Animals on the road

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Apr 25, 2005
Have you ever had any situation where theres a dog or cat trying to cross the road while you're driving? What happened if I hit it? Lets say I cant switch lane at that time then bang a mid-size dog. Will the car lose control? Anyone ever experience this? Just wondering cause I saw lots of these animals dead on the road.
if can dun hit them, they are innocent. if really cant avoid. then no choice lor.. cuz sometimes if we are in high speed, its dangerous to avoid something, ur car might loss balance.

brother u hit 1?

just applogize n pray..
Nope, never hit them. But I saw one dog was hit. Quite a big one and theres a lot of blood on the road. Kinda scary. I wonder what happened to the car.
see how fast the driver drove the car, but sure will dam a little.
hahaha i almost hit a dog for quite a few times already. Luckily every time there's no car behind so i brake kaw kaw
i hav an axperience when i was driving in terengganu.

i was driving my dad Odyssey at 80km/h with full load (7 ppl), then 1 cat ran across the road. I saw it, but no choice, can't avoid it, and then ---> Bang! Bang!, it hit by front tyre and rear tyre, 2 times, then terus 'kong kiao'...
just try to avoid them if possible....
imagine they scream out when you hit them... you wont sleep well at nite...
there was once i was driving my fren's car (old-ass land cruiser, damn kao high wan) in kepong going fast and then suddenly got 3 or 4 dogs jus ran across the road. couldn't swerve left/right cos car so bloody high and the road damn narrow, i think turn turtle or masuk hutan lor if i do tat so i jam brake kao kao. fren's tayar botak until besi alredy exposed. one of the stray dogs stoned there and didn't run like the others. tayar skidding and i jus closed my eyes. when the car stopped me n my fren quickly got down from the car but couldn't c the dog. checked under the car, it was rite there with its head under its paws SAFE AND SOUND... but scared as hell la... hehe so were we but that was definitely its lucky day... and ours too haha! holy shit....
IMHO, DO NOT make emergency lane switching or jam your brake if you saw a dag or cat jump out. Under those circumstances, you do not have sufficient time to judge whether next lane have any motorcyclist or driver. You want to hit the dog/cat or you want to harm other road user, you do the judgement.

I had the experience, I was cruising 50 - 60 KMH, a dog jump out, I jam the brake, turn the steering wheel to the other side (basic instinct), my car (WIRA) without ABS don't allow me to turn, I end up go straight all the way and hit the back side of the dog. And guess what, a Perdana at my back jam his brake and turn to the lane to avoid collision with my car.

I'm lucky that
1. the Perdana driver can react
2. there is no other car at next lane

or else my action will actually cause more damage or harm other road user. Sometime you just need to sacrify the animal.
pity those dogs... i think the best if u see animal strolling along the road, better slow down lo... u dont know whether the animal will suddenly jump out or not...
so far i havent hit any animals yet... lucky...
but the other day on my way to yumcha, saw a snake crossing the road... and its black in colour... lucky its in he middle of the road, or else mati dilenyetkan... haha...
BlackSamurai said:
IMHO, DO NOT make emergency lane switching or jam your brake if you saw a dag or cat jump out. Under those circumstances, you do not have sufficient time to judge whether next lane have any motorcyclist or driver. You want to hit the dog/cat or you want to harm other road user, you do the judgement.

I had the experience, I was cruising 50 - 60 KMH, a dog jump out, I jam the brake, turn the steering wheel to the other side (basic instinct), my car (WIRA) without ABS don't allow me to turn, I end up go straight all the way and hit the back side of the dog. And guess what, a Perdana at my back jam his brake and turn to the lane to avoid collision with my car.

I'm lucky that
1. the Perdana driver can react
2. there is no other car at next lane

or else my action will actually cause more damage or harm other road user. Sometime you just need to sacrify the animal.
I'm kinda disagree with you in this case :frown: Both are lifes... but the driver is in a vehicle, which protects him from harm :)

... Aiya just try not to speed in urban road... like in residential area... or near to food stalls/restaurants, as wandering cats or dogs might be around...

