coolest sticker

haha.. kev sure wil kena tapau lo...
n de time blacky de 1 whose cut ur nickname n stick on his 2RZ...
KeV-TEC said:
wahhah.. i got a better idea...
ill take ppl NICK!!!!
1st ill put is BLaCkHoWLiNG... then 1 line scratch at d middle... wahahah...
my i-VTEC tapau his 2RZ... muaahahaha.....
just joking, impossible la of cuz...
like this?

haiyo, you guys har, 2JZ lah, i don't have toyota also i know.
now BH want to "T" you all already
wtf?? = Want To Fuck?

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some1 sound already!!!
muahahha... dun worry..
after i tapau blackie ill open a thread in car talk there...
big big title... my i-vtec tapau blackhowling!!! WAHAHAHA

.......................... just joking la tai ko.. dun tapau me... me decent driver

Kev,after u kena tapaued by blackhowling....again and again and again and again in 1 day...dont know tapaued how many times....Hehehe:_:
bmw_m3 said:
i-vtec tapau 2JZ?

pigs fly? hehehe

bro hard to say 1 le...
who know on d road is damn jam n packed!!!
u know when jam can speed... so its all about zig zag n d line u choose
then maybe blackie not good in zig zag then i tapau him le!!
again.. blackie im joking only!!!
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BLaCkHoWLiNG said:
Kev,after u kena tapaued by blackhowling....again and again and again and again in 1 day...dont know tapaued how many times....Hehehe

till this situition...............
i think its better ill take public transport nowadays!!!
then he cannot tapau me.. sure his heart tak syok tak syok!!!
isk dalah tu........
dun say anymore liaw la...
its going over n over already
non stop... if like this im gonna be DEAD meat SOON man!!!
peace peace......
dun angry ar blackie taiko...
Kev : later blackie sit bus ask the bus driver tapau ur bus u sitting in.. hahahhaa
shit! never think bout sticking sticker like this. Good idea thu. I m thinking of dog, chicken, cat, iguana as i have rammed those animal before.
cat dog chicken iguana... all also kena before...
dude... u really keng chau la...
cat, dog, chicken and monitor lizard can easily found on roads if you use those trunk roads especially those in rural areas.
Once I did came across a snake crossing the road on Federal highway. Nearly roll over the snake.
Wonder where the snake sneaked out to the middle of the road in the city.
its kinda rare for me to c animal cross road...
dunno why...
nvr rammed any animal before...
got also those sudah kena rammed into pieces de... that lie on d ground....
KeV-TEC, biasa lar. City road and highway everywhere.
If you go to those kampung2 roads, sure got plenty of livestock for you to ram......hehehehe.......
ye... tak mau la...
nanti malam malam they come back for revenge how...
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