Ass driver BEW 4179 4 door EK

eg8...yea...i agree with those place u mentioned...stayed in those nearby those place before...was in wangsa maju last time..n study in subang...hahaha...
this happens everytime & everywhere and to everyone including me. i always kena cucuk by drivers who think their 'handling by lotus' cars can outhandle my old junk.
too many dick heads with their "still hot" drving license ard these days... & mostly in their "lotus tuned" vehicles so obviously they think that they can outhandle any other shit on the road. the best way is to wind down your window & signal to them to overtake.
399 said:
too many dick heads with their "still hot" drving license ard these days... & mostly in their "lotus tuned" vehicles so obviously they think that they can outhandle any other shit on the road. the best way is to wind down your window & signal to them to overtake.
or better still, put a sticker behind your car that says:

"no lotus handling, but how come i'm still in front of you?" :biggrin:
Whether it's "Lotus tuned"..."Honda tuned" ..."Proton tuned" ... always remember that the car is not at fault.

It's the person at the helm......
crower75 said:
Whether it's "Lotus tuned"..."Honda tuned" ..."Proton tuned" ... always remember that the car is not at fault.

It's the person at the helm......

"a car can only be as good as the driver"

399 said:
too many dick heads with their "still hot" drving license ard these days... & mostly in their "lotus tuned" vehicles so obviously they think that they can outhandle any other shit on the road. the best way is to wind down your window & signal to them to overtake.

enjoy a ciggerette and enjoy the rideeeee
donchichi said:
Does anyone of you guys know who the driver is? If you do try to put some sense into that puny little thing he/she calls a brain. BEW 4179 4 door EK

Almost smashed into my car after the U-turn at pyramid/LDP. Want to race bring it to the track. Ask the driver join the honda club and go for track day.

Generally for all of you, my car is slow, there is no need for any of you to come and make me listen/show me how fast your car is. If you really have the need to show me make sure I am at a safe distance. :)

Sorry fellas, just damn dissapointed with some idiots lately. Raya coming, they just looking to add to the accident figures is it? Not high enough? Had 2 damn close calls in 2 days.

I hear you bruder....i normal drive on mid lane also kena cium butt....this time Bimmer 328 lak...use to be honda EK turbo, then its an EG, then B8...what la..cant enjoy my car...BUT i do play play out of sheer madness once a while but make sure only 1am above...last i played was from Bukit Antarabangsa to Sunway with 3 cars...that time almost nyanyuk....most of the time at kesas but these days with the 14 days reprimend i thing i wanna change to Myvvi lah..hahaha..cheers all and drive safe...
donchichi said:
silver colour...

black.. if he was gay.. I don't think he'd drive so aggressively.. muahahahahaha...

vodka.. silver colour.. if I can remember clearly got wing on the rear.. not standard one..

EG8 this one sunway... haha.. but ya la sunway subang.. what's the diff.. Nowadays quite dangerous drive at night.. all the wannabe ricers racing here n there.. 'cilok mencilok' 'tiong meniong'

I think i need sticker on my car.. 'I dun wan to play' hehehe

Bro Don,

When ur gonna start mass producing those stickers

'i dun wan to play' or 'im a lover not a racer'

hehe....maybe before u like that, but now with what you have....must be running around most of da time.
harpoon said:

hehe....maybe before u like that, but now with what you have....must be running around most of da time.

i do believe the same thing... hehe...
skid, lets join us at nilai 3... haha
haaa..hattech want lead us to nilai now....
better follow him...
this guys goods while konvoi...90kmh oni...
but very fast when drag.....
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