2007 FORMULA 1™ Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix

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Black Mamba

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Nov 2, 2006
but the rain almost cancels out car manufacturer superioty ....nice to see the smaller teams up there as well....all things said n done....i think it was a really nice race.....


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
To be honest, i didn't think it was a good race. The rain, although must of the time can bring more fun to a race, this time it actually ruined the race. The first 14 laps was probably the most boring of all whereby the cars lined up behind the safety car. As the race proceeded, Hamilton showed the Mclaren's superiority in the rain by opening a pretty large gap and that was it. Ferrari showed a good comeback but was nowhere near Mclaren's pace in the rain, and almost snatching 2nd place from Renault. Great defending by Kovalainen. And then if you guys saw the last few corners whereby Massa and Kubica was dicing it out, that reminded me so much of the battle between Gilles Villeneuve and Rene Arnoux.

As for Alonso's retirement from the crash, i got to admit i was half relieved, though i'm a strong Mclaren fan. My preference to Hamilton now is probably due to the part he played in getting Mclaren stripped and fined. Now i hope he finishes behind Hamilton in the title race, but yet in front of Raikkonen. Rumours flying around that he might be considering Ferrari as his next destination. I'd say go to wherever he thinks he will have number 1 status. He should let his driving do the talking, not his fuckin mouth.


1,500 RPM
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Jul 2, 2004
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FIA communication failure cause the Ferrari's drivers as they fail to inform Ferrari that they MUST use the Extreme Weather condition tyre instead of the intermediate tyre.

or FIA want Lewis to be the WC this year?


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
I guess FIA just wants to even out Ferrari after they gave Mclaren a world record fine. Haha.

Seriously, Ferrari screwed up their races big time by apparently not receiving the instruction to use extreme wet tyres. They were the only one that received the email late. I think its not right to blame the FIA coz everyone else received it, except for Ferrari. So its just too bad.


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May 5, 2006
they were that slow in receiving instructions?..
no wonder others can steal their data...


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007

Karma's coming back to bite them in their arse. In my opinion, Ferrari deserved it after the FIA witch-hunt they pulled on McLaren.

It was a wild and dangerous race and a whole bunch of drivers complained afterwards that the race should have been cancelled.

The most unfortunate guy has to be Mark Webber. He was so pissed, he threw the steering wheel past the nose of his wrecked car. Just read about what he said about Vettel......LOL :-

Formula 1 : News WEBBER - F1-Live.com


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
Mr Luca still insist Mclaren should be banned from the drivers title altogether. Somehow i feel Ferrari likes to win cheaply. They keep insisting something in Mclaren's car belong to Ferrari and that they've gotten performance gain out of it.

Ferrari should just concentrate on next year's challenge instead of whining and harping over the spygate scandal.

Rumours flying around that Todt and Luca's relationship is pretty strained.


1,500 RPM
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Jul 2, 2004
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you won't like it if somebody steal ur data and use it for thier advantage. Imagine someone steal ur project and submit it as his own, won't u be happy about it? :)

I'm a Mclaren supporter. :)


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
By the way, the FIA did not nail McLaren just because Couglan was in possession of Ferrari info. They nailed McLaren because their drivers were discussing technical info of the red cars. Such things are very much part of the F1 landscape since the competition started. It's nothing unique. People talk about other people's cars all the time. Some paper pushing f**k at the FIA wanted to appear to be politically correct.

If Ferrari have an axe to grind, it is not as though Maranello never engaged in info-gathering themselves. Back in the 70s, Harvey Postlewaite (Ferrari technical director) engineered a break-in into a competitor's garage to measure the cars.

So Ferrari and Luca Montezemolo can get off their moral high-horse.

As far as I am concerned, it's the pot calling the kettle 'black'.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 20, 2005
a race is a race. race teams would do anything to get the upper hand in order to win.

whoever in Ferari situations would have done same.

Ferrari was prevented from winning when FIA introduced different method of qualifying, one set of tyres per race and such. all that was done to prevent Ferrari from winning. Ferrari's win of the contructor and driver's title from year 2000 to 2004 is due to their perfect strategy all time.

FIA is totally corrupted.

anyway, Hamilton will surely be crowned the youngest F1 champion. and the best thing is the current holder happens to be Alonso pulak!

wakakaka... nice try Ferrari, at least they've done their best and gave the stiffest competitions. and they have beaten Renault after being non performing in year 05/06.


5,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2004
Looks like McLaren maybe shafted by the FIA yet again. They're investigating Hamilton's involvement in the Webber-Vettel collision. Says that Hammy maybe the one who caused it.

Hamilton maybe penalised 10 places for the upcoming GP or maybe get points deducted via time penalty or have his win in Japan stripped away. Bummer.


1,500 RPM
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Jul 2, 2004
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If hamilton's point in Jp GP being stripped, this Chinese GP will more exicting as this will be 3 way battle of Hamilton, Alonso and Kimi. Maybe Massa will join in too. :)

But i doubt that will happen, as the Steward already closed the case once until some JP F1 fan upload the video to youTube that show clearly that Hamilton slow till the extent that it alomost stand still. So the FIA cannot say that will be no enough evidence but to proceed with the investigation.


