Selamat Hari Raya...


Junior Member
Senior Member
Apr 14, 2005
Going to a meeting at KL from Johore.
Cruising on the right lane.
Car change lane in front from middle lane. (5 meter in front i guess)
Hit brake.
Car hit the bumper and then spin (2 times).
End up into the drain.

All survived.
Thank god i'm still alive.


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oh goodness, thank God u r safe and sound bro...

sad la bro to see your car. :(
Yup..sad la of killing the second wife..I wonder can repair or not..
Car towed from Seremban to the panel workshop at JB..

Will update more.

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Yup..sad la of killing the second wife..I wonder can repair or not..
Car towed from Seremban to the panel workshop at JB..

Will update more when then.


my heart ached when i saw the photos of the accident

i think it can be fixed. but to how extend your chasis lari i'm not sure
bro.. sorry to hear about this. the pics are really heartbreaking. banyakkan bersabar..

the rear looks kinda bad. hope the repair turns out well ..
damn.....just thank god that ure alright bro...yeah..its sad to see ur car like least ure ok....
i know its cliche, but the important thing is that you're safe and no other vehicles or people were involved in the accident.

you can fix a broken car, but you cant fix a life.

hope all is well, and hopefully the insurance claims come in quick.
Ya..i'm ok :wavey: thanks guys.
Now just waiting for the insurance la..Probably > 2 months kot or 3..

After the accident, I'm a bit blurred. Took me around 10 mins juga lah to get out of the car..
My vision blurred and I wondered..aku ni da mati ke..rupenye i lost my glasses and its at the left side of the seat..

Still blurred..then come the call man..offering me to tow the car to the nearest police station..they said that if PLUS tow the car..they will tow it until the toll gate je..

Then i pun agree ler..i pass my key..

Then that guy fetch me to the nearest police station..
Do my report..take me around 3 hours jugak to do the queue and of course the karangan..

Waiting and waiting..then i can see my car in front of the police station..Relief la least shes there walaupun badly injured..

After getting the policemen to sign my report..then i look back at my car..aih? da hilang?
I run la twards the call man..asking what happen? he said that the car has been towed to their workshop..I wonder since when i give permission to tow her to his workshop..

Then the argument started..

Since i've called the panel of mutiara motor and of course I want that car to be fixed there..I've ask them to tow back the car to the police station..They refuse..katenye kos..

They ask me RM600 to release the car..or..just repair at their workshop..

Haih..I really don't know about this..rase macam kene tipu pun ade..
Rase macam nak buat second report that I lost my car pun ade..
They should at least let me sign whatever document to allow them to tow my car to their workshop..What they've said..That i've given my key..and that's the agreement..

Since I don't want to wait for another 3 hours to do another report.. I try to settle with them.

I called my panel workshop and agreed to pay them for that amount..
Fiuhh..coz I no need to pay money..tapi still..feels stupid la..

Then the workshop appoint some tow truck to tow my car to JB..

What i've learned

Do not give your car key..No use pun the car key..the car cannot move pun..
If can should ask someone to drive your car to the nearest police station..then keep the key..

Do not give any docs..grant copy slip..if you don't want to appoint them as your workshop..If you want..different story la..

Call some friend for help..coz you still in shocked and you cannot think wisely..<< This is for me :stupid:

For me..easier to do the restoration at JB since i'm close there..every week can see..
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Nadzree, thats the way tow truck guys make money and "blackmail" you into paying them exuberant amounts.

The best thing is if you know people working in the tow-truck trade, get them to send someone over.
Or if you have a workshop you plan to send it to, give them a call and have them send a tow-truck.

Sure you'll probably need to wait at the scene for a longer time, but its better to have your car in the safe hands of someone you can trust instead of some random tow-truck from God knows where... besides, you have 24-hours to file the report.

At the end of the day, its a good thing everythings settled. Hope all is well, and dont be too disheartened by the situation.
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Shocking news Nadzree. Take care

You have no chance to meet her at all kan :embarassed:

Nadzree, thats the way tow truck guys make money and "blackmail" you into paying them exuberant amounts.

The best thing is if you know people working in the tow-truck trade, get them to send someone over.
Or if you have a workshop you plan to send it to, give them a call and have them send a tow-truck.

Sure you'll probably need to wait at the scene for a longer time, but its better to have your car in the safe hands of someone you can trust instead of some random tow-truck from God knows where... besides, you have 24-hours to file the report.

At the end of the day, its a good thing everythings settled. Hope all is well, and dont be too disheartened by the situation.
Yup..lesson learned..

sadly your case is not unique and it had happened to a lot of people.

perhaps if you use the plus towing service the story could be different
Those towing guys are b*tch ! Ppl already sad with their car stil wan to kantoi ppl's money.

Hope everything will be ok soon .. Good luck bro..
They only care bout your money...

---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------

and the money that they are getting..
Sorry to see the car like that but the most important thing is you walked away safely. Car can be fixed/bought again. You only get one life though.
Its pretty sad that these "vultures" take advantage of you when you are at the most vulnerable. I also find it somewhat disturbing that they can arrive at the scene a lot faster than the police or paramedics!
I also find it somewhat disturbing that they can arrive at the scene a lot faster than the police or paramedics!

well theres only about 200,000 of them out on the streets.... while we probably have 20 police cars actually PATROLLING...

so its no wonder they appear before the cops.
Bro, thank god you are fine. That is the main thing. What was the Weather condition on the day of the incident? raining?. The safest wat to avoid the call men / 'tarik kereta' is to tell tham that you have a tow truck on the way already and do not allow anybody to retain your kar key.
Thanks for all advice..

Bro, thank god you are fine. That is the main thing. What was the Weather condition on the day of the incident? raining?. The safest wat to avoid the call men / 'tarik kereta' is to tell tham that you have a tow truck on the way already and do not allow anybody to retain your kar key.

Its hot and dry..Takde hujan takde ribut..But still langgar..huhu..

Attached is the latest picture from the workshop.
Anybody ever heard of ? Please give feedback about them.

Thanks again..


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I thought this thread had something to do with Raya. Damn.. those pics are really painful man.

On a highway, when shit happens, its always better to get your own tow truck, and bring the car to your own mechanic. Some of these fellas are gang bangers, so avoid them. Most car insurance companies provide emergency tow truck assistance free of charge (up to a certain radius), so in times of need, they could come very handy. Keep their no's.

Anyway, good to know you are okay. The festive period is coming soon, so cheer up!!

PS : I just got my FB acc started and I've added most of you guys... haha!! Cheers!!

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