: :driver:


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pomen, my girl also very funny....when I fetch her if I drove slowly she looks very bored so occasionally I would just launch the car for a short distance on the daughter suddenly will get all hype up and kicking her legs and moving her both hands up and down and's like she's happy and wanted daddy to go fast.....but cannot, very dangerous....
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