A Tale of a stolen car & its retrieval

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Helmet Clan
Mar 28, 2004
A forummer here sometime ago messaged me and asked me about the hoodlock that I was harping on about in some of the security chatter threads. I had a spare hoodlock so I offered to sell it to him at a discounted price.

I met up with the bloke and wow, he had a pretty awesome EG hatch and the minute he started speaking, it was non-stop VTec and "scared it'll be stolen" stories for a good 15 minutes before we carried out our transaction swap and went on our separate ways. I recommended to him to have it installed at CV Audio where I initially bought the hoodlock and so he did.

Just today I received this message from him :

Hi my car stolen... but found back... they cant open the bonnet because of the hood lock... lol... thank u

His worst nightmare really did happen - the car got stolen. Somehow he managed to find it back (trying to get the full story from him) and the bastards couldn't get the hood open.

So does the hood lock work? Yup.
Will it save you from getting the car stolen? Probably not.
Will it increase the chances of you finding your car? Definitely yes. Especially if you have a GPS system hidden somewhere in your engine bay.

Thought I'd share a good feel story today
I think it is not good to discuss it over the net. Else, the thief will know the trick to bypass the hood lock. Izso, I'll pm you
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A forummer here sometime ago messaged me and asked me about the hoodlock that I was harping on about in some of the security chatter threads. I had a spare hoodlock so I offered to sell it to him at a discounted price.

I met up with the bloke and wow, he had a pretty awesome EG hatch and the minute he started speaking, it was non-stop VTec and "scared it'll be stolen" stories for a good 15 minutes before we carried out our transaction swap and went on our separate ways. I recommended to him to have it installed at CV Audio where I initially bought the hoodlock and so he did.

Just today I received this message from him :

His worst nightmare really did happen - the car got stolen. Somehow he managed to find it back (trying to get the full story from him) and the bastards couldn't get the hood open.

So does the hood lock work? Yup.
Will it save you from getting the car stolen? Probably not.
Will it increase the chances of you finding your car? Definitely yes. Especially if you have a GPS system hidden somewhere in your engine bay.

Thought I'd share a good feel story today

Thanks for the idea. I am welding my hood shut right now :biggrin:.
Ehh..sounds interesting. Do you have a link for that particular thread?

I think it was just someone saying that they want to protect their car then I just discussed about the possible kits that can be installed, including the hoodlock.

I think it is not good to discuss it over the net. Else, the thief will know the trick to bypass the hood lock. Izso, I'll pm you

I've analyzed the kit and can't think of a way to bypass it without the hidden switch. It's open knowledge on what it does, just a matter of how well the installer installs it. A good alarm system is only as good as its installer.

Thanks for the idea. I am welding my hood shut right now :biggrin:.

That's actually a really good idea. So everytime you wanna service your car, you deshell it by releasing a couple of couplings and bolts, then the whole shell comes off the chassis. Extreme but it'll work! HAHAHA
Ha ha. Imagine everything you need to do, spark plugs, air filter, etc. Just drop the engine. While the engine is out, might as well clean it. So engine always clean :biggrin:
izso interested in the hood lock to..how much is it ah?
as a fellow EG Hatch owner... i can relate to his fears... it really is THAT fuggin scary... especially if ur in the honda circle in FB, ull read about Hondas being stolen on an almost daily basis... at one point 3 cars were stolen in Kuantan in the SAME DAY!

fuggin thieves...

the thief who was caught in a traffic jam on DUKE with a stolen EF and then later beaten to death really deserved it.. hopefully the 4 people they remanded gets off... been a couple of months already this case... no idea of the update. news story

a fellow EG Hatch owner oso got his car stolen....but not before trying to stop the thief and got rammed into by the thief... held on to the hood of the car for about 15 minutes and finally got thrown off and broke his leg...news story....although the thief was caught on a different case (larikan MPV plis) he never admitted to stealing my friends car even though my friend positively identified him... and his car has yet to be found

then theres also the case where a stolen car was spotted by a superbiker and when he followed the car, the thief inside pointed a gun at him...

seriously la... fug them thieves... i wanna take my car out oso i takut. surely have to park where i can see it. last time wanna sell some car thing oso, i was so worried that i actually asked to meet the potential buyer INSIDE a police station compound.


anyway Izso... care to share more about the hood lock thing? never heard of it...

how much to the hood lock,is it expensive?

izso interested in the hood lock to..how much is it ah?

The hoodlock I'm using is from Cheetah and bought for about RM300 thereabouts. I think it's cheaper nowadays. It basically is installed between the hood release cable and the hood lock in the front. Basically you need to trigger the hoodlock before you can pull the hood release inside your cabin. You hide the trigger switch so it'll make it difficult to open the hood. If you can't open the hood you can't access the battery, immobilizer, or anything you hide in there.

There's pros and cons to this hoodlock. I won't discuss the cons here though. The pros are pretty obvious - it won't be easy to access your hood.
Time to head to Izso's Auto for some DIYs. :biggrin:
Cheetah has stopped selling this product. Even contacted their Singapore branch. AFAIK, no one is selling this out in the open. Have to ask around. Some car accessories shop don't even know what you are talking about when you mention hood lock...they thought you want to them to repair your damage hood catch!
eh it's not my product. Belongs to Cheetah. I'm only recommending it to you guys

Bro. SF probably asking you to open shop....hahaha:rofl:

Ya getting the product to get some lessons on how to install them :biggrin:
Maybe wait for izso to come out with his own hood look. Izso's Hood Lock solution.
Cheetah has stopped selling this product. Even contacted their Singapore branch. AFAIK, no one is selling this out in the open. Have to ask around. Some car accessories shop don't even know what you are talking about when you mention hood lock...they thought you want to them to repair your damage hood catch!

Interesting product!
Been searching from google and found one in Taiwan. Unfortunately not selling here :banghead:
Bad news for us.
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