Artistes ‘showing too much skin’

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Basil Basil

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Senior Member
Jul 19, 2006
THE attire of local artistes came under the spotlight again yesterday. Datuk Paduka Badruddin Amiruldin (BN-Jerai) expressed concern over the tight-fitting and skin-baring outfits that artistes wore these days, saying this did not reflect the Malaysian culture."The attire of some singers and actors seem to be made from insufficient material, exposing (skin) here and there, and they are too tight," he said. "Can the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim), Energy, Water and Communications Ministry, Information Ministry and the media discuss guidelines on dress code for the entertainment industry to suit Malaysian viewers?" he asked in a supplementary question.To this, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin said Jakim had already issued 40 guidelines for the entertainment industry based on Islamic values, which included a dress code.However, he said, these were just guidelines and action could not be taken against artistes who did not adhere to them.But, he added, artistes who went overboard could face action under Section 29 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997 (Act 559)."Anyone who goes against the syarak laws through immoral behaviour in public can be fined not more than RM1,000 or jailed up to six months, or both."
These umno/bn mp's has nothing else to think about than to pick on women and non issues. There are other crucial agenda that needs their attention but they are busy looking for faults with the fairer gender.........MCP!!

I guess this stupid MP wants the dangdut dancers,artiste and the whole entertainment industry doing their thing in baju kurung and tudung with veils huh?
hahaha another singer dun wan to hav sex wif them so this happened?
hahaha another singer dun wan to hav sex wif them so this happened?

of course la... who wants to f*ck an animal...

who screams like a gorilla in the parlimen n keep on banging the table...
as usual.. stupid shit like this from our gov.
Malaysian culture? WOW! Malaysia have a culture. woo hoo!
Sorry, that was meant to be outwardly sarcastic. In fact, malaysia does have it's very own wonderful culture. I'll try to list `em down.

- bribing.
- being a racist.
- being inconsiderate.
- being unfriendly.
- bla bla bla... in short, being farktards.

and oh... did I mention being a racist is also part of our culture?
To them skin is sin. hahaha. But hell, no skin, no money. I think we need more ninja performers or import burqa clad ladies performers to shut them up hahaha (sorry if this seems harsh). When TV1, which likes to hold tons of concerts every week, you think the female performers don't use sex appeal? After this they "should" come for those breast enhancement and sexual enhancement coffees advertisments thats loading the airwaves.

The best one i've seen so far is Ayu Zip V'Gin lotion. hahahaha. Take a guess what that does!!!
Do u guys think over G'man have mind like PAS?Both also same attitude nowadays
haih haih haih..... really hv nothing to do oni know complain how woman wear... i guess their wife outfit is ninja style....
But how come I get this feeling that their wife are just plain fat and ugly that even being naked in public won't get any attention at all. Perhaps that's why the govt start coming up with stupid comments and rulings. Yet, I am guessing that in the end, they'll say, "Ini negara islam. kalau tak suka, balik la"
balik where? kl?den ask them balik kampung la.. dun stay in kl? or?

ask de idiot where he came from..indon mayb..n its weird how such bold statement could be said atthe parliament n nothin happened? he can say but we cant say cuz if we say.. something bad gonna happen..n u can see how cetek de idiots brain n how does he become 1 of de parliament ppl?msia cant see dat? n he didnt learn history izzit? who opened up kuala lumpur?
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take a read of this in The Star paper, it reflects the narrow minded childish thinking capacity of these islamic authority.

“They asked to see our MyKad but one officer refused to touch the cards, referring to them as najis (unclean),”

“They put us in a tiny room and turned up the air-conditioner. I heard one officer tell the other: Bekulah dia orang (Let them freeze),”

"Siti Noor Idayu also said the male officers kept taking photographs of her,"

"I took the breathalyser test twice and when the reading remained at zero, the officers looked frustrated.
“I heard one tell the other: Tapi dia tak minum lah (But she did not drink),”

When contacted, JAIP director Datuk Jamry Sury said he was confident that his officers had not acted outside of their jurisdiction in issuing the notice. “According to Islamic laws, a Muslim woman is not allowed to serve or entertain a man who is not her husband in a place where immoral activities usually take place,” he said.

If this is the case then why the double standard? Prohibit all muslim women from the entertainment industry and use islam as the excuse la.

Sungguh memalukan agama,bangsa dan keluarga mereka. No wonder muslims wanting to get out of islam these days,cunt blame them though with all the stupid Islamic authorities thinking they are the muslim guardian.
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i jes cant stop laughing wei... these pple are like... damn sakai.. i bet u if u take their academic results from standard 1 all d way to form 3 (i m thinking they would have dropped out by then).. they are the top 3.. .from d bottom.. coz they always use their bottom to think...

y are they hassling these decent workers trying to earn a buck? imagine they do such things and push this poor girl to the edge by making her being dropped by the management and couldnt earn a single buck... she might jes end up selling her body...

who's d najis here? i've seen muslim gals in midvalley wearing far more revealing than her... y dont they go arrest them and put them in a freezer? wat gives them d right to treat others dis way? is it for him to judge whether she's guilty or not? it's d court's duty isnt it? y was she detained from midnite all d way to 10am? 'beku la dia'..and why was he taking pics? i believe all religions teaches its disciples or followers to do good and treat others fairly and well... this is with no respect and utterly disgusting.. summore curse pple saying using stained money.. i remember 1 case, there was a case whereby some enforcement officers chased some dogs into a couples house and straight away open fire.. wtf? saying d animals were haram.. .dude, haram or not, if u wanna follow d ways of religions (regardless of what religion it is).. all beings are creations of GOD... unless u r telling GOD he was wrong by creating dogs... in which u're trying to say he's wrong ... by doing so, u r disrespecting GOD.. so u ought to be shot!.. so? who's wrong?...

they act moral in the public but everyone know their real character many sexual scandal happen among the gomen? how many of u heard about the stories of desperate law enforcers request the victim to "Serve" them?

and even the so famouse cover news of the top gomen big shots having affairs with a hot babe and try to hide the affair by blewing ppl up?

if they are really that ecthical, stop the rape case and robbery.....
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THE attire of local artistes came under the spotlight again yesterday. Datuk Paduka Badruddin Amiruldin (BN-Jerai) expressed concern over the tight-fitting and skin-baring outfits that artistes wore these days, saying this did not reflect the Malaysian culture."The attire of some singers and actors seem to be made from insufficient material, exposing (skin) here and there, and they are too tight," he said. "Can the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim), Energy, Water and Communications Ministry, Information Ministry and the media discuss guidelines on dress code for the entertainment industry to suit Malaysian viewers?" he asked in a supplementary question.To this, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin said Jakim had already issued 40 guidelines for the entertainment industry based on Islamic values, which included a dress code.However, he said, these were just guidelines and action could not be taken against artistes who did not adhere to them.But, he added, artistes who went overboard could face action under Section 29 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997 (Act 559)."Anyone who goes against the syarak laws through immoral behaviour in public can be fined not more than RM1,000 or jailed up to six months, or both."

like all my malay friends always said must ask these Jakim fella especially with haji and datuk pangkat when see them "ada pernah kongket ka?":angry_smile:
Damn I Am Angry Today.... Those Bloody Gman Put This Topic In The Mosque.....

I Want Religion Not Politics Or Parliment Issues !!!!!
satria_95, we sure got culture, Bohsia damn famous mah.
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