12th Jan 2007 TTT

Anyone been on operating table before? This was my first. hahaha. They had to paralyse half my body to operate. So i was awake the whole time. And shit, you know what was going in my mind then? *Warning dirty mind ahead* If i was at that situation again, i was i wasn't under the scaple, buy have tons of big hot mamas humping away on me in a single file all night long! hahahaha. Some more no feeling, if suffer abrasion or multiple ***********s also like nobody business. hahaha. One week without looking at porn before operation, like this la. hahaha.

the nurses is either too cun or too scary you need to go to imagination mode!!!!

been there once ler.. for "sunat"...AAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!

sham become PRC king liao....muahhaha
sham, mike n blackhowling all dirty minded, full of porno.
prc king title shud be rewarded to blackie cause he alwis wants it.. deep down in his heart he shy onli to admit but he wans it wan.. no worries la u can have de title PRC king la blackie.. and yr AR skill is much better la.. HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

wahhh.. sorry to hear wat has happened man.. hope u recover well soon.. ehheehehehe!

Nowadays no time to do report la.. after TTT session only sabtu got meeting ad-hoc with sales team and then had to look at operational work for shipment cargo.. where got time brother mau duduk buat report.. ekekekeekekeke!! ask netmatrix or prc king blackie do la.. wahahahahahahahaahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Aiyah kena poke by guru besar liao. hahaha. Ok lah i make super short report now.



We opened up 2 tables, ordered only 1 round of drinks! Yolk came with rich man's car, shamburke cam with Kriss, someones 7A already run in and just waiting for further tuning, trd16v is MBA (Married But Available). Lastly the weather just came down hard and we cabut about 10.30pm.

I think this TTT is too brief and nothing to see. No PRC, no car clubs, no nothing. Syed Ariff owners also changed. Is the food still ok? I saw a plate of limp sotong on the table.

Is it time to change TTT places?
shamburke said:
change place????

where???? near dharul-ehsan!!!! SS15????


SS15 - alot of road blocks
dharul sallam? no parking

sri aman... lots of parking!!!!

maybe .. coincide with estima group!!! better!!! must find the GB ler!!!

if you coming down from damansara using NKVE towards subang toll... its on your left!!!! the inside road... going to "baywatch"!!!! heheheeee..

but to go there you need to use LDP to kelana jaya and turn left after or before ar...the st ignatius church...and just follow through until you reach that area!!

Sri Aman sounds ok to me.. wat abt de rest of the team? Let's show the support guys! heheheheehehe!

The owner changed and also food not so good d.. de sotong also dun feel crunchy and it taste more like chewing gum.. aiiihhhhhhhh... wasting money oredi.. but takpe la wat to do duno mah.. tot still cun wan.. nabeh leh! eheheheheehehehe!

sri aman sure ok with mike la.. coz he knows 2 rumah uruts there
PRC King talking liao....ahahhaha
erm....sri aman....not really sure la.
so is turn in b4 or after the church?
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