After Drift Tt: 29th April 2005 (fri)

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mindysy said:
esca n windz...pls help me book 2 chairs...i scare syed ariff not enough chairs...i will go early oso...wahahahha

Bring ur own chair la...:P
I mab will join later...
U all finish wat time..??
kenzo mine is 012 3021448...

tonite gonna be damn banyak zth member at syed if everyone come.. hehehe .. tonite please someone bring digicam.. my digicam sista ambik pegi singapore aledi .. tonite's record of 10 table must record wan .. :D
erm..may i know wat happened between esca n ribena boy ar? my curiosity is killing me.. ;)
ei ei more me and ribena watever arr..they all set me up one ler!!

ka_ren>>hahhaa curiosity??? i tell u myself next time,later u get add sugar salt thing.not like wat u think of..i get set up for short.
HI guys,
how did the tt went? Wanna drop by after the TT but my fren needed to work today so send him home straight lor. so didn't drop by to say hi......:(
oh.. but i prefer sugar n spice added version haha.. anyway.. it's a good idea to hear from u 1st too.. k..remember to tell me ar..

my guess happened that day when ribena boy brought that 2 girls to tt.. then esca fell for one of the girls.. or both of them.. (i dunno) ;) n then duno wat happened... continue my story anyone?

n fstrader.. (i prefer to address u as uncle fred le) =) yes..i'm karen..thteh's gf.. nice to meet u
karen u got one wrong....esca din fall on the the opposite i guess.and windz they all set me up....

escaflowne said:
karen u got one wrong....esca din fall on the the opposite i guess.and windz they all set me up....


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... totally opposite.. how u got set up then?
hmm...this is interesting.. =p
sorry didn't get to join u guys... wasn't even at the OTS4 even. got so many things to do ler...

will try to catch up with u guys later!
karen, me not that old mar...muahahahhahahahahah

simon, remember my carpet ah? ekekekekkeke
yo bro, just wanna know the best price for the rp01, and wanna view it 1st, where's your chop shop? and quite interested with ur evo rega, pm me your chop shop area with ur no. k? thx
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