Speeding Cut Off

my camera do not have flash light.. if not can snap a photo to show u.
Btw, most of my fren had removed that rubber.. and they said is work. : )

I think they already removed on the latest model.
i think can, just as accessories, speed meter only can be use at injection car, rite??

hahaha... dun knoe who got that kind of inteligent idea to put it...hahaha...

Carb car no fuel cut la...FYI...
So the carb no whatsoever cut at all eh?

nope...just there is no more fuel for u to got or GB ratio no more liao...max...hehe...
eh....got.. prepare to buy halfcut...coz over ramp..engine blow liao....hahahahaha...joking onli.. no harm...
u can hit the paddle through the firewall but car still there..
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