Perdana Issue:Need Advise


Junior Member
Jan 15, 2011
Hye guys,

My friends ask me about his Perdana V6 (Auto)...The problem start last month which is when he drive the shifting from gear 2 to gear 3 cannot be done..the gear will be "free" automatically...then he took the car to workshop some near in Kelantan.After that the prob solved but the new headache come which is everyday in the morning the car "tak boleh jalan" after start the engine and shift the gear.Need to "panaskan engine" for 20 to 30 minute then the car can move...

Hope you all can give opinion what exactly is going on with his car.

thats the problem with perdana auto tranny.
so for now, your gearbox has already kong. time to get a replacement.
recond gearbox + workmanship + trade in old gearbox - RM1.6-1.8k.
service valve body (this causes the problem) rm800
but not guaranteed

if manual rm2.3-6k, depending on codes & lsd or non lsd.
comes with full set.

RVR halfcut Rm5-6k
6a12TT halfcut 6-7k
RS version RM7-8k
swap 6a12tt full set rm4-5k - have to nego with owner, upgrading to 4G63T

evo1-3 RM7-9k depends u take with or without bodypart.
Sounds like epic case for perdana...
One of my boss gearbox kong out the other day.... His is not V6 though... He had his gearbox fully rebuilt. They AT specialist replaced everything. Seals, clutches etc.. Basically strip everything apart and rebuilt it. Not sure if they actually replace the gears itself... costed him RM 2.5k... More costly than a 2nd hand unit but damn reliable... At least everything now is new and no need to worry about when si the next breakdown...

And yeah, perdana's gearbox requires oil cooler but it doesn;t come as a standard. Only newer models have them factory fitted...
i punye kete thn 1999..perdana V6....xpernah ade masalah dgn gearbox...pls service ur gearbox according in manual jln jauh 1 bulan sekali tukar laa gearbox oil...
tp kalau suke bawak laju2..better tukar pakai manual transmission....laaa...cuma sape2 pakai auto di nasihatkan pakai engine evo3....boleh pakai pickup pon lebih.....bcoz merc or bmw pon x boleh nak kejar perdana evo3 nie....hehehehe.....

6a12tt also can catch & overtake evo3.
i punye kete thn 1999..perdana V6....xpernah ade masalah dgn gearbox...pls service ur gearbox according in manual jln jauh 1 bulan sekali tukar laa gearbox oil...
tp kalau suke bawak laju2..better tukar pakai manual transmission....laaa...cuma sape2 pakai auto di nasihatkan pakai engine evo3....boleh pakai pickup pon lebih.....bcoz merc or bmw pon x boleh nak kejar perdana evo3 nie....hehehehe.....

Haha... 6 cyl to 4 cyl sounds like a downgrade la... If i got perdana... If la.. I would plonk in 6A12 MIVEC, 6A12TT or 6A13... Hahaha... Highway king.... But no money to maintain V6 T.T

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:02 PM ----------

OMG I thought of another idea... 6A12TT swap MIVEC head....

Press pedal... Silent (engine raising)... Whine (Turbine spool up)... Swooosh (gush of torque).... PRAAAANGGGG (MIVEC Opens!!!).... Kepish!!! (BOV breathes)...

OMG I can cum....
xpe ar....aku x reti ckp bahsa cam ner nak terangkan....aku sign out je la....bye2 semua....

---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

gearbox cooler its around rm350-450...try brands like hayden
pisang GTR.
halfcut pajero or merc ones bout rm150-160

new ones like hayden rm260-290.
SO expensive? In mudah got as low as 120... I think not necessary to go for the high brands one right? As at the end of the day, it is sort of a mini radiator... No moving parts, no excesive wear... No rocket technology.... Type oil cooler/atf cooler/gearbox cooler in mudah.... They have form RM 120 - 450.

The jasma one RM 190 don't know ori or not... haha...:biggrin:

Car Accessories & Parts for sale Malaysia: atf cooler -

Car Accessories & Parts for sale Malaysia: oil cooler -

Car Accessories & Parts for sale Malaysia: gearbox cooler -
thanks bro danz,veloc and mr dark angel... but is it really necessary?can it make the gearbox last longer?
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thanks bro danz,veloc and mr dark angel... but is it really necessary?can it make the gearbox last longer?

Not sure... Can ask those who have used it before...
But one thing is for sure... It can prevent overheating or gearbox in long hour runs... This is a big must especially if you need to always accelerate with high load such as uphill and at lower speeds when the torque converter doesn't lockup.
thanks bro danz,veloc and mr dark angel... but is it really necessary?can it make the gearbox last longer?

yes its neccessary, all this while perdana v6 from yr 99-end 02 without ATF cooler have problems due to ATF always overheat & causes the valve body to fail, in the end u will encounter gear shifting problems. thats why perdana 03 sept above area equipped with ATF.

again i suggest u get an ATF cooler with a fan infront.
thanks again sifu veloc and danz for the useful info...

No la Dude I'm no sifu... I don't even have perdana. Though I love to have one ^^. I just tell you experiences from my friend who owns perdana only... We learn together.

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

yes its neccessary, all this while perdana v6 from yr 99-end 02 without ATF cooler have problems due to ATF always overheat & causes the valve body to fail, in the end u will encounter gear shifting problems. thats why perdana 03 sept above area equipped with ATF.

again i suggest u get an ATF cooler with a fan infront.

Wow! Got such a ATF cooler? I though all are passive cooled... Then it is good la... Since I also heard of gearbox failing in traffic jams... The ones with fan should solve this...:biggrin:
my bro in law replaced with recond auto box in v6 last year.
yesterday already kong, cos previously i told him to use toyota ATF type 4 & pasang ATF cooler. but he didnt. so now kong again.

the cheapest way is to service the valve body.
remember to change ATF every 10-15k kms.
hi everyone,need ur advice...recently encounter some problem with my v6 gearbox....the gear will be "free" automatically while driving with an overdrive on....but its ok when turn off the overdrive...

Hope you all can give some advice before i send it to repair.
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