Oh well... that's me :rolleyes:
i understand some will not agree with my point, especially pet lover.
yes, both are living create, i'm trying to says that to minimize the damage.

the thing is you need to make the call.
1. kill others road user because of an animal?
2. did the road user did something wrong that he deserved to have such accident? No, it's the fault of the pet (or pet owner), not the driver.

if the dog is killed
1. max is the owner feel sad, 6 months later he/she will get new pet
2. max is the owner may sue you, but i think you can win the case easily.

if the other is hurt or kill
1. imagine the entire family income is rely on the driver die in the accident? unless you are rich enough to take care of the family the entire life. But I doubt you will do that even if you were that rich. You will rather pay for a better lawyer.
2. Prepare for court case that may drag for many years.
3. Your driving license may get suspended.
4. You killed someone!

just my 2 cents
i once saw a cat got run over by a bike (intentional i think). Damn thing was spraying blood from a gash near its chest/neck and was thrashing about like kena rasuk. So I think it's in a freaking lot of pain. Then a week later I saw the same cat, or what I think is the same cat, because it's got the gash around the same area. Man that thing was alive! That was 3-4 months ago, that fella still wonders about the same housing area.

Wonder how many lives it has left now...
last time i hit a dog and the dog survive...this because the dog stuck in my mesh grill and my bumper act like a scoop..and when i stop thecar...the dog still can walk and run..wooo damn scary and i need to pay RM60 for a new mesh drive slow when u r in the housing area or in dark places..
DO NOT DO EMERGENCY LANE SWITCHING.......juz brake...if can stop then stop...if cannot then juz try to avoid or juz hit....

most accidents happen because driver see animal then fast fast switch lane and make the car lost control n accident happen....

i hit few times....but only one time the car is died i guess...coz tat time i drive quite fast....2nd gear tarik....cant even realize there is a cat crosing d god...
the way i see it, animals were here before humans and we have encroached into their habitats. i mean some people know that tigers live in jungles yet they masuk and when they get bitten, they go back to hunt the beast. who's fault is it? a matter of who was here first lor. and as evolution would have it, they were here before us.

if at all possible try to avoid hitting them lah. people always claim they can do nothing if the fella jumps right in front of them. true also. however precautions can be taken. as some of you have mentioned, slow down whenever you see and animal at the side of the road. i've seen roadkills in housing areas as well and for this, i fault the driver. i mean in a housing area, it could just as easily have been a kid. then again, that's another issue lah with the parent.

i think that our natural reflex would be to swerve lah and end up the gutter or somewhere which is why people term it as an 'accident'. it's not like we always have time to react. i've read that some of you have the time to see the animal and think about your next course of action. i've never been there so i can't relate. normally my encounters involve them running out of nowhere.

then there are some dogs that have a deathwish also. for some reason, they are attracted to moving cars. can't understand what it is. mebbe they just like chasing anything that moves.
my friend hit a lamp post when he tried to avoid 2 dogs shagging on the middle of the road... he swerved, skidded on the grass road shoulder, then spun 180 degress hitting the lamp post.

haihz.. this thread reminded me of just few days back i driving to mayang and before turning into the road leading to the traffic lights of yuk chai skewl, there was this lil kitten laying on the road, paws in front of it.. On my lane!!!! i didn't see it until the last minute i quickly turn abit but no space at all to swerve.
the last thing i saw was the cat head turned to my direction, like very scared liddet.. and .. "Ku-duk" ... MAHAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII felt so fucking sinful after that although i know it was not my fault that it suddenly appear when the front car passed it. just kept praying in the car for the kitten.
i couldn't see weih! fuckkk.. aih. i fuckin' killed another life. it's still another life man.. avoid them if possible. but not until swerving to another lane.
kena once....memang cannot do anything...both also stunned...i didnt even got time to press the brake...jiokkk...hit the cat....i pray damn hard for the cat not to get stuck underneath my car...cos for some apparent reason...birds like to do kamikaze flight in front of my car...a few incident where i bang the incident the bird was stuck dead inside my grill...i didnt notice till it starts to rot...cibai 1 week aircon smell like shit...ahahahhahaha
huakenny said:
DO NOT DO EMERGENCY LANE SWITCHING.......juz brake...if can stop then stop...if cannot then juz try to avoid or juz hit....

i hit few times....but only one time the cat is died i guess...coz tat time i drive quite fast....2nd gear tarik....cant even realize there is a cat crosing d god...
Sigh... so you actually sacrifice them for sake of venting off your urge for speed?

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