Beware Zthian Cops Cari Makan In Puasa!

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May 2, 2005
A small Town in
i hv tis incident was just happening on me today..

I go to Klang TELOKONG makan seafood with my girl and my group of frd..
i using Kesas highway to go when i reach the TELOKONG junction..i turn a sudden i notice infront of it..not far away tho ,hv a Road block..
so that i quickly break my car..slow down..
and stop infront of the COPS..
he stop me in haste..and ask me show him my ic..
so i follow watevershit he say...
then he ask me to come out..others sit in the car!

i was so Frustrater at that time..
the seafood restaurant was closing at 11pm..and now is 10.20pm..

ME: Apamasalah encik!
Cops:u tahu tak..apasah..u tengok depan ada roadblock u still tekan minyak!tak nak berhenti!
ME: saya ada berhenti..
Cops: mana ada..saya tengok u tak nak berhenti..nearly wan to bang me..
Cops:apamanada..berapa lama u drive..
me: abt 2 and the half year..i say
Cops: saya driving around nearly 6 yrs long compare to u..
i tengok u..tak nak henti!
( he acting himself like..full of shit exp..)
me: i got stun for a few sec..(he choking me tho it)
suddenly my frd come out from my car..and come to me..
so i tell my frd..say that he say i wanan bang him..
(maybe the cops suspect we are talking abt him)
cops:tak it!
afterthen he seem like..wanna caught something from my car..
(because my car were mod)
finally he found that..
Cops: ini exhauste ori ke?u tahu ini exhauste is illegal or not..(because my exhaused were mod)
Me: tak la..saya bypass many JPJ roadblock..oso no promble..
Cops: ya ke..(he feels that i am cheating him or sumthg)
Me: yala..(he seem like dun believe me)
Me: saya tinggal kat KL..every Sabtu oso got roadblock one.
and i repeat again..i bypass many JPJ roadblock..pun tak ada masalah..(i am taking bullshit to him)
cops: ya ke ..(he feels that i am cheating him or sumthg)
bywhile my frd come out ..and say..kita sudah lapar la..nak makan jor!
Apa Jadi Sekarang..dont waste our time!
the cops..feels like Ashame or being Frame like that...
and turn his body back..and say PERGI PERGI!

Bythen lucikly we reach there..they didnt close yet..
orelse i will blast the ass Cops up!

it is so show that him..wan to caught something on bribe..earn some pocket money!
and many fucking reason too!
its is so irretating..

SO BEWARE all Zthian..Drive Slowy..and safety..
dun let those ass earn our money!

:tee: :tee: :tee:
:tee: :tee: :tee:
:tee: :tee: :tee:
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I also noticed, there are lots of cops cari duit raya. Last time I went to Cyberjaya. Its not very common to see cops stopping by the road and making road block there. Luckily I drove slow that time. :D
tell u what..put a video cam in yr car...then if this shit happens get yr friend to flim what i do..but never seem to get any road block..hah
Happen to me once in 2003 raya.
I was new to KL area.
Don't know anything. Suddenly a traffic police stop me.
Then bring me to secluded area saying tat i have overtake in a double line.
i say didn't notice it as i was rushing to beat the traffic light.
Then as i was pulling out my wallet to get my license he took it from me and check my wallet.
I ask him he shouldn't do it. Then he say he can settle it if i pay duit kopi.
he just took the money from my wallet and left like that. i was in a shock.
This happen very fast. Luckily at that i just pump petrol to my van and he just took the ten buck that left in my wallet.

So zthians, Becareful as now police officer will be like robbers during this month
bro leinnz......cop are 100% can't touch our wallet. in this case .....u sudah "dilompak oleh polis" lah.....why not u made a report to polis!....
yupe...alot fake police rite when they want kopi duit, dun give the fuck lah.....just ask them give saman, coz saman can get offer mah....better that give them....
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