EXEDY Semi Racing Clutch


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Jun 20, 2005
Koala Loompour
Just to share my 2 sen and need someone here who might be facing this problem as mine n how to troubleshoot this minor problem..

Im using a semi racing exedy clutch about 1month plus now for my proton 1.8.. Ive baught a semi racing clutch plate and semi racing disc. its not 3 pucks disc but its racing organic disc. Reason why ive pick organic disc instead of 3 pucks simply because ive faced alot of traffic everyday, n i just cant stand the jerkiness of pucks disc. This is my only car so organic disc is much more forgiving for a daily usage for me. But let me tell its the pain in the butt to find this racing organic plate in the market now so most of the shops in Sunway does not even know about its existence. :stupid:

Performance wise is acceptable for cars that is below 170hp (fyi my car is not even 120hp).. eliminates much clutch slip compare to my previous 3 years stock oem exedy clutch. Tested in track once and it seems to handle the beating from my fairly stock NA engine. :driver:

OK Heres a small problem ive been facing..
I notice especially in the morning.. as im about to reverse out from my place onto a uphill, when i was playing with the clutch then slowly i can hear theres a 'rotary' grinding sound from the clutch appear... its like... "vvvrrrrrrrrrr....vrrrrrrr..." followed by slight vibration at the clutch pedal.. its not the gear crunching sound as my gear is already all engage in reverse position.. but once i start moving from 1st gear n onwards theres no more that irritating "vrrr.." sound..:hmmmm:

i hope some of u guys here might know whats the problem.. much appreciated the inputs:adore:
Most likely the clutch bearing. Did you replace it when you swapped clutches?
owh forget to mention.. yea ive changed the clutch bearing and seal as well lightweight redline clutch oil...
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its not normal... if a clutch is grip.... it will have very slight vibration when you half clutch it at load (hills or slow movements)
its not normal... if a clutch is grip.... it will have very slight vibration when you half clutch it at load (hills or slow movements)

i was told its the way u control your accelerator... oh well... im having the same problem... especially in traffic jams. if there's no jam, my 1st gear is all good.

perhaps i'm not 100% used to it yet.
is it?? but guys on some occasion after the problem arise the one thing that worries me, it always followed by a lightly burnt smell... only for like a minute then it will be back to normal state... damn scary la.. worry by the time i can rectify the problem its already too late... :bawling:
Last time i use 3 pluck also got sound but not vrr..vrrr sound.. is yik...yik.. sound. Now change to Trinity also the same.
hmmm burn smell? i havent encounter that. for me, it just shudders (vibrate) at times when there is load. (i.e. on hill/slope) but i was told its my driving style, cuz i was too used to oem clutch which is soft, so i tend to release the accel too fast. either its just me, or i'm having a problem too.

correct me if im wrong...
the shuddering feel is quite normal i suppose for racing clutch cuz it tends to do that as its the characteristic of the clutch.. i dunno this feeling its just abit worrying cuz its a rotary grinding felling.. its not those shudder jerking which is very much normal for racing clutch.. may i know wat type clutch u using now arrowhead?
those grinding sound came from your flywheel surface which is not even or worn.... but it wont do much harm
owh ic.. but b4 i changed from the oem it was smooth as out from the factory.. does the racing clutch causing all this grinding..? afraid it might shave off my flywheel in no time.. ofcourse it will but was hoping its not as fast as this.
try to readjust ur clutch paddle to press longer..:hmmmm:
senang cite panjang kan skit clutch..
if readjust ok maybe problem cos from uneven surface..
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