coolest sticker

then you can start up a spirit zoo or cook rendang chicken spirit lol.........hahahaha...........
KeV-TEC said:
ye... tak mau la...
nanti malam malam they come back for revenge how...

hahaha.. i cant imagine how will the dog ghost, chicken ghost or monitor lizar ghost look like then!

Honestly, my first "murder" on wheels was a chicken. feel bit terrible coz it was my first victim. Its took few hours for me to regain my mood after the incident (seriously! ). But after that nahh...chicken or lizard all i do is keep moving! No brake. . however must try to avoid the dog coz it skull can break ur bumper easily. heheh
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If reduce speed suddenly, the car behind will rear end our car.
Those animals, suka-suka go cross the road.
Giving trouble to motorists.
Last night my company had an annual dinner at hotel. Finished at 12.30 am after several karaoke songs. Driving home alone with shakira cd rolling in my kenwood HU. Tailing one SUV infront. Suddenly i noticed the SUV brake light flash for second and something black appear from between 2 of its rear wheel. I tried to avoid the black thing but too late. Wait and expect for the impact. But all i heard and feel was a sticky and a splashing sound under my car. Shittt!!:shcokedcamo::shcokedcamo::shcokedcamo:
......................... an animal!!!
ohhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy godddddd........................
hahaha.. you guys are very funny laa.. especially u kev-tec. I can imagine if u r the one who ramm the black thing! Must be hilarious! haha..
Okay, i still not sure what was it. But when reached home and went out from my car, i can smell some weird smell under my car. Damn! So I immediately splashed hose water on my wheels, fender and under the car. Thank god the carcass (whatever animal it was) was still fresh.

So the thing was either
a) Chicken
b) Puppy (due to it small size)
c) Cat
d) Snake (Already shatered)
e) Skunk

........... yeeeee..... yiksss...
but ok la at least u not u ram them 1...
its d pajero!!!
Let's call CSI or forensic to determine what was the animal that got rammed.
Good idea? hahahahaha......jk...jk...
.................. u can go ahead n do so...

but i think later those csi ppl smack kau u only...
this kinda thing cari them... they were train to solve d mystery thing...
n u ask them to solve this... kinda thing... what animal i ram into!!!
Sometimes must enjoy some of their delicate service ma.
Since every year we pay lots of tax. :)
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