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May 5, 2006
lets just say FIA wants to keep the title fight open till Brazil...


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May 5, 2006
F1.com says:

Hamilton under investigation over Japan driving

Formula One stewards in Shanghai are examining new evidence concerning Lewis Hamilton’s driving behind the safety car in last weekend’s rain-swept Japanese Grand Prix.

The McLaren star was leading the pack awaiting a restart when the two cars immediately behind him - Mark Webber’s Red Bull and Sebastian Vettel’s Toro Rosso - collided, putting both out of the race.

Webber and Vettel both hinted that erratic driving from Hamilton had played a role in their shunt. Video footage is understood to show the championship leader moving to the right of the track and slowing immediately prior to the accident, in which Vettel ran into the back of Webber's car.

"It definitely contributed to Sebastian hitting me up the back because he (Hamilton) wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing (behind the safety car), clearly," Webber told Thursday’s FIA press conference in China.

Vettel was penalised for his part in the accident and is due to drop ten places on the grid for Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix. “As a human being you react to movement," he said on Thursday. "I saw Lewis move far to the right and thought he was coming to a stop... I obviously did not plan to ruin both of our races."

Prior to the incident, Hamilton had radioed his team to ask them to tell Red Bull to get Webber to drop back, as he felt the safety car was struggling to keep ahead of the pack in the difficult conditions.

“When we were behind the second safety car, I was constantly on the radio to my engineers to tell the Red Bull team to get Mark (Webber) to make a little more of a gap because I couldn’t go any faster because the pace car was in front of me, so I was trying to keep the distance with him and then I’d move over because I couldn’t see Mark and then he’d just appear alongside me, so he kept out-braking himself. I felt something was going to happen, and I guess my instincts told me right.”

Asked after the race about his apparently erratic driving behind the safety car, Hamilton said: “That wasn’t really the case - we just needed to keep the heat in the brakes. I was running quite a hard compound of brakes, so if I did light braking, I would have glazed the brakes. So I was making sure there was a little bit of a gap, maximising the gap that you’re allowed, and use it to my benefit. It was tough because Mark behind me was just too close, and all of a sudden he braked really hard.”

Stewards are expected to reconvene on Friday afternoon in Shanghai to reach a verdict on the matter.


5,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2004
Massa is mathematically out of it, regardless of what happens, so you can count him out. 27 points gap so sorry, not enough points for him to collect even if Kimi, Alonso and Hamilton all dropped dead.

As for Kimi, he's 17 pts behind and will need some catastrophic events to fall on both McLarens in the 2 next GPs to be in with a chance. How likely do you think that is?

Nope, the only one who will benefit if the FIA penalise Hamilton, will be Fernando Alonso and I seriously would not like to see him become Champion this year. As far as I'm concerned, Hamilton has outshone him throughout most of the season and is the deserving winner.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
This new enquiry on Hammy is plain stupid. Wonder why would they wanna penalise him for braking real hard. Webber came up real close to Hammy and braked real hard too. Shouldn't he be penalised for ruining his own race. I'd say its a failed attempt to bring more intense moments to the current F1 season. BTW, Webber tried to follow real close to Hammy simply because he thought he could get a good tow and overtake Hammy on the straights. In other words, he just wanted to stick real close to Hammy, and obviously it backfired on him. He's a victim of his own undoing, though it was a cheeky move by Hammy.

I'm with you that Hammy deserves to the world champion more than Alonso and everyone else. Alonso tried to play politics to win his way to be the preferred driver. He failed badly and made everyone in the F1 circle lose respect to him


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May 5, 2006
F1.com says:

No penalty for Hamilton over Japanese Grand Prix
And Vettel has China grid penalty annulled

Formula One stewards have chosen NOT to penalise McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton after an enquiry into his driving behind the safety car in last weekend’s Japanese Grand Prix.

The investigation followed suggestions that erratic driving by Hamilton had been responsible for Toro Rosso’s Sebastian Vettel crashing into the rear of Mark Webber’s Red Bull. Webber and Vettel were running second and third behind Hamilton at the time and both were eliminated in the incident.

Vettel was initially blamed for the shunt and was given a ten-place grid penalty for this weekend's Chinese Grand Prix as a result. However, after hearing evidence from all three drivers, and in light of the unusually severe weather conditions at the time of the accident, the stewards decided that sanctions were not appropriate and reduced Vettel's punishment to a reprimand.

Friday's decision means Hamilton could wrap up the 2007 drivers’ title in China on Sunday.:driver:

boy dtn

Known Member
Senior Member
Feb 8, 2007
all the best for the team rider..exspecially merc and ferrari and bmw petronas


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
I have a feeling Raikkonen would probably win the Chinese GP and Hammy would probably need to finish with some points in Brazil to win it.

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